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More careful treatment of TraditionalForm needed #15

Open vsht opened 4 years ago

vsht commented 4 years ago

In general, I would treat TraditionalForm output cells with more care. Some users (like myself), might have it enabled as a standard output format, so that every output cell is TraditionalForm by default. Here is another problematic cell (containing LinkObject) that is not treated properly in this setup

     LinkObject["8ueui_shm", 3, 1]],16,"FrontEndObject[LinkObject[\"8ueui_shm\", 3, 1]]",
    "16",FormBox["\"ElAel-ElAel.nb\"", TraditionalForm],FormBox[
    "\"/home/vs/Downloads/ExportFC/ElAel-ElAel.nb\"", TraditionalForm]},
   "NotebookObject"], TraditionalForm]], "Output",