kube-reporting / metering-operator

The Metering Operator is responsible for collecting metrics and other information about what's happening in a Kubernetes cluster, and providing a way to create reports on the collected data.
Apache License 2.0
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support Google Billing information #280

Open theRealWardo opened 6 years ago

theRealWardo commented 6 years ago

I like that this project seems to share examples for how to bring in AWS billing info, but we also run services on Google Cloud. It would be very useful to be able to have an integration with their billing system as well.

I worry that the billing data from Google is not as granular as the data that Amazon provides. There's a chance that labels could be added to give better insights, but I've got to dig in a bit more to figure out if it works.

A couple relevant links for the curious:

chancez commented 6 years ago

This is something we would definitely like to eventually support. From what I remember researching, google does export the data in a similar way to how amazon does, so wiring things up to have access to a GCS bucket should be similar.