kubearmor / KubeArmor

Runtime Security Enforcement System. Workload hardening/sandboxing and implementing least-permissive policies made easy leveraging LSMs (BPF-LSM, AppArmor).
Apache License 2.0
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Host Security Policy not enforced #1765

Open tesla59 opened 1 month ago

tesla59 commented 1 month ago

Bug Report

General Information

To Reproduce

  1. Started a k3s cluster using

    curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | K3S_KUBECONFIG_MODE="644" INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--disable=traefik --docker --container-runtime-endpoint unix:///var/run/docker.sock --kubelet-arg cgroup-driver=systemd" sh -
  2. Installed KubeArmor using

    helm upgrade --install kubearmor-operator kubearmor/kubearmor-operator -n kubearmor --create-namespace
    helm upgrade --install kubearmor kubearmor/kubearmor -n kubearmor --create-namespace 
  3. Enabled Host Visbility by editing the kubearmor daemonset (ref)

    kubectl edit daemonsets.apps -n kubearmor kubearmor
      - args:
        - -gRPC=32767
    +       - -enableKubeArmorHostPolicy
    +       - -hostVisibility=process,file,network,capabilities
  4. Annotated the node using

    kubectl annotate node thunderbird "kubearmor-visibility=process,file,network,capabilities"
  5. Confirmed both of them (Step 3 and Step 4) are using

    $ kubectl logs -n kubearmor pod/kubearmor-jz644 | grep "Started to protect"
    Defaulted container "kubearmor" out of: kubearmor, init (init)
    2024-05-23 16:11:50.482130      INFO     Started to protect a host and containers


    $ kubectl describe node thunderbird | grep kubearmor-visibility
                    kubearmor-visibility: process,file,network,capabilities
  6. Applied the above mentioned policy using kubectl apply -f

  7. Ran the commands mentioned in the policy

    $ sleep                           
    sleep: missing operand
    Try 'sleep --help' for more information.
    $ pacman
    error: no operation specified (use -h for help)

    Expected behavior

The execution of command pacman and sleep should be blocked and shown as Permission denied command terminated with exit code 126

Additional Info

  1. When checking the logs after applying the policy using k logs kubearmor-jz644 -n kubearmor, it shows
    2024-05-24 00:28:03.149172      INFO     Detected a Host Security Policy (modified/hsp-thunderbird)

    I t detects the policy but does not update it. In case of container enforcement, we see the following logs

    2024-05-23 16:19:02.822584      INFO     Detected a Security Policy (added/default/ksp-nginx)
    2024-05-23 16:19:02.822651      INFO     Updating container rules for 404efd73a323f7644c882ff037be71e17c9c05d7a65008f0d6a31f25791a14f3
  2. Output from karmor probe
    $ karmor probe                       

Found KubeArmor running in Kubernetes

Daemonset : kubearmor Desired: 1 Ready: 1 Available: 1
Deployments : kubearmor-operator Desired: 1 Ready: 1 Available: 1
kubearmor-relay Desired: 1 Ready: 1 Available: 1
kubearmor-controller Desired: 1 Ready: 1 Available: 1
Containers : kubearmor-operator-5878ff8b8b-gkqk8 Running: 1 Image Version: kubearmor/kubearmor-operator:v1.3.4
kubearmor-relay-85646db78c-zqnvj Running: 1 Image Version: kubearmor/kubearmor-relay-server:latest
kubearmor-controller-78b5859c9f-8tjk4 Running: 2 Image Version: kubearmor/kubearmor-controller:latest
kubearmor-jz644 Running: 1 Image Version: kubearmor/kubearmor:stable
Node 1 : OS Image: Arch Linux
Kernel Version: 6.9.1-arch1-1
Kubelet Version: v1.29.4+k3s1
Container Runtime: docker://26.1.3
Host Security: true
Container Security: true
Container Default Posture: audit(File) audit(Capabilities) audit(Network)
Host Default Posture: audit(File) audit(Capabilities) audit(Network)
Host Visibility: process,file,network,capabilities
Armored Up pods : +-----------+--------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------------------------+-----------+ | NAMESPACE | DEFAULT POSTURE | VISIBILITY | NAME | POLICY | +-----------+--------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------------------------+-----------+ | default | File(audit), | process,file,network,capabilities | nginx-7854ff8877-7pzvx | ksp-nginx | | | Capabilities(audit), Network | | | | | | (audit) | | | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------------------------+-----------+

3. Container Enforcement is working. Running apt on mentioned nginx pod gives

kubectl exec -it $POD -- bash -c "apt update && apt install masscan"
bash: line 1: /usr/bin/apt: Permission denied command terminated with exit code 126

4. `karmor logs --logFilter=all` shows HostLogs
5. Path of both `pacman` and `sleep` is correct
navin772 commented 1 month ago

Tried reproducing the error, but HSP enforcement works on my machine with:

navin@localhost:~> uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 6.9.1-1-default #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri May 17 11:59:46 UTC 2024 (0c0b0b5) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

OS - openSUSE Tumbleweed Running kubectl version outputs:

Client Version: v1.30.1
Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3
Server Version: v1.29.4+k3s1

Applied the policy:

apiVersion: security.kubearmor.com/v1
kind: KubeArmorHostPolicy
  name: hsp-sleep
      kubernetes.io/os: linux
#    - path: /usr/bin/pacman
    - path: /usr/bin/sleep

Result: bash: /usr/bin/sleep: Permission denied

Kubearmor logs of kubearmor-bpf-containerd pod:

2024-05-24 05:35:30.768729      INFO    Detected a Host Security Policy (added/hsp-sleep)
2024-05-24 05:35:30.768783      INFO    Updating host rules
2024-05-24 05:35:30.768801      INFO    Creating inner map for host
2024-05-24 05:35:42.621256      INFO    Detected a Host Security Policy (deleted/hsp-sleep)
2024-05-24 05:35:42.621295      INFO    Updating host rules
2024-05-24 05:35:42.621327      INFO    Deleting inner map for host
tesla59 commented 1 month ago

I think that narrows down the bug to Arch Linux only since both runs are on same kernel version and same cluster version

harisudarsan1 commented 2 weeks ago

@tesla59 can i know in which container you ran sleep?

tesla59 commented 2 weeks ago

@harisudarsan1 on the host itself

harisudarsan1 commented 2 weeks ago

kubearmor can't able to enforce if it is running inside k8s cluster. So try deploying wordpress given in the examples directory in the kubearmor repo and check whether it is enforcing or no and also check karmor probe if policy is listed or not.

DelusionalOptimist commented 2 weeks ago

We discussed this further on slack - ref. This can be reproduced consistently with non-operator Kubernetes installation in environment which doesn't have neither apparmor nor selinux in the list of LSMs i.e. the output of LSM file looks like below

$ cat /sys/kernel/security/lsm

For context - kubearmor-policy annotation is set at the node level to determine if the node has an LSM present and if enforcement is possible using it.

In KubeArmor we check for this condition here and you'll notice that there is no check for BPF LSM. So on systems which don't have apparmor, the annotation would be set to audited and application of policy will be skipped by KubeArmor based on this condition.

Things we need to fix are:

tesla59 commented 1 week ago

Can confirm. The machine which the kubearmor is running on has active bpf but not apparmor

 ~/ cat /sys/kernel/security/lsm