kubenetworks / kubevpn

KubeVPN offers a Cloud Native Dev Environment that connects to kubernetes cluster network.
MIT License
534 stars 46 forks source link

`kubevpn upgrade` fails with invalid cross-device link error #303

Closed jmaness closed 1 month ago

jmaness commented 1 month ago

When running kubevpn upgrade, after downloading the new kubevpn binary to /tmp, the upgrade fails with the message

FATA[0001] rename /usr/bin/kubevpn /tmp/344018565: invalid cross-device link
WARN[0001] exit status 1

This is likely due to my /tmp directory on a different mount point/file system than /usr. On my system, /tmp uses the tmpfs file system and /usr/bin is on a different file system.

The API call invoked to rename the kubevpn binary is likely the wrong one to handle cross-file system file moves.

jmaness commented 1 month ago


wencaiwulue commented 1 month ago

Yes, golang os.rename not support cross device.

wencaiwulue commented 1 month ago

I will fix it next version

wencaiwulue commented 1 month ago

@jmaness can you take a look on this commit? it should works fine~

jmaness commented 1 month ago

@wencaiwulue It looks like there are a couple of other issues. The file move succeeds but the file is not executable and the file ownership is not correct. Somehow the new file is owned by root instead of the current user.

$ make kubevpn
make kubevpn-linux-amd64
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/jeremy/projects/kubevpn'
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -tags noassets --ldflags "-s -w -X github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/pkg/config.Image=docker.io/naison/kubevpn:v2.2.15 -X github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/pkg/config.Version=v2.2.15 -X github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/pkg/config.GitCommit=a37bfc2 -X github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/pkg/config.GitHubOAuthToken= -X github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/cmd/kubevpn/cmds.BuildTime=2024-07-22T12:15:47Z -X github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/cmd/kubevpn/cmds.Branch=master -X github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/cmd/kubevpn/cmds.OsArch=linux/amd64 " -o ./bin/kubevpn github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/cmd/kubevpn
chmod +x ./bin/kubevpn
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/jeremy/projects/kubevpn'
$ ls -al bin/kubevpn
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jeremy jeremy 100237464 Jul 22 12:15 bin/kubevpn
$ bin/kubevpn upgrade
Current version is: 2.2.15 less than latest version: 2.2.15, needs to upgrade
Current version is: 2.2.15 less than latest version: 2.2.15, needs to upgrade
Length: 31749937 (30.28M)
Writing temp file... 100% [=========================] (81 MB/s)
Upgrade daemon...
Error: fork/exec /home/jeremy/projects/kubevpn/bin/kubevpn: permission denied
$ ls -al bin/kubevpn
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100270232 Jul 22 12:16 bin/kubevpn
$ sudo chmod +x bin/kubevpn
$ ./bin/kubevpn
KubeVPN offers a Cloud-Native Dev Environment that seamlessly connects to your Kubernetes cluster network.

Develop commands:
  connect         Connect to kubernetes cluster network
  disconnect      Disconnect from kubernetes cluster network
  proxy           Proxy kubernetes workloads inbound traffic into local PC
  leave           Leave proxy resource
  clone           Clone workloads to target-kubeconfig cluster with same volume、env、and network
  remove          Remove clone resource
  dev             Startup your kubernetes workloads in local Docker container

Management commands:
  status          Show connect status and list proxy/clone resource
  alias           Config file alias to execute command simply
  config          Proxy kubeconfig which behind of ssh jump server
  ssh             Ssh to jump server
  logs            Log kubevpn daemon grpc server
  reset           Reset all resource create by kubevpn in k8s cluster
  quit            Quit kubevpn daemon grpc server

Other commands:
  upgrade         Upgrade kubevpn client to latest version
  version         Print the client version information

Other Commands:
  completion      Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell

  kubevpn [flags] [options]

Use "kubevpn <command> --help" for more information about a given command.
Use "kubevpn options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
wencaiwulue commented 1 month ago

@wencaiwulue It looks like there are a couple of other issues. The file move succeeds but the file is not executable and the file ownership is not correct. Somehow the new file is owned by root instead of the current user.

