Open rayshoo opened 1 week ago
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Welcome @rayshoo!
It looks like this is your first PR to kubernetes-sigs/external-dns 🎉. Please refer to our pull request process documentation to help your PR have a smooth ride to approval.
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Thank you, and welcome to Kubernetes. :smiley:
Hi @rayshoo. Thanks for your PR.
I'm waiting for a kubernetes-sigs member to verify that this patch is reasonable to test. If it is, they should reply with /ok-to-test
on its own line. Until that is done, I will not automatically test new commits in this PR, but the usual testing commands by org members will still work. Regular contributors should join the org to skip this step.
Once the patch is verified, the new status will be reflected by the ok-to-test
I understand the commands that are listed here.
Thanks for this PR. Would you please add some tests on this ?
/retitle fix(godday): panic when retryAfter is 0
Fixes #4864
Is it correct to add the test code to the provider/godaddy/godaddy_test.go
Actually I am not very experienced in writing test code.
I will try to understand and write as much as I can, but I don't know how long it will take.
It would be nice if there was a gopher around that could help me, but unfortunately there isn't one other than me.. :(
Still, I think this could be another experience, so I'll give it a try when I have time. thank you!
Is it correct to add the test code to the
Yes it is.
Actually I am not very experienced in writing test code.
This step is clearly mandatory. It's not that difficult, you will see :).
@mloiseleur As I wringing the test code, I took a closer look at the code as a whole. I realized that even if I take care to prevent an error from occurring in Client.Do, the status code value is 429, so the subsequent function, UnmarshalResponse, returns an error, which leads to log.Fatal(err) in the main function and terminates the server.
Therefore, if I receive a 429 error within the client. Repeat the process with an appropriate interval, it is expected that will be able to return 200 and exit the loop when the quota is released. (I don't know if the godaddy server will like this. I think we need an interval setting that can be mutually agreed upon.)
// provider/godaddy/client.go:224
func (c *Client) Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
// [...]
resp, err := c.Client.Do(req)
for i := 1; i < 3 && err == nil && resp.StatusCode == 429; i++ {
// After
for err == nil && resp.StatusCode == 429 {
// [...]
Also, during this time, I think the readiness probe needs to be taken down to tell Kubernetes that the server is not ready.
// somePackage/someFilename.go
var Ready bool = true
// provider/godaddy/client.go:224
func (c *Client) Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
for err == nil && resp.StatusCode == 429 {
somePackage.Ready = false
// [...]
somePackage.Ready = true
// main.go:447
func serveMetrics(address string) {
http.HandleFunc("/live", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
http.HandleFunc("/ready", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
if somePackage.Ready {
} else {
w.Write([]byte("NOT READY"))
However, this level of code requires more modifications than initially thought, so I don't know if it is desirable. I wrote my opinion carefully.
… process
Handles panic when the retryAfter header is parsed as 0 or less or blank when responding 429 from GoDaddy API.
Fixes #ISSUE This is a code fix for the issue #4864