kubernetes-sigs / external-dns

Configure external DNS servers (AWS Route53, Google CloudDNS and others) for Kubernetes Ingresses and Services
Apache License 2.0
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Documentation for supported flags and environment variables #4260

Open luckury opened 9 months ago

luckury commented 9 months ago

What would you like to be added: Documentation for the supported flags for external-dns. Why is this needed: Really struggling to understand what all the features of external-dns are and how to configure the app. In the source-code there are all the flags specified here: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/external-dns/blob/master/pkg/apis/externaldns/types.go. I think we should extract them and put them on a dedicated doc page.

Here is a table for other people looking for this in the meantime:

Flag name Description
Flags related to Kubernetes
server The Kubernetes API server to connect to (default: auto-detect)
kubeconfig Retrieve target cluster configuration from a Kubernetes configuration file (default: auto-detect)
request-timeout Request timeout when calling Kubernetes APIs. 0s means no timeout
resolve-service-load-balancer-hostname Resolve the hostname of LoadBalancer-type Service object to IP addresses in order to create DNS A/AAAA records instead of CNAMEs
Flags related to cloud foundry
cf-api-endpoint The fully-qualified domain name of the cloud foundry instance you are targeting
cf-username The username to log into the cloud foundry API
cf-password The password to log into the cloud foundry API
Flags related to Gloo
gloo-namespace The Gloo Proxy namespace; specify multiple times for multiple namespaces. (default: gloo-system)
Flags related to Skipper RouteGroup
skipper-routegroup-groupversion The resource version for skipper routegroup
Flags related to processing source
source The resource types that are queried for endpoints; specify multiple times for multiple sources (required, options: service, ingress, node, pod, fake, connector, gateway-httproute, gateway-grpcroute, gateway-tlsroute, gateway-tcproute, gateway-udproute, istio-gateway, istio-virtualservice, cloudfoundry, contour-httpproxy, gloo-proxy, crd, empty, skipper-routegroup, openshift-route, ambassador-host, kong-tcpingress, f5-virtualserver, traefik-proxy)
openshift-router-name if source is openshift-route then you can pass the ingress controller name. Based on this name external-dns will select the respective router from the route status and map that routerCanonicalHostname to the route host while creating a CNAME record.
namespace Limit resources queried for endpoints to a specific namespace (default: all namespaces)
annotation-filter Filter resources queried for endpoints by annotation, using label selector semantics
label-filter Filter resources queried for endpoints by label selector; currently supported by source types crd, gateway-httproute, gateway-grpcroute, gateway-tlsroute, gateway-tcproute, gateway-udproute, ingress, node, openshift-route, and service
ingress-class Require an Ingress to have this class name (defaults to any class; specify multiple times to allow more than one class)
fqdn-template A templated string that's used to generate DNS names from sources that don't define a hostname themselves, or to add a hostname suffix when paired with the fake source (optional). Accepts comma separated list for multiple global FQDN.
combine-fqdn-annotation Combine FQDN template and Annotations instead of overwriting
ignore-hostname-annotation Ignore hostname annotation when generating DNS names, valid only when --fqdn-template is set (default: false)
ignore-ingress-tls-spec Ignore the spec.tls section in Ingress resources (default: false)
gateway-namespace Limit Gateways of Route endpoints to a specific namespace (default: all namespaces)
gateway-label-filter Filter Gateways of Route endpoints via label selector (default: all gateways)
compatibility Process annotation semantics from legacy implementations (optional, options: mate, molecule, kops-dns-controller)
ignore-ingress-rules-spec Ignore the spec.rules section in Ingress resources (default: false)
