Closed kannon92 closed 4 hours ago
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I am having trouble with the python sdk generation.
Downloading the swagger-codegen JAR package ...
Internal error: Unexpected relative path: 'hack/python-sdk/..'
@tenzen-y @andreyvelich can I get approval to run the tests?
/ok-to-test /rerun-all
This is still in progress.
/cc @tenzen-y
He does not have enough time this week. So, he will try to fix some errors in the next week.
@tenzen-y here is where I left off.
For JaxJob I made some progress on the generics but I am stuck on the predicate functions.
I am getting the following error:
cannot use r.onOwnerCreateFunc() (value of type func(event.TypedCreateEvent[client.Object]) bool) as func(event.TypedCreateEvent[*"".JAXJob]) bool value in struct literal
I was able to resolve the handler but all the usage of predicates is causing some build errors.
// using onOwnerCreateFunc is easier to set defaults
if err = c.Watch(source.Kind(mgr.GetCache(), &kubeflowv1.JAXJob{}, &handler.TypedEnqueueRequestForObject[*kubeflowv1.JAXJob]{},
predicate.TypedFuncs[*kubeflowv1.JAXJob]{CreateFunc: r.onOwnerCreateFunc()})); err != nil {
return err
predicates := predicate.Funcs{
CreateFunc: util.OnDependentCreateFunc(r.Expectations),
UpdateFunc: util.OnDependentUpdateFunc(&r.JobController),
DeleteFunc: util.OnDependentDeleteFunc(r.Expectations),
// Create generic predicates
genericPredicates := predicate.Funcs{
CreateFunc: util.OnDependentCreateFuncGeneric(r.Expectations),
UpdateFunc: util.OnDependentUpdateFuncGeneric(&r.JobController),
DeleteFunc: util.OnDependentDeleteFuncGeneric(r.Expectations),
// inject watching for job related pod
if err = c.Watch(source.Kind(mgr.GetCache(), &corev1.Pod{}, &handler.TypedEnqueueRequestForObject[*corev1.Pod]{}, predicates)); err != nil {
return err
// inject watching for job related service
if err = c.Watch(source.Kind(mgr.GetCache(), &corev1.Service{}, &handler.TypedEnqueueRequestForObject[*corev1.Service]{}, predicates)); err != nil {
return err
// skip watching volcano PodGroup if volcano PodGroup is not installed
if _, err = mgr.GetRESTMapper().RESTMapping(schema.GroupKind{Group: v1beta1.GroupName, Kind: "PodGroup"},
v1beta1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version); err == nil {
// inject watching for job related volcano PodGroup
if err = c.Watch(source.Kind(mgr.GetCache(), &v1beta1.PodGroup{}, &handler.TypedEnqueueRequestForObject[*v1beta1.PodGroup]{}, genericPredicates)); err != nil {
return err
I am not sure of the path forward for this as generics are not my strong suite.
@tenzen-y here is where I left off.
For JaxJob I made some progress on the generics but I am stuck on the predicate functions.
I am getting the following error:
cannot use r.onOwnerCreateFunc() (value of type func(event.TypedCreateEvent[client.Object]) bool) as func(event.TypedCreateEvent[*"".JAXJob]) bool value in struct literal
I was able to resolve the handler but all the usage of predicates is causing some build errors.
// using onOwnerCreateFunc is easier to set defaults if err = c.Watch(source.Kind(mgr.GetCache(), &kubeflowv1.JAXJob{}, &handler.TypedEnqueueRequestForObject[*kubeflowv1.JAXJob]{}, predicate.TypedFuncs[*kubeflowv1.JAXJob]{CreateFunc: r.onOwnerCreateFunc()})); err != nil { return err } predicates := predicate.Funcs{ CreateFunc: util.OnDependentCreateFunc(r.Expectations), UpdateFunc: util.OnDependentUpdateFunc(&r.JobController), DeleteFunc: util.OnDependentDeleteFunc(r.Expectations), } // Create generic predicates genericPredicates := predicate.Funcs{ CreateFunc: util.OnDependentCreateFuncGeneric(r.Expectations), UpdateFunc: util.OnDependentUpdateFuncGeneric(&r.JobController), DeleteFunc: util.OnDependentDeleteFuncGeneric(r.Expectations), } // inject watching for job related pod if err = c.Watch(source.Kind(mgr.GetCache(), &corev1.Pod{}, &handler.TypedEnqueueRequestForObject[*corev1.Pod]{}, predicates)); err != nil { return err } // inject watching for job related service if err = c.Watch(source.Kind(mgr.GetCache(), &corev1.Service{}, &handler.TypedEnqueueRequestForObject[*corev1.Service]{}, predicates)); err != nil { return err } // skip watching volcano PodGroup if volcano PodGroup is not installed if _, err = mgr.GetRESTMapper().RESTMapping(schema.GroupKind{Group: v1beta1.GroupName, Kind: "PodGroup"}, v1beta1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version); err == nil { // inject watching for job related volcano PodGroup if err = c.Watch(source.Kind(mgr.GetCache(), &v1beta1.PodGroup{}, &handler.TypedEnqueueRequestForObject[*v1beta1.PodGroup]{}, genericPredicates)); err != nil { return err } }
I am not sure of the path forward for this as generics are not my strong suite.
Thank you for letting me know. I will try to investigate how we can migrate to new functions.
I wasn't able to focus on this as I thought. is open.
What this PR does / why we need it: Upgrade Kubernetes to 1.30 Which issue(s) this PR fixes (optional, in
Fixes #<issue number>, #<issue number>, ...
format, will close the issue(s) when PR gets merged): Fixes # Partially fix #2291 Checklist: