kube-aws / kube-spot-termination-notice-handler

A Kubernetes DaemonSet to gracefully delete pods 2 minutes before an EC2 Spot Instance gets terminated
Apache License 2.0
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Discussion: how many kubernetes versions should we support directly? #23

Open egeland opened 5 years ago

egeland commented 5 years ago

As we generate images based both on the kubectl version (directly tied to the Kubernetes release version) and the version of this tool, we need to decide how many versions of Kubernetes we should support. I mean the MINOR version numbers - so, for example, LATEST is currently 1.13.4, LATEST-1 is 1.12.6 - at time of writing.

My suggestion is to support LATEST, LATEST-1, LATEST-2 at their highest PATCH version level.

This would involve creating version branches for the MINOR k8s, and applying tags in these branches, after backporting new features. We would create branches 1.13, 1.12, and 1.11 and figure out the easiest way to port changes to them.


egeland commented 5 years ago

For example, what other versions should actually be included in #22 ?

mumoshu commented 5 years ago

A few notes:

mumoshu commented 5 years ago

That being said, can we safely use the oldest possible kubectl and only release one docker image per the project version, not per kubectl?

If I remember correctly, I think it was me who introduced the current versioning scheme for kube-spot-termination-notice-handler? Shamelessly throwing away my previous decisions and habits, can we just start from a semver 1.0.0 PLUS the rule to use the oldest supported kubectl ver, which will result in tags like the followings?

egeland commented 5 years ago

It was me that introduced the current naming, I think.. 😉

Happy to switch to a semver scheme like you propose. To clarify, we will only generate one image, being for the "oldest supported kubectl" (1.10.x at time of writing).

Version increments
