kubelvla / mine-and-forest-radar-dataset

This repository contains links and instructions for a radar odometry dataset
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Issues running EKF-RIO with Hugin Radar dataset #1

Closed spearwin closed 3 months ago

spearwin commented 3 months ago

Thank you for sharing the Hugin radar dataset, which seems to be a good fit for my application. I have been trying to run EKF-RIO with this dataset but am facing some difficulties. I have used the extrinsic parameters from the rosbag file, specifically the TF_hugin_to_baselink values, and the 90-degree rotation value between the base_link and the IMU.

I noticed that in the paper "Do we need scan-matching in radar odometry?", EKF-RIO was tested. Could you please share the EKF-RIO config file that is compatible with the Hugin radar dataset? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

kubelvla commented 3 months ago


For EKF-RIO, check the changes in my fork of their REVE as our point cloud formats from the radar(s) differ from the ones they used. I recall I have added one for the Hugin and one for the Oculli Eeagle.

I am also attaching the launch file and the calib files I used to run the EKF RIO. Check them out:


## Topics
topic_imu: "/imu/data"
topic_baro_altimeter: "/sensor_platform/baro"
topic_radar_trigger: "/sensor_platform/radar_center/trigger"
topic_radar_scan: "/hugin_raf_1/radar_data"

#topic_ground_truth_pose: "/ground_truth/pose"
#topic_ground_truth_twist: "/ground_truth/twist"
#topic_ground_truth_twist_body: "/ground_truth/twist_body"

## Extrinsic calibration of body frame to radar frame
# translation of radar frame expressed in body frame
l_b_r_x: 0.200
l_b_r_y: 0.170
l_b_r_z: 0.080

# rotation radar frame to body frame
q_b_r_x: 0.699
q_b_r_y: 0.712
q_b_r_z: -0.047
q_b_r_w: -0.046

# length of each radar frame (="exposure time" of radar scan) in milliseconds
radar_frame_ms: 30.0

# nominal radar rate
radar_rate: 16

and ekf_rio_oru.yaml:

# Default parameters for the demo datasets
# Documentation of the paramters can be found in the corresponding reconfigure files (see <package_name>/cfg/<package_name>/*.py)
# running rqt_reconfigure also provides tooltip text for the parameters and allows for online tuning

# General
frame_id: "odom"

# Publishers
publisher_rate: 30
pose_path_publisher_rate: 5

# Subscribers
topic_imu: "/imu/data"
topic_radar_scan: "/hugin_raf_1/radar_data"
run_without_radar_trigger: True

topic_baro_altimeter: "/sensor_platform/baro"
topic_radar_trigger: "/sensor_platform/radar/trigger"

# Rosbag mode --> used by rosbag node
republish_ground_truth: True
topic_ground_truth_pose: "/ground_truth/pose"
topic_ground_truth_twist: "/ground_truth/twist"
topic_ground_truth_twist_body: "/ground_truth/twist_body"

# KF Updates
altimeter_update: False
sigma_altimeter: 5.0
radar_update: True

# Radar Measurement Model
outlier_percentil_radar: 0.001
use_w: True

## radar ego velocity estimation
# filtering
min_dist: 0.25                   # min distance of valid detection
max_dist: 100                         # Max distance of valid detection
min_db: 5                             # min SNR in [db]
elevation_thresh_deg: 60              # threshold for elevation [deg]
azimuth_thresh_deg: 60               # threshold fo azimuth [deg]
radar_velocity_correction_factor: 1.0 # Doppler velocity correction
filter_min_z: -100 # in -2 2 out
filter_max_z: 100

# zero velocity detection
thresh_zero_velocity: 0.05        # all inliers need to smaller than this value
allowed_outlier_percentage: 0.25  # outlier ratio (=percentage of detections which are allowed to be above thresh_zero_velocity)
sigma_zero_velocity_x: 0.025      # sigma v_r
sigma_zero_velocity_y: 0.025      # sigma_v_r
sigma_zero_velocity_z: 0.025      # sigma v_r

# result filtering
max_sigma_x: 0.2   # max estimated sigma to be considered an inlier (right)
max_sigma_y: 0.15  # (forward)
max_sigma_z: 0.2   # (up)
max_r_cond: 1.0e3  # max conditional number of LSQ Pseudo Inverse to ensure a stable result
use_cholesky_instead_of_bdcsvd: True # faster but less stable