publish-internal-services Allow external-dns to publish DNS records for ClusterIP services (optional)
publish-host-ip Allow external-dns to publish host-ip for headless services (optional)
always-publish-not-ready-addresses Always publish also not ready addresses for headless services (optional)
connector-source-server The server to connect for connector source, valid only when using connector source
crd-source-apiversion API version of the CRD for crd source, e.g. externaldns.k8s.io/v1alpha1, valid only when using crd source
crd-source-kind Kind of the CRD for the crd source in API group and version specified by crd-source-apiversion
service-type-filter The service types to take care about (default: all, expected: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer or ExternalName)
managed-record-types Record types to manage; specify multiple times to include many; (default: A, AAAA, CNAME) (supported records: A, AAAA, CNAME, NS, SRV, TXT)
exclude-record-types Record types to exclude from management; specify multiple times to exclude many; (optional)
default-targets Set globally default host/IP that will apply as a target instead of source addresses. Specify multiple times for multiple targets (optional)
target-net-filter Limit possible targets by a net filter; specify multiple times for multiple possible nets (optional)
exclude-target-net Exclude target nets (optional)
traefik-disable-legacy Disable listeners on Resources under the traefik.containo.us API Group
traefik-disable-new Disable listeners on Resources under the traefik.io API Group
Flags related to providers
providers := []string{"akamai alibabacloud aws aws-sd azure azure-dns azure-private-dns bluecat civo cloudflare coredns designate digitalocean dnsimple dyn exoscale gandi godaddy google ibmcloud infoblox inmemory linode ns1 oci ovh pdns pihole plural rcodezero rdns rfc2136 safedns scaleway skydns tencentcloud transip ultradns vinyldns vultr webhook"}
provider The DNS provider where the DNS records will be created (required, options: "+strings.Join(providers, )+")
domain-filter Limit possible target zones by a domain suffix; specify multiple times for multiple domains (optional)
exclude-domains Exclude subdomains (optional)
regex-domain-filter Limit possible domains and target zones by a Regex filter; Overrides domain-filter (optional)
regex-domain-exclusion Regex filter that excludes domains and target zones matched by regex-domain-filter (optional)
zone-name-filter Filter target zones by zone domain (For now, only AzureDNS provider is using this flag); specify multiple times for multiple zones (optional)
zone-id-filter Filter target zones by hosted zone id; specify multiple times for multiple zones (optional)
google-project When using the Google provider, current project is auto-detected, when running on GCP. Specify other project with this. Must be specified when running outside GCP.
google-batch-change-size When using the Google provider, set the maximum number of changes that will be applied in each batch.
google-batch-change-interval When using the Google provider, set the interval between batch changes.
google-zone-visibility When using the Google provider, filter for zones with this visibility (optional, options: public, private)
alibaba-cloud-config-file When using the Alibaba Cloud provider, specify the Alibaba Cloud configuration file (required when --provider=alibabacloud)
alibaba-cloud-zone-type When using the Alibaba Cloud provider, filter for zones of this type (optional, options: public, private)
aws-zone-type When using the AWS provider, filter for zones of this type (optional, options: public, private)
aws-zone-tags When using the AWS provider, filter for zones with these tags
aws-assume-role When using the AWS API, assume this IAM role. Useful for hosted zones in another AWS account. Specify the full ARN, e.g. arn:aws:iam::123455567:role/external-dns (optional)
aws-assume-role-external-id When using the AWS API and assuming a role then specify this external ID` (optional)
aws-batch-change-size When using the AWS provider, set the maximum number of changes that will be applied in each batch.
aws-batch-change-size-bytes When using the AWS provider, set the maximum byte size that will be applied in each batch.
