kubeflow / katib

Automated Machine Learning on Kubernetes
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feat(rag): Auto-RAG #2301

Open gaocegege opened 1 month ago

gaocegege commented 1 month ago

/kind feature

Ref https://arxiv.org/pdf/2404.01037.pdf

Auto-RAG: The idea of automatically optimizing RAG systems, akin to Auto-ML’s approach in traditional machine learning, presents a significant opportunity for future exploration. Currently, selecting the optimal configuration of RAG components — e.g., chunking strategies, window sizes, and parameters within rerankers — relies on manual experimentation and intuition. An automated system could systematically explore a vast space of RAG configurations and select the very best model (Markr.AI, 2024).

RAG requires some hyperparameters e.g. chunking strategies, and window sizes for sentence window retrieval. It should be done automatically.

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gaocegege commented 1 month ago

Maybe we could add an example to showcase how to use Katib and LlamaIndex to AutoRAG.

Not sure if there is any new feature to be implemented.

gaocegege commented 1 month ago

Related: https://github.com/Marker-Inc-Korea/AutoRAG

tariq-hasan commented 1 month ago

Are you thinking of adding an example that uses the proposed tuning API for LLMs to demonstrate Auto-RAG?

gaocegege commented 1 month ago

@tariq-hasan It should work. But I do not have the bandwidth for it. I'm simply presenting the idea for consideration at this point.

andreyvelich commented 1 month ago

Thanks for creating this @gaocegege. Are there any differences to optimize these HPs for RAG (e.g. chunking strategies and window sizes) compare to our current optimization flow with Experiment -> Suggestion -> Trials? I guess, Trials can consume prompt and produce the metrics.

gaocegege commented 1 month ago

The workflow should be similar. I think. We could make a demo based on llama index to see if there is anything we miss.