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Refactor the "Getting Started" "Installing Kubeflow" page #2590

Closed thesuperzapper closed 3 years ago

thesuperzapper commented 3 years ago

As we have been moving all distribution-specific docs out of "Getting Started" with PRs like #2576, #2577, #2569, #2492, we should now clean up the first place people look when trying to install Kubeflow.

As proposed by @cvenets here we should clearly indicate the two "paths" for installing Kubeflow:

  1. Roll your own -- using the kubeflow/manifests yourself, with no support
  2. Supported Distribution -- using a vendor or community supported install process

I think this leaves us with the following sections in "Getting Started" / "Installing Kubeflow":

## Overview
* discussion about Kubeflow being a "Kubernetes" app, with multiple components which can be mix-and-matched
* discussion about the two "paths" as described above, "Roll your own" and "Distribution"
* discussion about how Kubeflow is versioned, e.g. what 1.3, 1.4, even mean.

## Path 1: Roll Your Own
* Either take the content in the README of `kubeflow/manifests`, or just link to it
* https://github.com/kubeflow/manifests#kubeflow-manifests

## Path 2: Supported Distribution 

### Vendor Supported
a TABLE which lists the currently maintained VENDOR-SUPPORTED distributions, and links to their docs

CONTENT (Alphabetical):
* `Kubeflow on AWS`
* `Kubeflow on Azure`
* `Kubeflow on GCP`
* `Kubeflow on IBM Cloud`
* `Kubeflow on Openshift` (Combine: "Kubeflow Operator" and "Kubeflow on Openshift" page)
* `Kubeflow on MicroK8s` (Rename from "MicroK8s Kubeflow add-on" page)
* `Kubeflow with Charmed Operators` (Rename from "Kubeflow Charmed Operators" page)
* `Kubeflow with MiniKF`

### Community Supported
a TABLE which lists the currently maintained COMMUNITY-SUPPORTED distributions, and links to their docs

CONTENT (Alphabetical):
* `Kubeflow with ArgoCD` (New page)
* `Kubeflow with kfctl` (Rename from "kfctl" page)

## Next Steps
* links to important component docs "Pipelines", "Notebooks", etc.
thesuperzapper commented 3 years ago

@RFMVasconcelos there are quite a lot of renames here, but I think it will make the user experience easier.

I have used Kubeflow on XXX for cases were the "distribution" is a guide for using Kubeflow on a platform, and Kubeflow with XXX when the "distribution" is a tool for deploying/using kubeflow arbitrarily.

rui-vas commented 3 years ago

Thank you for getting this process started @thesuperzapper! This is going to make things much more clear to users :rocket:

I like the majority of the proposal! Leaving a few comments:

## Overview

I guess we will keep the title and subtitle (or slightly tweak it) and so Overview would fall under this:

Screenshot from 2021-04-12 10-30-43

  1. I would rather call it Introduction, simply because it lays the ground information required to understand the following steps, rather than summarizing what's coming » Just a detail :)
  2. IMO, versioning should be part of the Kubeflow overview page. We can create a versioning section there and point to it from the Introduction section here with a quick summary.

## Path 1: Roll Your Own

I would go for a link instead of copying the instructions here for 2 reasons:

  1. They are long and so would make other options hard to reach, people would have to scroll a lot if they do not want option 1.
  2. It would be hard to guarantee that it is always up to date - contributors to manifests README would have to know that they needed to make PRs in both places at the same time. Or someone would have to verify this often.

### Vendor Supported

I would draw the distinction between platform-specific distributions and multi-platform distributions. I think this is what you have tried to achieve with the on XXX VS with XXX but IMO it is too subtle, might be confusing.

We could split into two tables:

Platform-specific distributions (Alphabetical):
* `Kubeflow on AWS`
* `Kubeflow on Azure`
* `Kubeflow on GCP`
* `Kubeflow on IBM Cloud`
* `Kubeflow on Openshift` 
* `Kubeflow on MicroK8s` 

Multi-platform distributions (Alphabetical):
* `Kubeflow with Charmed Operators` 
* `Kubeflow with MiniKF`

The rest LGTM!

cvenets commented 3 years ago

@RFMVasconcelos I agree with all your comments above.

I would rename Kubeflow with MiniKF to Kubeflow with Arrikto MiniKF to denote explicitly who is the vendor supporting the distro, so it is easy for new users. You may want to do the same for Charmed Operators (e.g., Canonical Charmed Operators). For the Platform-specific distros it is evident, so no need to do anything there.

