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Support policy configuration while enforcing audit logging on Datacenter #11926

Open pkprzekwas opened 1 year ago

pkprzekwas commented 1 year ago

User story

As a DC administrator, while enforcing audit logging on user clusters, I would like to configure enforced policy instead of defaulting it to Metadata.

Solution details

We could support the same presets as those provided while defining user cluster object - https://github.com/kubermatic/kubermatic/blob/main/pkg/apis/kubermatic/v1/audit_logging.go#L29-L33

Alternative approaches

Additional information



embik commented 1 year ago

I wonder if this kind of semi-global audit configuration should be a dedicated resource instead that enforces its setting based on datacenter / seed / project (label) matching. It doesn't seem like a good idea to bloat the Datacenter struct too much.

judge-red commented 1 year ago

I wonder if this kind of semi-global audit configuration should be a dedicated resource instead that enforces its setting based on datacenter / seed / project (label) matching. It doesn't seem like a good idea to bloat the Datacenter struct too much.

As the customer who raised this - enabling this on the datacenter-level really makes little to no sense to me. I would have preferred/expected a global setting (i.e. KubermaticConfiguration) or maybe one on the Seed - directly in the resource or referenced. Honestly, if audit logging is needed, it's usually needed for absolutely everything in the environment.

embik commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback, we will consider that while designing the solution!

csengerszabo commented 1 year ago

Output from internal discussion of SIG cluster management: