kubernetes-client / csharp

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Is it possible to create a CRD controller? #241

Closed omerlh closed 5 years ago

omerlh commented 5 years ago

I'm using the dotnet client in Kamus, and I really enjoyed it so far. I want to add a CRD (see Soluto/kamus#13), and ideally, I'll be able to write it in dotnet like the rest of the service. By looking at golang samples, look like I need to be able to listen to CLI events. I couldn't find the relevant methods in the SDK - am I missing something? I find only WatchCustomResourceDefinitionAsync, but I'm not sure this is the same as NewListWatchFromClient or NewInformer that are used on this sample. Can you please help me and point me in the right direction?

brendandburns commented 5 years ago

Yes, you can definitely write a CRD controller in csharp.

ListWatch and Informer are higher-level constructs/utilities that are built into the golang client.

Equivalent capabilities haven't been built into the dotnet client (yet) but that doesn't mean that you can't build a CRD controller, it just means you'll have to do a little more work.

There's a ListWatch cache that has been built for Javascript here:


It wouldn't be hard to implement something similar for csharp (and we'd love a PR), or you can just use List and Watch directly.

omerlh commented 5 years ago

So just to make sure I understand - I need to write a listWatch CRD using the function WatchCustomResourceDefinitionAsync and ListCustomResourceDefintionAsync? Because I tried using the watch and didn't get evens although I created CRDs object (not the definition).

brendandburns commented 5 years ago

Ah, I looked, you want WatchCustomObject not WatchCustomResource but in looking I realized that hasn't been generated for C#. I need to run a regeneration pass to get it in. I'll try to send a PR this evening....


omerlh commented 5 years ago

Thank you! I need also advice on a design: Is there a doc on how to write HA controller? I understand I need to listen for CLI events, so I guess it means having one pod listening for events on the cluster. How can I handle pod stopping/starting and ensuring I'm losing events? Also - I wanted to generate the new API, but couldn't figure out why. Will be happy to send a PR :)

omerlh commented 5 years ago

Find my answer (regarding the controller) on the docs:

A given Kubernetes server will only preserve a historical list of changes for a limited time. Clusters using etcd3 preserve changes in the last 5 minutes by default. When the requested watch operations fail because the historical version of that resource is not available, clients must handle the case by recognizing the status code 410 Gone, clearing their local cache, performing a list operation, and starting the watch from the resourceVersion returned by that new list operation. Most client libraries offer some form of standard tool for this logic. (In Go this is called a Reflector and is located in the k8s.io/client-go/cache package.)

omerlh commented 5 years ago

One finall update - I managed to understand how to do it by hand using:

var watch = await kubernetes.WatchObjectAsync<object>("apis/drud.com/v1/apps");

But recevied the following execption:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at k8s.Watcher`1.WatcherLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken)

I guess it's somewhere inside the watch but I couldn't understand where...

brendandburns commented 5 years ago

It's going to try to deserialize the objects into a JSON parsed object here:


So instead of passing object I think you should pass the object you should expect with the proper JSON field names.

Hope that helps. This is definitely harder than it should be...

omerlh commented 5 years ago

Got the same exception, trying:

await kubernetes.WatchObjectAsync<KamusSecret>("apis/soluto.com/alpha/kamussecrets");

This is KamusSecret:

    class KamusSecret : KubernetesObject
        public Dictionary<string,string> Data { get; set; }
        public string Type { get; set; }
        public V1ObjectMeta Metadata { get; set; }

And when trying the following URL http://localhost:8001/apis/soluto.com/alpha/kamussecrets?watch=1 I get valid results:

brendandburns commented 5 years ago

Yeah, it looks like you need to add warch=1

There's a comment here:


That explains why.

But honestly, looking at the code (I didn't write most of it) I feel like there are two competing watch implementations...

Anyway, I think that what you need to do is parse out that "object" field and that will be your KamusSecret.

Alteranately you could create:

class KamuSecretWatchContainer {
  // The type of Watch event (ADDED, DELETED,etc)
   public string type

  // The object itself
  public KamusSecret object

And pass that to the Watch.

Sorry this is so complicated. we should make it easier. Thanks for sticking with it!
omerlh commented 5 years ago

I tried adding the query param:

await kubernetes.WatchObjectAsync<KamusSecret>("apis/soluto.com/alpha/kamussecrets?watch=1");

But the requests failed with NotFound error from Kuberentes. Which is weird, because

GET http://localhost:8001/apis/soluto.com/alpha/kamussecrets?watch=1

Hang because there are no objects right now. So it exists. I have no idea why it's not working. I looked on the URL in the exception and it looks valid...

brendandburns commented 5 years ago

Hrm, ok at this point I think I just need to reproduce the error on my local box and debug more :)


omerlh commented 5 years ago

Sure, thanks!

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