kubernetes-sigs / kube-scheduler-wasm-extension

All the things to make the scheduler extendable with wasm.
Apache License 2.0
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Support QueueSort #95

Open sanposhiho opened 3 months ago

sanposhiho commented 3 months ago

QueueSort is used to build a priority queue in the scheduler to determine which Pod should be scheduled first. Less is called very frequently and if we implemented QueueSortPlugin as we do for other extension points, it'd have a critical performance degradation in building the priority queue in the scheduler.

Concequently, I intentionally didn't include QueueSort in https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kube-scheduler-wasm-extension/issues/72, it's not as easy as other extension points.

This issue is to discuss how we deal with QueueSort.

/kind feature

k8s-triage-robot commented 3 weeks ago

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/lifecycle stale

sanposhiho commented 3 weeks ago

/remove-lifecycle stale