kuanghuei / SCAN

PyTorch source code for "Stacked Cross Attention for Image-Text Matching" (ECCV 2018)
Apache License 2.0
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About evaluation.py #23

Open idejie opened 4 years ago

idejie commented 4 years ago

evaluation.py line: 230

        print("rsum: %.1f" % (mean_metrics[10] * 6))
        print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[11])
        #  line232
        print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[12])

The mean_metrics is ( i2t R@1,i@5,R@10, medR, meanR, t2i R@1,i@5,R@10,medR, meanR, ar,ari, rsum )?

And Iline230: rsum should be mean_metrics[12]*5?

lt152 commented 3 months ago

I think this is mean_metrics[12]*5 ,too