What happened?:
The API service "v1beta1.custom.metrics.k8s.io" changes the available status not to ready due to the error failing or missing response from Get "": Address is not allowed does not change to available status
What did you expect to happen?:
The Apiservice automatically connects to the Prometheus adapter and is marked as Available
What happened?: The API service "v1beta1.custom.metrics.k8s.io" changes the available status not to ready due to the error
failing or missing response from Get "": Address is not allowed
does not change to available statusWhat did you expect to happen?: The Apiservice automatically connects to the Prometheus adapter and is marked as Available
Please provide the prometheus-adapter config:
prometheus-adapter config
`apiVersion: v1 data: config.yaml: | rules: - seriesQuery: 'container_threads{namespace!="",pod!=""}' resources: overrides: namespace: {resource: "namespace"} pod: {resource: "pod"} name: as: "container_threads" metricsQuery: 'sum(<<.Series>>{<<.LabelMatchers>>}) by (<<.GroupBy>>)' kind: ConfigMap metadata: annotations: meta.helm.sh/release-name: adapter-test meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: monitoring creationTimestamp: "2022-11-29T11:00:35Z" labels: app.kubernetes.io/component: metrics app.kubernetes.io/instance: adapter-test app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm app.kubernetes.io/name: prometheus-adapter app.kubernetes.io/part-of: prometheus-adapter app.kubernetes.io/version: v0.10.0 helm.sh/chart: prometheus-adapter-3.4.2 name: adapter-test-prometheus-adapter namespace: monitoring resourceVersion: "644830626" uid: 7f7ed83b-854e-4429-9755-827a712fb0d9 `Anything else we need to know?: The config of the apiservice looks like this:
Important: On the other hand, I can use the curl command to reach the service "" from a PC with kubectl without any problems: I get for the command
curl -k --header "Authorization: Bearer <<MYTOKEN>>" ""
the answer:
{ "kind": "APIResourceList", "apiVersion": "v1", "groupVersion": "custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1", "resources": [ { "name": "namespaces/container_threads", "singularName": "", "namespaced": false, "kind": "MetricValueList", "verbs": [ "get" ] }, { "name": "pods/container_threads", "singularName": "", "namespaced": true, "kind": "MetricValueList", "verbs": [ "get" ] } ] }
kubectl version
):Amazon Web Services EKS v1.22
Has anybody an idea to fix this? Which Prometheus adapter logs of which timeslice should I attach in this case?