kubernetes-sigs / network-policy-api

This repo addresses further work involving Kubernetes network security beyond the initial NetworkPolicy resource
Apache License 2.0
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[CONFORMANCE] Run network policy tests here in network-policy-api project #226

Open tssurya opened 2 months ago

tssurya commented 2 months ago

Why this is needed:

Network policy project should be invovled in net-pol CI flakes and issues. @aojea mentioned this was broken for over a month and we didn't know about it

We need to run net-pol tests here so that we are more involved in this.

aojea commented 2 months ago

I rather prefer to centralize instead of spread it, we have a testgrid for sig network that I'm maintaining alone https://testgrid.k8s.io/sig-network-gce, and we have one presubmit https://testgrid.k8s.io/sig-network-gce#presubmit-network-policies,%20google-gce that runs for PR that change network policy related code and one periodic https://testgrid.k8s.io/sig-network-gce#network-policies,%20google-gce

aojea commented 2 months ago

oh, I think I misunderstood, do you mean to move the existing jobs to this testgrid tab https://testgrid.k8s.io/sig-network-policy-api ?

that will be awesome

tssurya commented 2 months ago

yes exactly so having all the network policies run in one place (which right now I don't mind if its centralized) but my goal was to have this group handle some of that maintenance work and help you out. Right now the problem is we didn't even know where to look, so thank you for the links.

I think its nice to move those jobs to the sig-network-policy-api grid yes and then in our bi-weekly meetings we should have some light purview on these jobs and ensure they are green