kubeflow / website

Kubeflow Website
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TRACKING - remove distribution owned docs from website #3074

Closed thesuperzapper closed 11 months ago

thesuperzapper commented 2 years ago

This issue was spawned from the discussions raised in PR #3004.

Some time ago, the community agreed that distributions would "be owned and maintained outside of Kubeflow".

We have already removed distribution-owned YAML from kubeflow/manifests, we should now also remove the distribution-owned docs from kubeflow.org.

NOTE: It is important that we get started on this soon to minimize disruption of the “Certified Kubeflow” program. As once this program is implemented, distributions will need to be certified if they wish to be linked on kubeflow.org.

Deadline for Removal - February 1st, 2022

Proposed Plan:

  1. Update the "Installing Kubeflow" table with links to each distribution's nominated "external website":
    • (Most active distributions already have their own "external website" or GitHub repo that can serve this purpose)
  2. Remove the distribution-owned docs from kubeflow.org:
    • (Target February 1st, 2022 (70 days) for removing any remaining distribution docs)
    • (We can prevent 404 errors by redirecting existing docs pages to their "external websites")
    • (As "Kubeflow on AWS" and "Kubeflow on Azure" are abandoned, and thus unlikely to set up an "external website", we can move the still-relevant information into the ./docs/ folder of the kubeflow/manifests repo, and update the kubeflow/manifests installation guide with links to this)

Tracking Table:

Name Docs Path OWNERS PR to Remove Status
Kubeflow on AWS docs/distributions/aws @Jeffwan @PatrickXYS #3233
Kubeflow on Azure docs/distributions/azure @aronchick @berndverst @eedorenko @sudivate #3547
Kubeflow Charmed Operators docs/distributions/charmed @RFMVasconcelos @knkski @DomFleischmann #3148
Arrikto Enterprise Kubeflow docs/distributions/ekf @kubeflow/arrikto #2641
Kubeflow on Google Cloud docs/distributions/gke @gkcalat @zijianjoy #3419 (redirect) #3548 (remove)
Kubeflow on IBM Cloud docs/distributions/ibm @animeshsingh @Tomcli @shawnzhu @yhwang #3546
MicroK8s Kubeflow add-on docs/distributions/microk8s @RFMVasconcelos @knkski @evilnick @DomFleischmann #3148
Arrikto MiniKF docs/distributions/minikf @kubeflow/arrikto #3247
Kubeflow on Nutanix Karbon docs/distributions/nutanix @johnugeorge @deepak-muley #3473
Kubeflow on OpenShift docs/distributions/openshift @vpavlin @crobby @nakfour @pdmack @animeshsingh #3518
Kubeflow Operator docs/distributions/operator @animeshsingh @adrian555 @animeshsingh @shawnzhu #3545
Argoflow N/A N/A N/A
thesuperzapper commented 2 years ago

/priority p1

goswamig commented 2 years ago

@thesuperzapper you should also highlight here how a user will reach to these distro specific documentation.

I believe most of the KubeFlow users uses one of these distro (or cloud provider). We need to take care of those user well.

thesuperzapper commented 2 years ago

@goswamig you are correct, but the decision of what "external link" will be listed in the Getting Started / Installing Kubeflow table, will be up to the maintainers of that distribution.

For example, they might choose to link directly to their GitHub repo, or to their documentation website.

Tomcli commented 2 years ago

@thesuperzapper Are there any restrictions on the pictures and wordings we can use in our documentation website? Since the distribution websites are going to be outside of Kubeflow.

thesuperzapper commented 2 years ago

@thesuperzapper Are there any restrictions on the pictures and wordings we can use in our documentation website? Since the distribution websites are going to be outside of Kubeflow.

DISCLAIMER: This is not legal advice.

@Tomcli I would argue that most of these distributions already meet the definition of "outside Kubeflow", it's just that we are hosting their docs on kubeflow.org for some reason.

You may want to review Google's brand guidelines for Kubeflow, but any questions about those should be directed at Google.

surajkota commented 2 years ago

@thesuperzapper can you change the following wording related to Kubeflow on AWS

As "Kubeflow on AWS" are abandoned

It might mislead AWS users, Kubeflow on AWS is not abandoned. Documentation is not updated to the latest version 1.4 and we are working on it. Here are the tracking issues:

https://github.com/awslabs/kubeflow-manifests/issues/27 https://github.com/awslabs/kubeflow-manifests/issues/26

thesuperzapper commented 2 years ago

@zijianjoy @james-jwu mentioned today that google will need more time to move their docs, so this is just a ping to ask them to comment here on the timeline they need.

surajkota commented 2 years ago

Checking in from AWS side. We have started working on this and will complete this in phases. As part of Phase 1 and Kubeflow 1.3.1 update (see #3166), we are moving most of the deployment and customizing Kubeflow on AWS related documentation to the new Github repository as we figure out the legal and marketing side of things to acquire a new website.

surajkota commented 2 years ago

AWS distribution documentation is now hosted on external website: https://awslabs.github.io/kubeflow-manifests/

gkcalat commented 1 year ago

Documentation for Kubeflow on Google Cloud can be found on https://googlecloudplatform.github.io/kubeflow-gke-docs/

LaVLaS commented 1 year ago

OpenShift distribution documentation will be relocated to https://github.com/opendatahub-io/manifests

thesuperzapper commented 1 year ago

A quick update for everyone is that we are almost finished with this issue!

The remaining PRs are:

thesuperzapper commented 1 year ago

We are now only one PR away from getting this closed out!

Once https://github.com/kubeflow/website/pull/3572 is merged, the distribution section will be removed from the sidebar, and old links will be redirected to the external websites!