kubermatic / machine-controller

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vSphere cloudProvider - failed to get folder #1820

Open steled opened 1 year ago

steled commented 1 year ago

What happened?

I'm trying to setup a k8s cluster via KubeOne with the vSphere cloudProvider. The setup of the VMs is done via Terraform, see the output of the command terraform output -json > tf.json below:

```bash # tf.json { "kubeone_api": { "sensitive": false, "type": [ "object", { "apiserver_alternative_names": [ "list", "string" ], "endpoint": "string" } ], "value": { "apiserver_alternative_names": [], "endpoint": "x.x.x.x" } }, "kubeone_hosts": { "sensitive": false, "type": [ "object", { "control_plane": [ "object", { "bastion": "string", "bastion_host_key": "string", "bastion_port": "number", "bastion_user": "string", "cloud_provider": "string", "cluster_name": "string", "hostnames": [ "list", "string" ], "private_address": [ "tuple", [] ], "public_address": [ "tuple", [ "string", "string", "string" ] ], "ssh_agent_socket": "string", "ssh_hosts_keys": [ "list", "string" ], "ssh_port": "number", "ssh_private_key_file": "string", "ssh_user": "string" } ] } ], "value": { "control_plane": { "bastion": "", "bastion_host_key": null, "bastion_port": 22, "bastion_user": "", "cloud_provider": "vsphere", "cluster_name": "kkp-test", "hostnames": [ "kkp-test-cp-1", "kkp-test-cp-2", "kkp-test-cp-3" ], "private_address": [], "public_address": [ "x.x.x.x", "x.x.x.x", "x.x.x.x" ], "ssh_agent_socket": "env:SSH_AUTH_SOCK", "ssh_hosts_keys": null, "ssh_port": 22, "ssh_private_key_file": "", "ssh_user": "kubeone" } } }, "kubeone_workers": { "sensitive": false, "type": [ "object", { "kkp-test-pool1": [ "object", { "providerSpec": [ "object", { "annotations": [ "object", { "cluster.k8s.io/cluster-api-autoscaler-node-group-max-size": "string", "cluster.k8s.io/cluster-api-autoscaler-node-group-min-size": "string", "k8c.io/operating-system-profile": "string" } ], "cloudProviderSpec": [ "object", { "allowInsecure": "bool", "cluster": "string", "cpus": "number", "datacenter": "string", "datastore": "string", "datastoreCluster": "string", "diskSizeGB": "number", "folder": "string", "memoryMB": "number", "resourcePool": "string", "templateVMName": "string", "vmNetName": "string" } ], "operatingSystem": "string", "operatingSystemSpec": [ "object", { "distUpgradeOnBoot": "bool" } ], "sshPublicKeys": [ "tuple", [ "string" ] ] } ], "replicas": "number" } ] } ], "value": { "kkp-test-pool1": { "providerSpec": { "annotations": { "cluster.k8s.io/cluster-api-autoscaler-node-group-max-size": "2", "cluster.k8s.io/cluster-api-autoscaler-node-group-min-size": "2", "k8c.io/operating-system-profile": "" }, "cloudProviderSpec": { "allowInsecure": true, "cluster": "CLUSTER", "cpus": 2, "datacenter": "DATACENTER", "datastore": "DATASTORE", "datastoreCluster": "", "diskSizeGB": 10, "folder": "/Customers/TEST/kubermatic/kubeone", "memoryMB": 2048, "resourcePool": "Test_pool", "templateVMName": "ubuntu-22.04-server-cloudimg-kubeone-amd64", "vmNetName": "NETWORK" }, "operatingSystem": "ubuntu", "operatingSystemSpec": { "distUpgradeOnBoot": false }, "sshPublicKeys": [ "ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 kubeone" ] }, "replicas": 2 } } } } ```

When I run kubeone apply -m kubeone.yml -t tf.json -c credentials.yml I get the following error message at the step Creating worker machines...:

WARN[10:30:51 CET] Task failed, error was: kubernetes: creating *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment kube-system/kkp-test-pool1
admission webhook "machinedeployments.machine-controller.kubermatic.io" denied the request: validation failed: failed to get folder "/Customers/TEST/kubermatic/kubeone": folder '/Customers/TEST/kubermatic/kubeone' not found

Expected behavior

I expect that the worker nodes will be created in the specified vSphere folder.

How to reproduce the issue?

Setup the KubeOne VMs via Terraform and use the following value in the terraform.tfvars file:

folder_name = "/Customers/TEST/kubermatic/kubeone"

What KubeOne version are you using?