aws-batch-change-size-values When using the AWS provider, set the maximum total record values that will be applied in each batch.
aws-batch-change-interval When using the AWS provider, set the interval between batch changes.
aws-evaluate-target-health When using the AWS provider, set whether to evaluate the health of a DNS target (default: enabled, disable with --no-aws-evaluate-target-health)
aws-api-retries When using the AWS API, set the maximum number of retries before giving up.
aws-prefer-cname When using the AWS provider, prefer using CNAME instead of ALIAS (default: disabled)
aws-zones-cache-duration When using the AWS provider, set the zones list cache TTL (0s to disable).
aws-zone-match-parent Expand limit possible target by sub-domains (default: disabled)
aws-sd-service-cleanup When using the AWS CloudMap provider, delete empty Services without endpoints (default: disabled)
azure-config-file When using the Azure provider, specify the Azure configuration file (required when --provider=azure)
azure-resource-group When using the Azure provider, override the Azure resource group to use (required when --provider=azure-private-dns)
azure-subscription-id When using the Azure provider, specify the Azure configuration file (required when --provider=azure-private-dns)
azure-user-assigned-identity-client-id When using the Azure provider, override the client id of user assigned identity in config file (optional)
tencent-cloud-config-file When using the Tencent Cloud provider, specify the Tencent Cloud configuration file (required when --provider=tencentcloud)
tencent-cloud-zone-type When using the Tencent Cloud provider, filter for zones with visibility (optional, options: public, private)
Flags related to BlueCat provider
bluecat-dns-configuration When using the Bluecat provider, specify the Bluecat DNS configuration string (optional when --provider=bluecat)
bluecat-config-file When using the Bluecat provider, specify the Bluecat configuration file (optional when --provider=bluecat)
bluecat-dns-view When using the Bluecat provider, specify the Bluecat DNS view string (optional when --provider=bluecat)
bluecat-gateway-host When using the Bluecat provider, specify the Bluecat Gateway Host (optional when --provider=bluecat)
bluecat-root-zone When using the Bluecat provider, specify the Bluecat root zone (optional when --provider=bluecat)
bluecat-skip-tls-verify When using the Bluecat provider, specify to skip TLS verification (optional when --provider=bluecat) (default: false)
bluecat-dns-server-name When using the Bluecat provider, specify the Bluecat DNS Server to initiate deploys against. This is only used if --bluecat-dns-deploy-type is not 'no-deploy' (optional when --provider=bluecat)
bluecat-dns-deploy-type When using the Bluecat provider, specify the type of DNS deployment to initiate after records are updated. Valid options are 'full-deploy' and 'no-deploy'. Deploy will only execute if --bluecat-dns-server-name is set (optional when --provider=bluecat)
cloudflare-proxied When using the Cloudflare provider, specify if the proxy mode must be enabled (default: disabled)
cloudflare-dns-records-per-page When using the Cloudflare provider, specify how many DNS records listed per page, max possible 5,000 (default: 100)
coredns-prefix When using the CoreDNS provider, specify the prefix name
akamai-serviceconsumerdomain When using the Akamai provider, specify the base URL (required when --provider=akamai and edgerc-path not specified)
akamai-client-token When using the Akamai provider, specify the client token (required when --provider=akamai and edgerc-path not specified)
akamai-client-secret When using the Akamai provider, specify the client secret (required when --provider=akamai and edgerc-path not specified)
akamai-access-token When using the Akamai provider, specify the access token (required when --provider=akamai and edgerc-path not specified)
akamai-edgerc-path When using the Akamai provider, specify the .edgerc file path. Path must be reachable form invocation environment. (required when --provider=akamai and *-token, secret serviceconsumerdomain not specified)
