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Evaluate a strategy to delete old dev branches #364

Open mcapuccini opened 6 years ago

mcapuccini commented 6 years ago

We need for an automation delete old dev branches, and old dev Docker images.

@carmat88 @andersla ideas 🙂 ?

carmat88 commented 6 years ago

Howdy! I reckon that first step would be to agree upon what would be considered as "old". How would you define and old branch for example?

mcapuccini commented 6 years ago

One way would be via inactivity. Let's say if something wasn't touched in 4 months we just delete it.

mcapuccini commented 6 years ago

Then branches can always be restored via GitHub, for a certain period of time.

andersla commented 6 years ago

I usually delete my old branches every once in a while. It is easy since you can see only your branches. If you think more branches should be deleted, then I guess I still have them locally. I use git as a place to store Ideas that I test and might not be used until much later when I tackle the problem again.

mcapuccini commented 6 years ago

Oh, I see. So in many cases old branches could still be useful.