kubermatic / kubeone

Kubermatic KubeOne automate cluster operations on all your cloud, on-prem, edge, and IoT environments.
Apache License 2.0
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ARM support for Hetzner doesn't work with machine-controller #2922

Open xmudrii opened 11 months ago

xmudrii commented 11 months ago

Hello @kron4eg @xmudrii , We are just testing the new version of KubeOne 1.7 and KKP. We were looking forward to supporting the Hetzner ARM machines.

cluster_autoscaler_max_replicas = 5
cluster_autoscaler_min_replicas = 1
cluster_name = "kubeone"
control_plane_type = "cax11"
control_plane_vm_count = 1
datacenter = "nbg1"
image = "103908130" // Image ID of Ubuntu ARM on Hetzner, https://docs.hetzner.cloud/#images-get-all-images
initial_machinedeployment_replicas = 1
ip_range =  ""
lb_type = "lb11"
network_zone = "eu-central"
os = "ubuntu"
ssh_public_key_file = "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
worker_type = "cax11"

Does ARM support work on Control Plane and KKP installation or only on edge servers. We have noticed that when the Ubuntu 22.04 ARM image is selected as the image file, the machine-controller containers do not get up. From the machine-controller documentation it appears that https://hub.docker.com/r/kubermatic/machine-controller/tags?page=1 are built on linux/amd64. Will Kube One and KKP install on ARM type machines?

Originally posted by @clickersmudge in https://github.com/kubermatic/kubeone/discussions/2773#discussioncomment-7123174

jens-idoer commented 11 months ago

We are also waiting for arm64 support for machine-controller and operating-system-controller .. in order to switch our control-plane to arm64.

Based on preliminary testing arm worker nodes seem to be working.

MickaelCa commented 7 months ago

I forked https://github.com/MickaelCa/kubermatic-machine-controller and https://github.com/MickaelCa/kubermatic-operating-system-manager and added an ARM docker build via github action, to try deploying a hetzner cluster with ARM control-planes.

So far so good, if anyone wants to try this early, you can use