akamai-edgerc-section When using the Akamai provider, specify the .edgerc file path (Optional when edgerc-path is specified)
infoblox-grid-host When using the Infoblox provider, specify the Grid Manager host (required when --provider=infoblox)
infoblox-wapi-port When using the Infoblox provider, specify the WAPI port (default: 443)
infoblox-wapi-username When using the Infoblox provider, specify the WAPI username (default: admin)
infoblox-wapi-password When using the Infoblox provider, specify the WAPI password (required when --provider=infoblox)
infoblox-wapi-version When using the Infoblox provider, specify the WAPI version (default: 2.3.1)
infoblox-ssl-verify When using the Infoblox provider, specify whether to verify the SSL certificate (default: true, disable with --no-infoblox-ssl-verify)
infoblox-view DNS view (default: \"\")
infoblox-max-results Add _max_results as query parameter to the URL on all API requests. The default is 0 which means _max_results is not set and the default of the server is used.
infoblox-fqdn-regex Apply this regular expression as a filter for obtaining zone_auth objects. This is disabled by default.
infoblox-name-regex Apply this regular expression as a filter on the name field for obtaining infoblox records. This is disabled by default.
infoblox-create-ptr When using the Infoblox provider, create a ptr entry in addition to an entry
infoblox-cache-duration When using the Infoblox provider, set the record TTL (0s to disable).
dyn-customer-name When using the Dyn provider, specify the Customer Name
dyn-username When using the Dyn provider, specify the Username
dyn-password When using the Dyn provider, specify the password
dyn-min-ttl Minimal TTL (in seconds) for records. This value will be used if the provided TTL for a service/ingress is lower than this.
oci-config-file When using the OCI provider, specify the OCI configuration file (required when --provider=oci
oci-compartment-ocid When using the OCI provider, specify the OCID of the OCI compartment containing all managed zones and records. Required when using OCI IAM instance principal authentication.
oci-zone-scope When using OCI provider, filter for zones with this scope (optional, options: GLOBAL, PRIVATE). Defaults to GLOBAL, setting to empty value will target both.
oci-auth-instance-principal When using the OCI provider, specify whether OCI IAM instance principal authentication should be used (instead of key-based auth via the OCI config file).
oci-zones-cache-duration When using the OCI provider, set the zones list cache TTL (0s to disable).
rcodezero-txt-encrypt When using the Rcodezero provider with txt registry option, set if TXT rrs are encrypted (default: false)
inmemory-zone Provide a list of pre-configured zones for the inmemory provider; specify multiple times for multiple zones (optional)
ovh-endpoint When using the OVH provider, specify the endpoint (default: ovh-eu)
ovh-api-rate-limit When using the OVH provider, specify the API request rate limit, X operations by seconds (default: 20)
pdns-server When using the PowerDNS/PDNS provider, specify the URL to the pdns server (required when --provider=pdns)
pdns-api-key When using the PowerDNS/PDNS provider, specify the API key to use to authorize requests (required when --provider=pdns)
pdns-skip-tls-verify When using the PowerDNS/PDNS provider, disable verification of any TLS certificates (optional when --provider=pdns) (default: false)
ns1-endpoint When using the NS1 provider, specify the URL of the API endpoint to target (default: https://api.nsone.net/v1/)
ns1-ignoressl When using the NS1 provider, specify whether to verify the SSL certificate (default: false)
ns1-min-ttl Minimal TTL (in seconds) for records. This value will be used if the provided TTL for a service/ingress is lower than this.
digitalocean-api-page-size Configure the page size used when querying the DigitalOcean API.
ibmcloud-config-file When using the IBM Cloud provider, specify the IBM Cloud configuration file (required when --provider=ibmcloud
ibmcloud-proxied When using the IBM provider, specify if the proxy mode must be enabled (default: disabled)
GoDaddy flags