$ make kubevpn
make kubevpn-linux-amd64
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/jeremy/projects/kubevpn'
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -tags noassets --ldflags "-s -w -X github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/pkg/config.Image=docker.io/naison/kubevpn:v2.2.15 -X github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/pkg/config.Version=v2.2.15 -X github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/pkg/config.GitCommit=a37bfc2 -X github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/pkg/config.GitHubOAuthToken= -X github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/cmd/kubevpn/cmds.BuildTime=2024-07-22T12:15:47Z -X github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/cmd/kubevpn/cmds.Branch=master -X github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/cmd/kubevpn/cmds.OsArch=linux/amd64 " -o ./bin/kubevpn github.com/wencaiwulue/kubevpn/v2/cmd/kubevpn
chmod +x ./bin/kubevpn
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/jeremy/projects/kubevpn'
$ ls -al bin/kubevpn
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jeremy jeremy 100237464 Jul 22 12:15 bin/kubevpn
$ bin/kubevpn upgrade
Current version is: 2.2.15 less than latest version: 2.2.15, needs to upgrade
Current version is: 2.2.15 less than latest version: 2.2.15, needs to upgrade
Length: 31749937 (30.28M)
Writing temp file... 100% [=========================] (81 MB/s)
Upgrade daemon...
Error: fork/exec /home/jeremy/projects/kubevpn/bin/kubevpn: permission denied
$ ls -al bin/kubevpn
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100270232 Jul 22 12:16 bin/kubevpn
$ sudo chmod +x bin/kubevpn
$ ./bin/kubevpn
KubeVPN offers a Cloud-Native Dev Environment that seamlessly connects to your Kubernetes cluster network.

Develop commands:
  connect         Connect to kubernetes cluster network
  disconnect      Disconnect from kubernetes cluster network
  proxy           Proxy kubernetes workloads inbound traffic into local PC
  leave           Leave proxy resource
  clone           Clone workloads to target-kubeconfig cluster with same volume、env、and network
  remove          Remove clone resource
  dev             Startup your kubernetes workloads in local Docker container

Management commands:
  status          Show connect status and list proxy/clone resource
  alias           Config file alias to execute command simply
  config          Proxy kubeconfig which behind of ssh jump server
  ssh             Ssh to jump server
  logs            Log kubevpn daemon grpc server
  reset           Reset all resource create by kubevpn in k8s cluster
  quit            Quit kubevpn daemon grpc server

Other commands:
  upgrade         Upgrade kubevpn client to latest version
  version         Print the client version information

Other Commands:
  completion      Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell

  kubevpn [flags] [options]

Use "kubevpn <command> --help" for more information about a given command.
Use "kubevpn options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).

no.... another bug 😂. i will fix it

wencaiwulue commented 1 month ago

@jmaness this commit should works fine #305

jmaness commented 1 month ago

@wencaiwulue Thanks, I can verify the fix once a new release is available. The new behavior is:

$ kubevpn upgrade
Already up to date, don't needs to upgrade, version: v2.2.15

which is good.

From looking at https://github.com/kubenetworks/kubevpn/pull/305, I see the logic that now preserves the file mode, but I don't see how the file ownership is preserved after the permissions are elevated at https://github.com/kubenetworks/kubevpn/pull/305/files#diff-1c2bd1d24587a4323e59931edaa538b2d6538fbd63dad45ea40ef8d1d9bbd939R27.

I can test it more thoroughly after the next release though.

wencaiwulue commented 1 month ago

@wencaiwulue Thanks, I can verify the fix once a new release is available. The new behavior is:

$ kubevpn upgrade
Already up to date, don't needs to upgrade, version: v2.2.15

which is good.

From looking at #305, I see the logic that now preserves the file mode, but I don't see how the file ownership is preserved after the permissions are elevated at https://github.com/kubenetworks/kubevpn/pull/305/files#diff-1c2bd1d24587a4323e59931edaa538b2d6538fbd63dad45ea40ef8d1d9bbd939R27.

I can test it more thoroughly after the next release though.

Yes, not preserves the file owner, because we needs to use sudo user to move binary to /usr/local/bin, which needs root permission.