The Resource type should match the names in specs & should be in list: "Pod", "ReplicationController", "Deployment", "Job", "DaemonSet", "ReplicaSet", "StatefulSet", "Service", "ConfigMap", "Secret", "PersistentVolumeClaim", "PersistentVolume", "StorageClass"
It will give error is Resource type is not one of the above list
Ex. --skip-resources=Secret/my-secret,Deployment/my-deployment
The Resource type should match the names in specs & should be in list: "Pod", "ReplicationController", "Deployment", "Job", "DaemonSet", "ReplicaSet", "StatefulSet", "Service", "ConfigMap", "Secret", "PersistentVolumeClaim", "PersistentVolume", "StorageClass" It will give error is Resource type is not one of the above list