godaddy-api-key When using the GoDaddy provider, specify the API Key (required when --provider=godaddy)
godaddy-api-secret When using the GoDaddy provider, specify the API secret (required when --provider=godaddy)
godaddy-api-ttl TTL (in seconds) for records. This value will be used if the provided TTL for a service/ingress is not provided.
godaddy-api-ote When using the GoDaddy provider, use OTE api (optional, default: false, when --provider=godaddy)
Flags related to TLS communication
tls-ca When using TLS communication, the path to the certificate authority to verify server communications (optionally specify --tls-client-cert for two-way TLS)
tls-client-cert When using TLS communication, the path to the certificate to present as a client (not required for TLS)
tls-client-cert-key When using TLS communication, the path to the certificate key to use with the client certificate (not required for TLS)
Flags related to Exoscale provider
exoscale-apienv When using Exoscale provider, specify the API environment (optional)
exoscale-apizone When using Exoscale provider, specify the API Zone (optional)
exoscale-apikey Provide your API Key for the Exoscale provider
exoscale-apisecret Provide your API Secret for the Exoscale provider
Flags related to RFC2136 provider
rfc2136-host When using the RFC2136 provider, specify the host of the DNS server
rfc2136-port When using the RFC2136 provider, specify the port of the DNS server
rfc2136-zone When using the RFC2136 provider, specify zone entries of the DNS server to use
rfc2136-insecure When using the RFC2136 provider, specify whether to attach TSIG or not (default: false, requires --rfc2136-tsig-keyname and rfc2136-tsig-secret)
rfc2136-tsig-keyname When using the RFC2136 provider, specify the TSIG key to attached to DNS messages (required when --rfc2136-insecure=false)
rfc2136-tsig-secret When using the RFC2136 provider, specify the TSIG (base64) value to attached to DNS messages (required when --rfc2136-insecure=false)
rfc2136-tsig-secret-alg When using the RFC2136 provider, specify the TSIG (base64) value to attached to DNS messages (required when --rfc2136-insecure=false)
rfc2136-tsig-axfr When using the RFC2136 provider, specify the TSIG (base64) value to attached to DNS messages (required when --rfc2136-insecure=false)
rfc2136-min-ttl When using the RFC2136 provider, specify minimal TTL (in duration format) for records. This value will be used if the provided TTL for a service/ingress is lower than this
rfc2136-gss-tsig When using the RFC2136 provider, specify whether to use secure updates with GSS-TSIG using Kerberos (default: false, requires --rfc2136-kerberos-realm, --rfc2136-kerberos-username, and rfc2136-kerberos-password)
rfc2136-kerberos-username When using the RFC2136 provider with GSS-TSIG, specify the username of the user with permissions to update DNS records (required when --rfc2136-gss-tsig=true)
rfc2136-kerberos-password When using the RFC2136 provider with GSS-TSIG, specify the password of the user with permissions to update DNS records (required when --rfc2136-gss-tsig=true)
rfc2136-kerberos-realm When using the RFC2136 provider with GSS-TSIG, specify the realm of the user with permissions to update DNS records (required when --rfc2136-gss-tsig=true)
rfc2136-batch-change-size When using the RFC2136 provider, set the maximum number of changes that will be applied in each batch.
Flags related to TransIP provider
transip-account When using the TransIP provider, specify the account name (required when --provider=transip)
transip-keyfile When using the TransIP provider, specify the path to the private key file (required when --provider=transip)
Flags related to Pihole provider
pihole-server When using the Pihole provider, the base URL of the Pihole web server (required when --provider=pihole)
pihole-password When using the Pihole provider, the password to the server if it is protected
pihole-tls-skip-verify When using the Pihole provider, disable verification of any TLS certificates
Flags related to the Plural provider
plural-cluster When using the plural provider, specify the cluster name you're running with
plural-provider When using the plural provider, specify the provider name you're running with
Flags related to policies
