kubasiatkowski / SCCMChoco

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Cannot add Chocolatey to SCCM? #3

Open theherodied opened 6 years ago

theherodied commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm seeing the following error when trying this. I'm running it from a Windows 10 Device connecting to SCCM 1802. Any ideas on what's wrong? Interestingly it creates the Chocalatey folder still.

PS SSS:> Add-SCCMChocoApplication -chocourl "https://chocolatey.org/packages/Firefox" -CMSiteCode "SSS" Checking if Chocolatey repository is configured: OK Checking if SCCM module is imported: OK Connecting to SCCM site: Already connected Checking SCCM Folder 'SSS:\Application\Chocolatey' OK Checking Chocolatey installer: Adding Chocolatey installer to SCCM WARNING: The maximum size of an icon is 250px X 250px. Failed Cannot add Chocolatey installer to SCCM At C:\choco\SCCMChoco.psm1:229 char:13


Thanks for this. It looks promising!

theherodied commented 6 years ago

It's the icon. I fiddled with it in GIMP and it's working now. I'll post another update when I figure out what change to the icon made it work.

I also had to add the command -IconsDir C:\choco\

jckbrown commented 6 years ago

What icon were you having to adjust?

theherodied commented 6 years ago

The chocolatey icon. It didn't like the size and the type of image if I remember correctly. I haven't had a chance to get back to it. It complained about it being a few pixels to large.

jckbrown commented 6 years ago

Would it be possible for you to share the corrected image? And to confirm you just placed it in the powershell module folder for it to run correctly.


theherodied commented 6 years ago

I used this switch on the end -IconsDir C:\choco\ All I did was place the modified image in the above directory. I ended up tweaking the image to 240x240 which probably doesn't need to be that small. Also had to change it to ico from png I believe.

The error I was getting is WARNING: The maximum size of an icon is 250px X 250px.


jckbrown commented 6 years ago

THANK YOU!!! Worked perfectly!!!