kubernetes-client / c

Official C client library for Kubernetes
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CoreV1API_patchNamespacedPod API returns 422 error, #196

Closed ReddyArunreddy closed 1 year ago

ReddyArunreddy commented 1 year ago

Hi I'm using CoreV1API_patchNamespacedPod() API to update pod labels but getting 422 error code. not able to identify the problem. My code is as below. Pod sample-pod-0 is already present in cluster







void create_a_pod(apiClient_t apiClient) { char namespace = "default";

 char *body = "[{\"op\": \"replace\", \"path\": \"/metadata/labels/mode\", \"value\": \"stand-by\" }]";
 const char *parse_end = NULL;
 cJSON *event_json_obj = cJSON_ParseWithOpts(body, &parse_end, 1);
 if (!event_json_obj) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create JSON from string: [%s].\n", parse_end);

 object_t *update_body = object_parseFromJSON(event_json_obj);

v1_pod_t *apod = CoreV1API_patchNamespacedPod(apiClient, "sample-pod-0",namespace,update_body , NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL,0);
printf("code=%ld Reci=%s\n", apiClient->response_code,apiClient->dataReceived);


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

int rc = 0;

char *baseName = NULL;
sslConfig_t *sslConfig = NULL;
list_t *apiKeys = NULL;
apiClient_t *k8sApiClient = NULL;

rc = load_kube_config(&baseName, &sslConfig, &apiKeys, NULL);
if (0 == rc) {
    k8sApiClient = apiClient_create_with_base_path(baseName, sslConfig, apiKeys);
} else {
    printf("Cannot load kubernetes configuration.\n");
    return -1;

if (k8sApiClient) {

free_client_config(baseName, sslConfig, apiKeys);
baseName = NULL;
sslConfig = NULL;
apiKeys = NULL;

k8sApiClient = NULL;

return 0;


ityuhui commented 1 year ago

I'll check out this issue.

You can enable debugging as follows to check why the request headers/body are invalid (which would give a 422 error):

# If you want to use `gdb` to debug the C client library, add `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug` to the cmake command line, e.g.

There is a "patch" example that works nicely with a generic client for your reference: https://github.com/kubernetes-client/c/blob/c223563bda143b3ca9e38cbee5782b37cad040a3/examples/generic/main.c#L49

brendandburns commented 1 year ago

My guess is that the content-type which is being sent is incorrect. I think that the content-type should be application/merge-patch+json

There's some related info (for the Typescript client) here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67520468/patch-k8s-custom-resource-with-kubernetes-client-node

ReddyArunreddy commented 1 year ago

Hello, I tried with generic API and content-type as application/merge-patch+json. now getting no error but label is not modifying @ityuhui @brendandburns . it is still showing active only.

const char *patchBody = "{\"op\": \"replace\", \"path\": \"/template/spec/metadata/labels/mode\", \"value\": \"stand-by\" }";

list_t *contentType = list_createList();
// Kubernetes supports multiple content types:

 list_addElement(contentType, "application/merge-patch+json");
char *patch = Generic_patchNamespacedResource(genericClient,"default", "sample-pod", patchBody, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, contentType);
printf("PATCH=%s\n", patch);



ityuhui commented 1 year ago

I tried using the following code, it works:

genericClient_t *genericClient = genericClient_create(apiClient, NULL, "v1", "pods");
const char *patchBody = "[{\"op\": \"replace\", \"path\": \"/metadata/labels/mode\", \"value\": \"stand-by\" }]";
list_t *contentType = list_createList();
list_addElement(contentType, "application/json-patch+json");
char *patch = Generic_patchNamespacedResource(genericClient, "default", "test-pod-8", patchBody, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, contentType);

I think application/merge-patch+json can also work with patchBody in some other formats.

ityuhui commented 1 year ago


CoreV1API_patchNamespacedPod returns 422 because:

A query parameter force is sent to API server in CoreV1API_patchNamespacedPod, but this field is forbidden:

{"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"PatchOptions.meta.k8s.io \"\" is invalid: force: Forbidden: may not be specified for non-apply patch","reason":"Invalid","details":{"group":"meta.k8s.io","kind":"PatchOptions","causes":[{"reason":"FieldValueForbidden","message":"Forbidden: may not be specified for non-apply patch","field":"force"}]},"code":422}

The C client cannot stop sending because there is a limitation that we have to send "int" type parameter at any time. https://github.com/kubernetes-client/c/issues/176#issuecomment-1451851482

Please use the generic client for patching now.

ydcpp commented 1 year ago

I had the same issue, I'm using generic client now and it works. Thank you @ityuhui

ReddyArunreddy commented 1 year ago

Yes it working with generic API. Thank you for support @ityuhui @brendandburns .

brendandburns commented 1 year ago

closing this as the issue is resolved (at least as resolved as it can be given #176)