kubernauts / jmeter-kubernetes

Load testing as a service (LTaaS) with Apache Jmeter on kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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Grafana Link not working/ Containers are timing out while trying to ping them from local #21

Closed Kapish1122 closed 4 years ago

Kapish1122 commented 5 years ago

HI, So looks like all the steps are working for me. I wanted to know which ip/link should i use for accessing Grafana. Also, i have minkube installed but i want the grafana to be accessible to any user who wants to run a test. It would be great if you could answer these questions for me. Really appreciate your help. Thanks!!

  1. My assumption is that every user who wants to run a test should clone the repo and add the test script in there? Is that correct?
  2. Currently i have done this entire setup on my local with minikube but the same can be replicated with kubernetes running on the cloud?
  3. Grafana link for jmeter service is accessible to all users or any kind of set up needs to be done for any user? The idea is to get the cluster running and folks can just come in and execute the test by starting the ./start_test.sh (once i have initialized the cluster then they should not have to repeat this). Lastly, my original question regarding the grafana link. Below is the output . Could you guide me as to how i can access grafana via the jmeter service?

s-MacBook-Air:jmeter-operator $ ./initialize_cluster.sh Enter the Jmeter Namespace: tqa Creating Influxdb jmeter Database Creating the Influxdb data source {"datasource":{"id":1,"orgId":1,"name":"jmeterdb","type":"influxdb","typeLogoUrl":"","access":"proxy","url":"http://tqa-loadtest-influxdb:8086","password":"admin","user":"admin","database":"jmeter","basicAuth":false,"basicAuthUser":"","basicAuthPassword":"","withCredentials":false,"isDefault":true,"secureJsonFields":{},"version":1,"readOnly":false},"id":1,"message":"Datasource added","name":"jmeterdb"}s-MacBook-Air:jmeter-operator $ kubectl -n tqa get all NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/tqa-loadtest-grafana-7b8db9bdb5-v2rr4 1/1 Running 0 39m pod/tqa-loadtest-influxdb-745b76b6d6-r6c49 1/1 Running 0 39m pod/tqa-loadtest-jmeter-master-6cd6d7df46-4mm84 1/1 Running 0 40m pod/tqa-loadtest-jmeter-slaves-768d8c4dc9-gj9 1/1 Running 0 39m pod/tqa-loadtest-jmeter-slaves-768d8c4dc9-pbnhl 1/1 Running 0 39m

NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/tqa-loadtest-grafana LoadBalancer 3000:31762/TCP 39m service/tqa-loadtest-influxdb ClusterIP 8083/TCP,8086/TCP,2003/TCP 39m service/tqa-loadtest-jmeter-slaves-svc ClusterIP None 1099/TCP,50000/TCP 39m

NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/tqa-loadtest-grafana 1/1 1 1 39m deployment.apps/tqa-loadtest-influxdb 1/1 1 1 39m deployment.apps/tqa-loadtest-jmeter-master 1/1 1 1 40m deployment.apps/tqa-loadtest-jmeter-slaves 2/2 2 2 39m

NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/tqa-loadtest-grafana-7b8db9bdb5 1 1 1 39m replicaset.apps/tqa-loadtest-influxdb-745b76b6d6 1 1 1 39m replicaset.apps/tqa-loadtest-jmeter-master-6cd6d7df46 1 1 1 40m replicaset.apps/tqa-loadtest-jmeter-slaves-768d8c4dc9 2

Looks like i dont have the grafana peice working as expected: kubectl delete svc jmeter-grafana Error from server (NotFound): services "jmeter-grafana" not found s-MacBook-Air:jmeter-kubernetes asasd$ kubectl expose deployment jmeter-grafana --port=3000 --external-ip=$ --type=NodePort Error from server (NotFound): deployments.extensions "jmeter-grafana" not found

Trying to ping influx/grafana container is timing out from my local but containers are running: ping PING ( 56 data bytes Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 Request timeout for icmp_seq 1 Request timeout for icmp_seq 2

--- ping statistics --- 9 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss s-MacBook-Air:jmeter-kubernetes asdasd$ ping PING ( 56 data bytes Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 Request timeout for icmp_seq 1

arashkaffamanesh commented 4 years ago

jmeter-operator? closed.