kubernetes-client / c

Official C client library for Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
141 stars 45 forks source link

Project roadmap #111

Closed kangarlou closed 2 years ago

kangarlou commented 2 years ago

Hello @ityuhui @brendandburns. NetApp is interested in a Kubernetes client library for C. The documentation is clear that the project "is a work in progress and should be considered alpha quality software at this time". As you know, there is only one tagged version for k8s 1.17 and HEAD supports k8s 1.22 with some support for the releases in between: https://github.com/kubernetes-client/c/blob/master/docs/versioning-and-compatibility.md#compatibility

  1. Are there plans to have a tagged version/release for every minor k8s release going forward?
  2. What are some of the major gaps that make this project alpha and what's the timeline to address them?

Thanks! Ardalan

ityuhui commented 2 years ago

Hi @kangarlou

  1. Version/release tags are on demand now. If someone needs it, we can bump into the latest stable version and tag the old code. For myself, I will tag every minor release since k8s v1.22. I have no plans to tag every patch release. Hi @brendandburns what's your opinion about this?

  2. I think the quality of this project can be considered beta now but I haven't updated the readme. The C client supports all bronze and silver requirements and some gold requirements e.g. exec, attach.

brendandburns commented 2 years ago

@kangarlou I think that anyone adopting this library should expect that they will need to help with some of the work on it.

It is done (as is most OSS) by volunteer effort (mostly @ityuhui if I'm being honest).

It should work, and is mostly stable, but problems have been found in the past (e.g. memory leaks) and I imagine they will be found in the future.

Tagged release for every minor Kubernetes version sounds good, and we may do cherry-pick/patch releases if there are bugs

I think you can depend on this library, but you should expect that you may need to do some work.

Plus, we'd love to have help!

kangarlou commented 2 years ago

Thank you both! It's encouraging to hear that the bronze and silver requirements are supported today.

We're exploring a couple of alternatives, but if we decide on using this project, we'll be happy to help. In the past, NetApp has contributed to kubernetes/kubernetes and kubernetes-csi projects.

brendandburns commented 2 years ago

I'm going to close this issue since I believe that the question is resolved (@kangarlou I hope you join us :)