kubernetes-sigs / apisnoop

⭕️Snooping on the Kubernetes OpenAPI communications
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Add tool for scraping dynamic pages #517

Closed riaankleinhans closed 2 years ago

riaankleinhans commented 3 years ago

The new verb 'find' is not mapped to any HTTP method. APISnoop does not function correctly because of the miss match

zachmandeville commented 3 years ago

I wrote up a diagnosis of the problem at org/tickets/517_find_error.org. For convenience, I am reproducing the content below!


SnoopDB is unable to build due to an error when loading audit events from ’ci-audit-kind-conformance’. We have been getting the job by scraping the bucket’s job page for a particular style tag that tells us the latest successful job. The issue came when this page moved from being statically rendered to dynamically rendered. Our webscaper cannot do dynamic content, and so cannot find the tag it needs.

The question is how to update our tool for this bucket. We can update the web scraper, but this moment highlights how fragile that method is. Is there a more direct way we can get the latest job for this bucket?

The rest of this org file gives a background to the problem, and our path of debugging it.

Loading Buckets and Jobs

When snoopdb starts up, it pulls in the latest audit events from three job runners, or ’buckets’. These buckets represent a set of tests run on a specific kubernetes environment at a regular interval. For each bucket, we want the latest run of tests, i.e the latest job.

So, when snoopdb tries to load audit events, it first determines the latest job and then downloads the events for that bucket/job.

You can see this in the migration files for snoopdb, specifically 502: load all audit events which calls a function defined in 301: loadauditevents

Loading three buckets and jobs

We want to track coverage for the entire conformance suite, and for the set of tests not yet promoted to conformance. There’s a default bucket we used for this, then discovered not all conformance tests can run in this bucket’s test environment. So while it is good to get a look at the general test coverage, we needed to pull in runs from two other environments setup to run particular kinds of conformance tests.

The newest bucket is ci-audit-kind-conformance , which I believe was created specifically to run only conformance tests, but all of them. It is this bucket that is causing issues for us.

Loading audit events

Our load_audit_events function is written in a combo of python and sql. For the python processing, we have some utility functions defined in a snoopUtils.py file.

The error can be traced to the utility function determinebucketjob , which is defined as:

def determine_bucket_job(custom_bucket=None, custom_job=None):
    """return tuple of bucket, job, using latest succesfful job of default bucket if no custom bucket or job is given"""
    #establish bucket we'll draw test results from.
    baseline_bucket = os.environ['APISNOOP_BASELINE_BUCKET'] if 'APISNOOP_BASELINE_BUCKET' in os.environ.keys() else 'ci-kubernetes-e2e-gci-gce'
    bucket =  baseline_bucket if custom_bucket is None else custom_bucket
    if bucket == 'ci-audit-kind-conformance':
        latest_success = get_latest_akc_success(AUDIT_KIND_CONFORMANCE_RUNS)
        job = latest_success if custom_job is None else custom_job
        #grab the latest successful test run for our chosen bucket.
        testgrid_history = get_json(GCS_LOGS + bucket + "/jobResultsCache.json")
        latest_success = [x for x in testgrid_history if x['result'] == 'SUCCESS'][-1]['buildnumber']
        print("LATEST JOB IS: ", latest_success)
        #establish job
        baseline_job = os.environ['APISNOOP_BASELINE_JOB'] if 'APISNOOP_BASELINE_JOB' in os.environ.keys() else latest_success
        job = baseline_job if custom_job is None else custom_job
    return (bucket, job)

This function checks whether we are using the ci-audit-kind-conformance bucket, and if so uses different logic to grab the latest job. For the two others, we just grab the jobResultsCache.json file and pull the latest job from this data. For whatever reason, we get a 404 when trying to get this file for ci-audit-kind-conformance.

Loading events for ci-audit-kind-conformance

A few months back, we tried to figure out a clean way to get the latest job for this bucket, but could not find any equivalent to jobResultsCache.json (relevant k8s slack thread).

As an interim fix, we web-scrape the prow page that holds all the job results, looking for the first one with the class run-success.

def get_latest_akc_success(url):
    determines latest successful run for ci-audit-kind-conformance and returns its ID as a string.
    soup = get_html(url)
    latest_success = soup.find('tr', class_="run-success").find('a').get_text()
    return latest_success

In other words, to get the latest job we must have a working webpage, with this style tag, and with all the job results statically written on the page.

Recently (sometime after 1st July), the page was updated so that its content was rendered dynamically through javascript. Because of this, our webscraper cannot find the tag, and so the find method we try to call on the result of the search returns a Nonetype error. This causes snoopdb to fail.

Fixing the problem

There are three ways, I can see, to fix the problem.

  1. Update our scraper to find our content in the script tag

    All the jobs we want are hardcoded into the script tag, set to the variable allBuilds. We could update our function to find this tag and var, then convert the right part of the string to json and traverse that to get the one we want. This would require some non-obvious code to get the right regex pattern, and its matching is v. fragile. If the page gets updated again, this will fail again.

  2. Add tool for scraping dynamic pages

    Once populated by javascript, the structure of the page is identical to as it was before. This means that if we could scrape the fully loaded page, we could use the same logic in the above function to get what we want.

    There are a few python libraries for doing this, and so we would add a dependency, update how the scrape happens in the function, and should be good to go. This would probably be the simplest method, but is overall fragile as it depends on the page staying consistent, which we have found is not the case. This will likely be something we have to continually catch and update.

  3. Update the job results page to include latest job data

    This option would likely be the best long-term fix. Somehow adjust the job results to include a json file, or some other call, we can use to grab the latest job. This would make the function obvious, and would require no web-scraping. IT is unknown at the moment how to do this though, and would require reaching out to someone in the k8s community that could adjust the code or point us to the right, existing method of getting the job.

I would like to solve this using option 3, but we may have to do option 2 for now.

zachmandeville commented 2 years ago

This was fixed with 83744042b89a293ca1ac5ed4007f36b0b131b07a