# RANSAC parameters
use_ransac: True     # turn on RANSAC LSQ
outlier_prob: 0.4    # worst case outlier probability
success_prob: 0.9999 # probability of successful determination of inliers
N_ransac_points: 3   # number of measurements used for the RANSAC solution
inlier_thresh: 0.15  # inlier threshold for inlier determination

# noise offset
sigma_offset_radar_x: 10.5   # offset added to estimated sigmas
sigma_offset_radar_y: 10.5
sigma_offset_radar_z: 10.5

# ODR refinement
use_odr: False    # turn on odr refinement
min_speed_odr: 4.0 # min speed for ODR refinement
sigma_v_r: 0.125  # noise of v_r measurement used for the refinement
model_noise_offset_deg: 2.0 # min model noise
model_noise_scale_deg: 10.0 # scale model noise

# Initialization
T_init: 10
calib_gyro: true
g_n: 9.81

p_0_x: 0
p_0_y: 0
p_0_z: 0

v_0_x: 0
v_0_y: 0
v_0_z: 0

yaw_0_deg: -87.5201487 

b_0_a_x: 0
b_0_a_y: 0
b_0_a_z: 0

b_0_w_x_deg: 0
b_0_w_y_deg: 0
b_0_w_z_deg: 0

b_0_alt: 0

# Initial Uncertainty
sigma_p: 0
sigma_v: 0
sigma_roll_pitch_deg: 0
sigma_yaw_deg: 0
sigma_b_a: 0.02
sigma_b_w_deg: 0.000003
sigma_b_alt: 0.1

sigma_l_b_r_x: 0.01
sigma_l_b_r_y: 0.01
sigma_l_b_r_z: 0.01
sigma_eul_b_r_roll_deg: 0.25
sigma_eul_b_r_pitch_deg: 0.25
sigma_eul_b_r_yaw_deg: 0.25

# Noise PSDs
noise_psd_a: 0.03  #0.03
noise_psd_w_deg: 0.6
noise_psd_b_a: 0.00001
noise_psd_b_w_deg: 0.00001
noise_psd_b_alt: 0.000001

and finally the launch file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!--This file is part of RIO - Radar Inertial Odometry and Radar based ego velocity estimation.-->
<!--@author Christopher Doer <christopher.doer@kit.edu>-->

    <param name="use_sim_time" value="True" type="bool"/>
    <arg name="do_plot" default="False"/>
    <arg name="enable_rviz" default="True"/>

    <arg name="config" default="ekf_rio_oru"/>
    <arg name="calibration" default="$(find ekf_rio)/config/calib_oru"/>

    <arg name="filter_node_name" default="ekf_rio"/>
    <arg name="log_level" default="Info"/>

    <node name="$(arg filter_node_name)" pkg="ekf_rio" type="ros_node" output="screen">
        <rosparam file="$(find ekf_rio)/config/$(arg config).yaml" command="load" ns=""/>
        <rosparam file="$(arg calibration).yaml" command="load" ns=""/>
        <param name="republish_ground_truth" value="false" type="bool"/>

<!--     <node name="evaluator" pkg="ekf_rio" type="pose_velocity_evaluator.py" output="screen" required="True"> -->
<!--         <rosparam file="$(arg calibration).yaml" command="load" ns=""/> -->
<!--         <param name="topic_pose" value="$(arg filter_node_name)/pose" type="string"/> -->
<!--         <param name="topic_twist" value="$(arg filter_node_name)/twist" type="string"/> -->
<!--         <param name="filter_name" value="ekf_rio" type="string"/> -->
<!--         <param name="do_plot" value="$(arg do_plot)" type="bool"/> -->
<!--     </node> -->

    <node pkg="rosservice" type="rosservice" name="set_$(arg filter_node_name)_log_level"
          args="call --wait /$(arg filter_node_name)/set_logger_level 'ros.$(arg filter_node_name)' '$(arg log_level)'"/>

    <node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz" args="-d $(find ekf_rio)/config/ekf_rio.rviz" if="$(arg enable_rviz)"/>
spearwin commented 3 months ago

Thank you for sharing!