kube-reporting / metering-operator

The Metering Operator is responsible for collecting metrics and other information about what's happening in a Kubernetes cluster, and providing a way to create reports on the collected data.
Apache License 2.0
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Ability to specify helmchart version in operator #639

Open jaxxstorm opened 5 years ago

jaxxstorm commented 5 years ago

I previously installed this in a cluster, and everything was working. I went to install it on another cluster today, using the exact same metering config, and found it broken due to prometheusCAFile being set by default, but not populated as a secret.

This seems to have been caused by https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-metering/commit/9f246704a16b6176aa0791ae443aed265ff60f9b which is absolutely fine - but it occurred to me - the helm charts will continuously change and evolve and I don't always know if the changes are working in my cluster.

Is it possible to specify an underlying helm chart in my metering config, so I can get known good releases with each installation?

chancez commented 5 years ago

If you use an actual tagged version it's pinned at that version. The chart is in the image, so it's determined at build time. If you use 0.13.0, you'll get the version of everything at 0.13.0. I'll add an issue to make sure this is clearly mentioned in the docs.

chancez commented 5 years ago

You can also use https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-metering/blob/master/Documentation/manual-install.md#install-with-a-custom-metering-operator-image to install a specific version of the metering-operator.