```console $ kubeone version { "kubeone": { "major": "1", "minor": "6", "gitVersion": "1.6.0", "gitCommit": "8b0973ca77856dca920798bbd5ff6b5c0f3f4856", "gitTreeState": "", "buildDate": "2023-02-23T19:25:26Z", "goVersion": "go1.19.6", "compiler": "gc", "platform": "linux/amd64" }, "machine_controller": { "major": "1", "minor": "56", "gitVersion": "v1.56.0", "gitCommit": "", "gitTreeState": "", "buildDate": "", "goVersion": "", "compiler": "", "platform": "linux/amd64" } } ```

Provide your KubeOneCluster manifest here (if applicable)

```yaml apiVersion: kubeone.k8c.io/v1beta2 kind: KubeOneCluster versions: kubernetes: '1.24.8' cloudProvider: vsphere: {} cloudConfig: | [Global] secret-name = "vsphere-ccm-credentials" secret-namespace = "kube-system" port = "443" insecure-flag = "1" [VirtualCenter "VCENTER"] [Workspace] server = "SERVER" datacenter = "DATACENTER" default-datastore="DATASTORE" resourcepool-path="Test_pool" folder = "kubeone" [Disk] scsicontrollertype = pvscsi [Network] public-network = "NETWORK" ```

What cloud provider are you running on?

VMware vSphere

What operating system are you running in your cluster?

Ubuntu 22.04

Additional information

If I update the value of the key kubeone_workers.value.kkp-test-pool1.cloudProviderSpec.folder in the file tf.json to /DATACENTER/vm/Customers/TEST/kubermatic/kubeone the creation of the worker nodes is working.

I tried to setup the full path for the folder as the value in the terraform.tfvars file (folder_name = "/DATACENTER/vm/Customers/TEST/kubermatic/kubeone"). But with this configuration it fails directly at the Terraform run with the following message:

vsphere_virtual_machine.control_plane[1]: Creating...
│ Error: folder '/DATACENTER/vm/DATACENTER/vm/Customers/TEST/kubermatic/kubeone' not found
│   with vsphere_virtual_machine.control_plane[1],
│   on main.tf line 152, in resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "control_plane":
│  152: resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "control_plane" {

For me it looks like that the full folder path should be used as value for the key kubeone_workers.value.kkp-test-pool1.cloudProviderSpec.folder in the tf.json file.

kubermatic-bot commented 1 year ago

Issues go stale after 90d of inactivity. After a furter 30 days, they will turn rotten. Mark the issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle stale.

If this issue is safe to close now please do so with /close.

/lifecycle stale

steled commented 1 year ago

/remove-lifecycle stale

kubermatic-bot commented 9 months ago

Issues go stale after 90d of inactivity. After a furter 30 days, they will turn rotten. Mark the issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle stale.

If this issue is safe to close now please do so with /close.

/lifecycle stale

xmudrii commented 9 months ago

/remove-lifecycle stale

kubermatic-bot commented 6 months ago

Issues go stale after 90d of inactivity. After a furter 30 days, they will turn rotten. Mark the issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle stale.

If this issue is safe to close now please do so with /close.

/lifecycle stale

xmudrii commented 5 months ago

/remove-lifecycle stale

kubermatic-bot commented 2 weeks ago

Issues go stale after 90d of inactivity. After a furter 30 days, they will turn rotten. Mark the issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle stale.

If this issue is safe to close now please do so with /close.

/lifecycle stale

xmudrii commented 2 weeks ago

/remove-lifecycle stale

xmudrii commented 4 days ago

/transfer-issue machine-controller

xmudrii commented 4 days ago

/kind feature