kubasiatkowski / SCCMChoco

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Issue with icons #7

Open Jensenj010 opened 6 years ago

Jensenj010 commented 6 years ago

This is an amazing bit of code, let me say, and has saved me many hours and frustrations. Thank you!

I am having an issue with certain packages, and I believe its related to icons. Rarely, a package (take Evernote for example) will spit back at me something like this:

Checking Chocolatey installer: OK Preparing icon: couldn't prepare icon, using default one: \SCCM\packages$\Applications\icons\chocolatey.ico Please update icon manually using SCCM console Adding evernote to SCCM Applications WARNING: The maximum size of an icon is 250px X 250px. New-CMApplication : Validation of input parameters failed. Cannot continue. At C:\Users\jensenj\Desktop\Software Center Import\SCCMChoco\PowerShellModule\SCCMChoco.psm1:315 char:18

$CMapp = New-CMApplication @CMAppParams CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (Microsoft.Confi...licationCommand:NewApplicationCommand) [New-CMApplication], InvalidOperationException FullyQualifiedErrorId :


This is followed by errors on every remaining step, presumably because it fails the bit of validation above. Has anyone faced this and come up with a solution? I've fiddled with the script a bit, but haven't made any headway.