Also, it may make sense for all the tables to go to the distributions page and leave here only a link to the distributions page, same as we do for Path 1, so the user doesn't have to scroll a lot, but I'll let you decide on this.


rui-vas commented 3 years ago

Looking at my previous proposal + @cvenets comments one option would be:

Platform-specific distributions (Alphabetical):
* `Kubeflow on AWS`
* `Kubeflow on Azure`
* `Kubeflow on GCP`
* `Kubeflow on IBM Cloud`
* `Kubeflow on Openshift` 

Multi-platform distributions (Alphabetical):
* `Arrikto MiniKF`
* `MicroK8s Kubeflow add-on`
* `Kubeflow Charmed Operators`

@cvenets maybe Arrikto MiniKF is shorter and better than Kubeflow with Arrikto MiniKF, WDYT?

// note 1: I moved MicroK8s from platform-specific to multi-platform, because being a small K8s, it can be run on multiple platforms. // note 2: I think that with the separation of platform-specific and multi-platform distributions we don't need Kubeflow with to create this separation.

// Issue 1: I would like to have a way to show users on e.g. AWS that they can also use one of the multi-platform distributions on AWS, not necessarily the AWS-specific distribution. Any ideas?

@thesuperzapper WDYT?

cvenets commented 3 years ago

@RFMVasconcelos I agree with all your comments and notes.

Wrt to the issue, I agree as well. The only two ways I can think of are:

  1. Add a parenthesis next to the multi-platform items, which will include all the currently supported platforms, e.g.,:
    • Arrikto MiniKF (AWS, GCP, laptop/desktop)
    • `MicroK8s Kubeflow add-on (..., ..., ...) ...
  2. Change "Multi-platform distributions" to "Platform-agnostic distributions across clouds"

I'm not sure I can think of something to add on the first section, but maybe someone has an idea for this as well.

cvenets commented 3 years ago

@RFMVasconcelos note that we need to remove the kfctl entry from this page:

Take a look at https://github.com/kubeflow/website/pull/2604, which @castrojo just provided after today's update on https://github.com/kubeflow/manifests/issues/1798 from vendors, where both Cisco and Arrikto dropped support for kfctl, and thus all corresponding docs become obsolete and out-of-date for 1.3.

thesuperzapper commented 3 years ago


I think we should call the two paths:

I was thinking something like this for the distribution tables.

Platform-specific distributions:

Name Maintained By
Kubeflow on AWS AWS
Kubeflow on Azure Azure
Kubeflow on GCP GCP
Kubeflow on IBM Cloud IBM Cloud
Kubeflow on Openshift Red Hat
Kubeflow on MicroK8S Canonical
Kubeflow on MiniKF Arrikto

Multi-platform distributions:

Name Maintained By
ArgoFlow ArgoFlow Team
Charmed Operators Canonical
Kfctl Command Line N/A


I am happy to have a crack at a PR it unless you really want to.

cvenets commented 3 years ago

@thesuperzapper please note the following:

I think MiniKF is a Platform-specific one, as its a single VM image on vagrant

This isn't really the case, since MiniKF is already available as a VM image on AWS Marketplace, GCP Marketplace, Vagrant Cloud, and will be coming on Microsoft platforms as well. The fact that it is packaged in an image doesn't really change its multi-platform nature.

"A warning that this is an advanced option, which is not officially supported by the project"

This doesn't hold. The Manifests WG maintain and guarantee that these instructions should work, so it is definitely supported.

thesuperzapper commented 3 years ago


Re MiniKF: I think its probably better to remove the distinction, and add a column to clarify, for example:

Name Maintained By Deployment Target
Kubeflow on AWS AWS EKS Clusters
Kubeflow on Azure Azure AKS Clusters
Kubeflow on GCP GCP GKE Clusters
Kubeflow on IBM Cloud IBM Cloud IKS Clusters
Kubeflow on Openshift Red Hat Openshift Clusters
Kubeflow on MicroK8S Canonical MicroK8S Clusters
MiniKF Arrikto AWS Marketplace, GCP Marketplace, Local VirtualBox
ArgoFlow ArgoFlow Community K8S Clusters with Argo-CD Installed
Charmed Operators Canonical K8S Clusters with Juju Installed

Re the warning: What I am trying to say is that users should not expect any environment-specific support from the Kubeflow Community for the "roll your own" path

thesuperzapper commented 3 years ago

@RFMVasconcelos and @cvenets I have raised a WIP PR for this refactor https://github.com/kubeflow/website/pull/2611

I will finish up the text-copy some time other than midnight my time!

rui-vas commented 3 years ago

Thank you @cvenets and @thesuperzapper for the comments on this front and for creating the WIP PR!