policy Modify how DNS records are synchronized between sources and providers (default: sync, options: sync, upsert-only, create-only)
Flags related to the registry
registry The registry implementation to use to keep track of DNS record ownership (default: txt, options: txt, noop, dynamodb, aws-sd)
txt-owner-id When using the TXT or DynamoDB registry, a name that identifies this instance of ExternalDNS (default: default)
txt-prefix When using the TXT registry, a custom string that's prefixed to each ownership DNS record (optional). Could contain record type template like '%{record_type}-prefix-'. Mutual exclusive with txt-suffix!
txt-suffix When using the TXT registry, a custom string that's suffixed to the host portion of each ownership DNS record (optional). Could contain record type template like '-%{record_type}-suffix'. Mutual exclusive with txt-prefix!
txt-wildcard-replacement When using the TXT registry, a custom string that's used instead of an asterisk for TXT records corresponding to wildcard DNS records (optional)
txt-encrypt-enabled When using the TXT registry, set if TXT records should be encrypted before stored (default: disabled)
txt-encrypt-aes-key When using the TXT registry, set TXT record decryption and encryption 32 byte aes key (required when --txt-encrypt=true)
dynamodb-region When using the DynamoDB registry, the AWS region of the DynamoDB table (optional)
dynamodb-table When using the DynamoDB registry, the name of the DynamoDB table (default: \"external-dns\")
Flags related to the main control loop
txt-cache-interval The interval between cache synchronizations in duration format (default: disabled)
interval The interval between two consecutive synchronizations in duration format (default: 1m)
min-event-sync-interval The minimum interval between two consecutive synchronizations triggered from kubernetes events in duration format (default: 5s)
once When enabled, exits the synchronization loop after the first iteration (default: disabled)
dry-run When enabled, prints DNS record changes rather than actually performing them (default: disabled)
events When enabled, in addition to running every interval, the reconciliation loop will get triggered when supported sources change (default: disabled)
Miscellaneous flags
log-format The format in which log messages are printed (default: text, options: text, json)
metrics-address Specify where to serve the metrics and health check endpoint (default: :7979)
log-level Set the level of logging. (default: info, options: panic, debug, info, warning, error, fatal)
Webhook provider
webhook-provider-url [EXPERIMENTAL] The URL of the remote endpoint to call for the webhook provider (default: http://localhost:8888)
webhook-provider-read-timeout [EXPERIMENTAL] The read timeout for the webhook provider in duration format (default: 5s)
webhook-provider-write-timeout [EXPERIMENTAL] The write timeout for the webhook provider in duration format (default: 10s)
webhook-server [EXPERIMENTAL] When enabled, runs as a webhook server instead of a controller. (default: false).
Flag defaults ```go APIServerURL: "", KubeConfig: "", RequestTimeout: time.Second * 30, DefaultTargets: []string{}, GlooNamespaces: []string{"gloo-system"}, SkipperRouteGroupVersion: "zalando.org/v1", Sources: nil, Namespace: "", AnnotationFilter: "", LabelFilter: labels.Everything().String(), IngressClassNames: nil, FQDNTemplate: "", CombineFQDNAndAnnotation: false, IgnoreHostnameAnnotation: false, IgnoreIngressTLSSpec: false, IgnoreIngressRulesSpec: false, GatewayNamespace: "", GatewayLabelFilter: "", Compatibility: "", PublishInternal: false, PublishHostIP: false, ConnectorSourceServer: "localhost:8080", Provider: "", GoogleProject: "", GoogleBatchChangeSize: 1000, GoogleBatchChangeInterval: time.Second, GoogleZoneVisibility: "", DomainFilter: []string{}, ZoneIDFilter: []string{}, ExcludeDomains: []string{}, RegexDomainFilter: regexp.MustCompile(""), RegexDomainExclusion: regexp.MustCompile(""), TargetNetFilter: []string{}, ExcludeTargetNets: []string{}, AlibabaCloudConfigFile: "/etc/kubernetes/alibaba-cloud.json", AWSZoneType: "", AWSZoneTagFilter: []string{}, AWSZoneMatchParent: false, AWSAssumeRole: "", AWSAssumeRoleExternalID: "", AWSBatchChangeSize: 1000, AWSBatchChangeSizeBytes: 32000, AWSBatchChangeSizeValues: 1000, AWSBatchChangeInterval: time.Second, AWSEvaluateTargetHealth: true, AWSAPIRetries: 3, AWSPreferCNAME: false, AWSZoneCacheDuration: 0 * time.Second, AWSSDServiceCleanup: false, AWSDynamoDBRegion: "", AWSDynamoDBTable: "external-dns", AzureConfigFile: "/etc/kubernetes/azure.json", AzureResourceGroup: "", AzureSubscriptionID: "", BluecatConfigFile: "/etc/kubernetes/bluecat.json", BluecatDNSDeployType: "no-deploy", CloudflareProxied: false, CloudflareDNSRecordsPerPage: 100, CoreDNSPrefix: "/skydns/", RcodezeroTXTEncrypt: false, AkamaiServiceConsumerDomain: "", AkamaiClientToken: "", AkamaiClientSecret: "", AkamaiAccessToken: "", AkamaiEdgercSection: "", AkamaiEdgercPath: "", InfobloxGridHost: "", InfobloxWapiPort: 443, InfobloxWapiUsername: "admin", InfobloxWapiPassword: "", InfobloxWapiVersion: "2.3.1", InfobloxSSLVerify: true, InfobloxView: "", InfobloxMaxResults: 0, InfobloxFQDNRegEx: "", InfobloxCreatePTR: false, InfobloxCacheDuration: 0, OCIConfigFile: "/etc/kubernetes/oci.yaml", OCIZoneScope: "GLOBAL", OCIZoneCacheDuration: 0 * time.Second, InMemoryZones: []string{}, OVHEndpoint: "ovh-eu", OVHApiRateLimit: 20, PDNSServer: "http://localhost:8081", PDNSAPIKey: "", PDNSSkipTLSVerify: false, TLSCA: "", TLSClientCert: "", TLSClientCertKey: "", Policy: "sync", Registry: "txt", TXTOwnerID: "default", TXTPrefix: "", TXTSuffix: "", TXTCacheInterval: 0, TXTWildcardReplacement: "", MinEventSyncInterval: 5 * time.Second, TXTEncryptEnabled: false, TXTEncryptAESKey: "", Interval: time.Minute, Once: false, DryRun: false, UpdateEvents: false, LogFormat: "text", MetricsAddress: ":7979", LogLevel: logrus.InfoLevel.String(), ExoscaleAPIEnvironment: "api", ExoscaleAPIZone: "ch-gva-2", ExoscaleAPIKey: "", ExoscaleAPISecret: "", CRDSourceAPIVersion: "externaldns.k8s.io/v1alpha1", CRDSourceKind: "DNSEndpoint", ServiceTypeFilter: []string{}, CFAPIEndpoint: "", CFUsername: "", CFPassword: "", RFC2136Host: "", RFC2136Port: 0, RFC2136Zone: []string{}, RFC2136Insecure: false, RFC2136GSSTSIG: false, RFC2136KerberosRealm: "", RFC2136KerberosUsername: "", RFC2136KerberosPassword: "", RFC2136TSIGKeyName: "", RFC2136TSIGSecret: "", RFC2136TSIGSecretAlg: "", RFC2136TAXFR: true, RFC2136MinTTL: 0, RFC2136BatchChangeSize: 50, NS1Endpoint: "", NS1IgnoreSSL: false, TransIPAccountName: "", TransIPPrivateKeyFile: "", DigitalOceanAPIPageSize: 50, ManagedDNSRecordTypes: []string{endpoint.RecordTypeA, endpoint.RecordTypeAAAA, endpoint.RecordTypeCNAME}, ExcludeDNSRecordTypes: []string{}, GoDaddyAPIKey: "", GoDaddySecretKey: "", GoDaddyTTL: 600, GoDaddyOTE: false, IBMCloudProxied: false, IBMCloudConfigFile: "/etc/kubernetes/ibmcloud.json", TencentCloudConfigFile: "/etc/kubernetes/tencent-cloud.json", TencentCloudZoneType: "", PiholeServer: "", PiholePassword: "", PiholeTLSInsecureSkipVerify: false, PluralCluster: "", PluralProvider: "", WebhookProviderURL: "http://localhost:8888", WebhookProviderReadTimeout: 5 * time.Second, WebhookProviderWriteTimeout: 10 * time.Second, WebhookServer: false, TraefikDisableLegacy: false, TraefikDisableNew: false, ```
Flag types ```go APIServerURL string KubeConfig string RequestTimeout time.Duration DefaultTargets []string GlooNamespaces []string SkipperRouteGroupVersion string Sources []string Namespace string AnnotationFilter string LabelFilter string IngressClassNames []string FQDNTemplate string CombineFQDNAndAnnotation bool IgnoreHostnameAnnotation bool IgnoreIngressTLSSpec bool IgnoreIngressRulesSpec bool GatewayNamespace string GatewayLabelFilter string Compatibility string PublishInternal bool PublishHostIP bool AlwaysPublishNotReadyAddresses bool ConnectorSourceServer string Provider string GoogleProject string GoogleBatchChangeSize int GoogleBatchChangeInterval time.Duration GoogleZoneVisibility string DomainFilter []string ExcludeDomains []string RegexDomainFilter *regexp.Regexp RegexDomainExclusion *regexp.Regexp ZoneNameFilter []string ZoneIDFilter []string TargetNetFilter []string ExcludeTargetNets []string AlibabaCloudConfigFile string AlibabaCloudZoneType string AWSZoneType string AWSZoneTagFilter []string AWSAssumeRole string AWSAssumeRoleExternalID string AWSBatchChangeSize int AWSBatchChangeSizeBytes int AWSBatchChangeSizeValues int AWSBatchChangeInterval time.Duration AWSEvaluateTargetHealth bool AWSAPIRetries int AWSPreferCNAME bool AWSZoneCacheDuration time.Duration AWSSDServiceCleanup bool AWSZoneMatchParent bool AWSDynamoDBRegion string AWSDynamoDBTable string AzureConfigFile string AzureResourceGroup string AzureSubscriptionID string AzureUserAssignedIdentityClientID string BluecatDNSConfiguration string BluecatConfigFile string BluecatDNSView string BluecatGatewayHost string BluecatRootZone string BluecatDNSServerName string BluecatDNSDeployType string BluecatSkipTLSVerify bool CloudflareProxied bool CloudflareDNSRecordsPerPage int CoreDNSPrefix string RcodezeroTXTEncrypt bool AkamaiServiceConsumerDomain string AkamaiClientToken string AkamaiClientSecret string AkamaiAccessToken string AkamaiEdgercPath string AkamaiEdgercSection string InfobloxGridHost string InfobloxWapiPort int InfobloxWapiUsername string InfobloxWapiPassword string `secure:"yes"` InfobloxWapiVersion string InfobloxSSLVerify bool InfobloxView string InfobloxMaxResults int InfobloxFQDNRegEx string InfobloxNameRegEx string InfobloxCreatePTR bool InfobloxCacheDuration int DynCustomerName string DynUsername string DynPassword string `secure:"yes"` DynMinTTLSeconds int OCIConfigFile string OCICompartmentOCID string OCIAuthInstancePrincipal bool OCIZoneScope string OCIZoneCacheDuration time.Duration InMemoryZones []string OVHEndpoint string OVHApiRateLimit int PDNSServer string PDNSAPIKey string `secure:"yes"` PDNSSkipTLSVerify bool TLSCA string TLSClientCert string TLSClientCertKey string Policy string Registry string TXTOwnerID string TXTPrefix string TXTSuffix string TXTEncryptEnabled bool TXTEncryptAESKey string `secure:"yes"` Interval time.Duration MinEventSyncInterval time.Duration Once bool DryRun bool UpdateEvents bool LogFormat string MetricsAddress string LogLevel string TXTCacheInterval time.Duration TXTWildcardReplacement string ExoscaleEndpoint string ExoscaleAPIKey string `secure:"yes"` ExoscaleAPISecret string `secure:"yes"` ExoscaleAPIEnvironment string ExoscaleAPIZone string CRDSourceAPIVersion string CRDSourceKind string ServiceTypeFilter []string CFAPIEndpoint string CFUsername string CFPassword string ResolveServiceLoadBalancerHostname bool RFC2136Host string RFC2136Port int RFC2136Zone []string RFC2136Insecure bool RFC2136GSSTSIG bool RFC2136KerberosRealm string RFC2136KerberosUsername string RFC2136KerberosPassword string `secure:"yes"` RFC2136TSIGKeyName string RFC2136TSIGSecret string `secure:"yes"` RFC2136TSIGSecretAlg string RFC2136TAXFR bool RFC2136MinTTL time.Duration RFC2136BatchChangeSize int NS1Endpoint string NS1IgnoreSSL bool NS1MinTTLSeconds int TransIPAccountName string TransIPPrivateKeyFile string DigitalOceanAPIPageSize int ManagedDNSRecordTypes []string ExcludeDNSRecordTypes []string GoDaddyAPIKey string `secure:"yes"` GoDaddySecretKey string `secure:"yes"` GoDaddyTTL int64 GoDaddyOTE bool OCPRouterName string IBMCloudProxied bool IBMCloudConfigFile string TencentCloudConfigFile string TencentCloudZoneType string PiholeServer string PiholePassword string `secure:"yes"` PiholeTLSInsecureSkipVerify bool PluralCluster string PluralProvider string WebhookProviderURL string WebhookProviderReadTimeout time.Duration WebhookProviderWriteTimeout time.Duration WebhookServer bool TraefikDisableLegacy bool TraefikDisableNew bool ```
luckury commented 9 months ago

This probably needs the label "missing docs"

kOstovic commented 8 months ago

Thanks, without this I was getting lost, this definitely needs to go into official docs

k8s-triage-robot commented 5 months ago

The Kubernetes project currently lacks enough contributors to adequately respond to all issues.

This bot triages un-triaged issues according to the following rules:

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Please send feedback to sig-contributor-experience at kubernetes/community.

/lifecycle stale

luckury commented 5 months ago

/remove-lifecycle stale

lucasfcnunes commented 2 months ago

--txt-encrypt-enabled or --txt-encrypt=true?