kubearmor / KubeArmor

Runtime Security Enforcement System. Workload hardening/sandboxing and implementing least-permissive policies made easy leveraging LSMs (BPF-LSM, AppArmor).
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Dashboards for application behavior and KubeArmor state #1591

Open DelusionalOptimist opened 6 months ago

DelusionalOptimist commented 6 months ago

Feature Request


Kubernetes dashboard The Kubernetes dashboard provides a mechanism for creating custom plugins - ref. This dashboard will allow the users to easily see the state and manage KubeArmor policies, default posture, protected containers and more in the user's cluster.

Kibana/Grafana dashboard For showing an application's behaviour, we'd like to have a Kibana/Grafana dashboard. We have existing integrations for visualizing alerts with Elastic/Loki and we can use them for creating these. We want to leverage the above for creating a plugin which will allow users to see an application's behavior based on visibility logs sent by KubeArmor.




Basic requirements from the dashboards

App behavior dashboard

KubeArmor state dashboard

Further reference

Vickysomtee commented 6 months ago

@DelusionalOptimist I not sure what the mentorship tag means, so I want to verify if this issue is open for anyone to handle. If yes, I am interested in this.

PrimalPimmy commented 6 months ago

@Vickysomtee The mentorship tag means this issue is in consideration for LFX mentorship.

Vickysomtee commented 6 months ago

Oh! Alright

harisudarsan1 commented 6 months ago

I'm interested in this issue

7h3-3mp7y-m4n commented 5 months ago

That sounds like a good feature, I'm interested in it :)

hanshal101 commented 5 months ago

Hey, @DelusionalOptimist, this feature sounds good to me. Since I'm new to the LFX Mentorship ecosystem, should I start working on some parts of this feature? It will be good practice for me to understand the mentorship environment.

Ayush9026 commented 5 months ago

Hi @DelusionalOptimist sir I want to work on this issue.

daemon1024 commented 5 months ago

Hey Folks, Thanks for the interest in the mentorship. We have certain prerequisites which we expect to be included in your application.Please include details or reference to a document for the said prerequisite in your Cover Letter / Mail to the mentors / Submit it in the issue thread / DM Mentors in KubeArmor Slack by 20 Feb.

Following are the details.

Dashboards for application behavior and KubeArmor state - https://mentorship.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/project/a604ba9c-565d-4e8c-aed2-dcd4ebedc85d Prerequisite: Create a sample Kubernetes Dashboards Plugin Background: We want to have native integration for Kubernetes Dashboard. Creating a Kubernetes Dashboard involves understanding the Angular Plugin Framework that they use. So we would like the mentee to try setting up a sample Kubernetes Dashboard Plugin by following their documentation. This helps us gain clarity that atleast some form of Plugin would be achievable by the mentee.

harisudarsan1 commented 4 months ago

Tasklist: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rHzeIRuJ_jjpqHm7cZfTm8Mp3f7UxWwG4c9QjygJK4Y/edit?usp=sharing