A few comments on your proposing table @thesuperzapper:

  1. No separation, only 1 table: I think that deployment target or target platforms make things clear for users.
  2. A proper map: I think we should not forget that this page is a gateway and that it should be clear to users where to click on that table. I think we should strict links to the Name column and rename that to Documentation - links in every column as in your PR will be hard to follow and drive users off the website.

I have MicroK8s and Charmed Operators specific suggestions, but I will add these to your PR. :)

(PS: @cvenets I deleted one comment from you because it was repeated)

cvenets commented 3 years ago

I agree, a single table is fine with the addition of the last column.

I agree with @RFMVasconcelos on 2. We don't want people to go off the website or confuse them. A single link to the corresponding docs should suffice.

I will comment on the PR as well.

Re the warning: What I am trying to say is that users should not expect any environment-specific support from the Kubeflow Community for the "roll your own" path

@thesuperzapper OK, this makes sense then, but I think this is pretty clear by the "on your own" part of the title of the section.

davidspek commented 3 years ago

@thesuperzapper For ArgoFlow I think the target should be Any K8S Clusters (or something similar), as the Argo CD installation is part of the deployment, and Argo CD does not technically need to run on the same cluster as Kubeflow. Otherwise user might think they need to figure out how to deploy Argo CD on their own before going through the documentation.

rui-vas commented 3 years ago

@thesuperzapper (and @DavidSpek) I love the energy behind ArgoFlow, but I feel a bit wary of adding it directly here as per your proposal.

According to #2611, the way you propose this table is to link the ArgoFlow documentation to its own repo. I am not sure what is the right way to proceed here. If creating appropriate docs in Kubeflow for this distribution and point from here.

I would overall want to make sure that the goal of this page as a gateway and map to Kubeflow docs is met.

I would suggest tackling this specific issue on a separate thread, making structure independent from content. WDYT?

cvenets commented 3 years ago

I would overall want to make sure that the goal of this page as a gateway and map to Kubeflow docs is met.

I agree with @RFMVasconcelos. All links in this page should redirect to Kubeflow docs, not external sites.

thesuperzapper commented 3 years ago

@RFMVasconcelos @cvenets regarding comment that we should only link to kubeflow.org docs

I actually think we should do the opposite (over time), just as kubernetes.io doesn't host EKS docs, we shouldn't host vendor specific docs, but rather link to parter websites.

This will do a few things:

  1. Make it easier for distributions to update their docs
  2. Prevents it looking like the community endorses any specific distribution
  3. Encourage vendors to keep their docs updated (as it's gonna look bad for vendors if they neglect docs on their own website)

NOTE: This is not about the structure of the table, I agree with comments about improving how the links are displayed, and will update the PR

Bobgy commented 3 years ago

/reopen After the PR is merged, some things should be fixed right now:

ref: https://github.com/kubeflow/website/pull/2611#issuecomment-824668748

google-oss-robot commented 3 years ago

@Bobgy: Reopened this issue.

In response to [this](https://github.com/kubeflow/website/issues/2590#issuecomment-824674879): >/reopen >After the PR is merged, some things should be fixed right now: > >* [blocker] I think we are missing a redirect rule from the old page to the new page >* [blocker] https://deploy-preview-2611--competent-brattain-de2d6d.netlify.app/docs/started/getting-started/ is broken, we should update the "getting started" button url > > Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available [here](https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/guide/pull-requests.md). If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the [kubernetes/test-infra](https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra/issues/new?title=Prow%20issue:) repository.
Bobgy commented 3 years ago

and some ideas for further improvement:

Bobgy commented 3 years ago

the immediate problems are fixed by https://github.com/kubeflow/website/pull/2635

Where do you plan to create a new issue tracking future improvements? Or shall we keep the discussion here?

thesuperzapper commented 3 years ago

@Bobgy lets make specific issues for any changes we want to make/discuss and close this out.