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[Course Task] task for Class 9 of Cloud Native Edge Computing Course #123

Open RyanZhaoXB opened 1 year ago

RyanZhaoXB commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone. This is the task issue for Class 9 of Cloud Native Edge Computing Course.

Today we get 4 tasks for the course participates with Difficulty Level from ★ to ★★★. You can choose one or more tasks to finish them. If a Pull Request (PR) is needed for a task, please make the title of the PR started with [Course Task] and related it to this issue. After you have proposed a PR, please make a comment below this issue. After the PR is merged, your task is confirmed as complete.

Here are the tasks.

Piwriw commented 1 year ago

Deploy a KubeEdge Cluster in your own environment and add an edge node to it. Then deploy a deployment of application to the edge node. Try to run the demo of counter in your own cluster. Try to send message from edge to cloud using EventBus with mqtt and ServiceBus with HTTP. Paste the screenshot below. Difficulty Level:★ Done demo of counter: image EventBus: image image ServiceBus: image image

k26k26 commented 1 year ago

Deploy a KubeEdge Cluster in your own environment and add an edge node to it. Then deploy a deployment of application to the edge node. Try to run the demo of counter in your own cluster. Try to send message from edge to cloud using EventBus with mqtt and ServiceBus with HTTP. Paste the screenshot below. Difficulty Level:★

image image image

alvin9527 commented 1 year ago

Deploy a KubeEdge Cluster in your own environment and add an edge node to it. Then deploy a deployment of application to the edge node. Try to run the demo of counter in your own cluster. Try to send message from edge to cloud using EventBus with mqtt and ServiceBus with HTTP. Paste the screenshot below. Difficulty Level:★

3041677581583_ pic 3051677581631_ pic 3061677581869_ pic 3071677581913_ pic 3091677633443_ pic

xingleigao commented 1 year ago

Deploy a KubeEdge Cluster in your own environment and add an edge node to it. Then deploy a deployment of application to the edge node. Try to run the demo of counter in your own cluster. Try to send message from edge to cloud using EventBus with mqtt and ServiceBus with HTTP. Paste the screenshot below. Difficulty Level:★ Done

1. Try to run the demo of counter in your own cluster.


2.Try to send message from edge to cloud using EventBus with mqtt and ServiceBus with HTTP.


2.1.1 cloud->edge


2.1.1 edge->cloud


2.2 servicebus cloud->edge


2.3 ruleendpoint & rules


0LuckyLove0 commented 1 year ago

[Course Task]https://github.com/kubeedge/website/pull/308

sunxiaobei commented 1 year ago

Deploy a KubeEdge Cluster in your own environment and add an edge node to it. Then deploy a deployment of application to the edge node. Try to run the demo of counter in your own cluster. Try to send message from edge to cloud using EventBus with mqtt and ServiceBus with HTTP. Paste the screenshot below. Difficulty Level:★




lesserror commented 1 year ago

Deploy a KubeEdge Cluster in your own environment and add an edge node to it. Then deploy a deployment of application to the edge node. Try to run the demo of counter in your own cluster. Try to send message from edge to cloud using EventBus with mqtt and ServiceBus with HTTP. Paste the screenshot below. Difficulty Level:★

The cluster environment:

NAME          STATUS   ROLES                         AGE   VERSION
edgenode-01   Ready    agent,edge                    17s   v1.21.4-kubeedge-v1.9.2
master        Ready    control-plane,master,worker   31m   v1.22.12

Access the control web in browser: image


# get the container id
root@edge1:~# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS             PORTS     NAMES
d573d33414e3   68417cc2eb41         "/pi-counter-app pi-…"   5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes                 k8s_kubeedge-pi-counter_kubeedge-pi-counter-
73c9a047f5d1   kubeedge/pause:3.1   "/pause"                 5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes                 k8s_POD_kubeedge-pi-counter-5c8fdd7cbf-b54n9
86899f2e1d8b   761817698b62         "/usr/local/bin/kube…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour             k8s_kube-proxy_kube-proxy-p9jcj_kube-system_
733e565c7437   kubeedge/pause:3.1   "/pause"                 About an hour ago   Up About an hour             k8s_POD_kube-proxy-p9jcj_kube-system_a79a630

# logs: on->off->on->off
root@edge1:~# docker logs -f d573d33414e3
turn on counter.
Counter value: 1
Counter value: 2
Counter value: 3
Counter value: 4
Counter value: 5
Counter value: 6
Counter value: 7
Counter value: 8
Counter value: 9
Counter value: 10
Counter value: 11
Counter value: 12
Counter value: 13
turn off counter.
turn on counter.
Counter value: 1
Counter value: 2
Counter value: 3
Counter value: 4
Counter value: 5
Counter value: 6
Counter value: 7
Counter value: 8
Counter value: 9
Counter value: 10
turn off counter.