kubeedge / sedna

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Deploy document issues for #173

Open jeffzhu503 opened 3 years ago

jeffzhu503 commented 3 years ago

First of all: please have a grammar tool to check the entire paragraph. For example, Microsoft Word or Open Grammarly.

Prerequisites Kubectl with right kubeconfig Kubernetes 1.16+ cluster running KubeEdge v1.5+

> We need the details how to set up the prerequisites above. For example, what kind of Kubernetes? Can GCP, AWS managed Kubernetes work? How can users set up KubeEdge v1.5+, including both CloudCore and Edge nodes? Do you ahve any specific edge node required? Ideally to give a simple environment that users can set up to start the next step.

Deploy Sedna Currently GM is deployed as a deployment, and LC is deployed as a daemonset.

> Where is the deployment command to deploy GM and LC? How can the user deploy sedna-control-plane listed below?

Because LC needs to connnect to GM, and the limit connection between cloud Pod and edge Pod, GM will be deployed to a cloud node where the edge node can access to.

More specifically, the GM node has a INTERNAL-IP or EXTERNAL-IP where edge node can access to directly.

For example, in a kind cluster kubectl get node -o wide:

NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION INTERNAL-IP EXTERNAL-IP OS-IMAGE KERNEL-VERSION CONTAINER-RUNTIME edge-node Ready agent,edge 3d21h v1.19.3-kubeedge-v1.6.1 Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS 4.15.0-128-generic docker://20.10.2 sedna-control-plane Ready control-plane,master 3d21h v1.20.2 Ubuntu 20.10 4.15.0-128-generic containerd://1.5.0-beta.3-24-g95513021e In this example the node sedna-control-plane has a internal-ip, and edge-node can access it.

So we can set SEDNA_GM_NODE=sedna-control-plane in below instructions:

set the right node where edge node can be access SEDNA_GM_NODE=sedna-control-plane SEDNA_GM_NODE=CHANGE-ME-HERE

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeedge/sedna/main/scripts/installation/install.sh | SEDNA_GM_NODE=$SEDNA_GM_NODE SEDNA_ACTION=create bash -

what is unstable network mean here? How unstable is unstable? Can you explain why the command below will address unstable network issue?

The way above will require the network to access github since it will download the sedna crd yamls. If you have unstable network to access github or existing sedna source, you can try the way:

SEDNA_ROOT is the sedna git source directory or cached directory export SEDNA_ROOT=/opt/sedna curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeedge/sedna/main/scripts/installation/install.sh | SEDNA_GM_NODE=$SEDNA_GM_NODE SEDNA_ACTION=create bash -

jaypume commented 3 years ago

> We need the details how to set up the prerequisites above. For example, what kind of Kubernetes? Can GCP, AWS managed Kubernetes work? How can users set up KubeEdge v1.5+, including both CloudCore and Edge nodes? Do you ahve any specific edge node required? Ideally to give a simple environment that users can set up to start the next step.

Thanks for find these details problems, and Sedna should provide an all-in-one image for the convenience of starting the next step.

In detail,

  1. GCP, AWS managed Kubernets should work, because Sedna should have no special requirements for Kubernetes.
  2. For how to set up KubeEdge, user should refer to KubeEdge documents. The installation steps should note be maintained by Sedna.

> Where is the deployment command to deploy GM and LC? How can the user deploy sedna-control-plane listed below?

Sedna provided detailed and step-by-step deployment command of GM and LC previously, but we don't think it's necessary for the user to know too much about these commands. If advanced user want to know the installation details, He can refer to the installation script.

> what is unstable network mean here? How unstable is unstable? Can you explain why the command below will address unstable network issue? It means that, if Sedna repository cloning problem occur while running the script, the user can download Sedna project manually, and then set SEDNA_ROOT to the root directory of Sedna then run the script to complete the installation.