kubernetes / autoscaler

Autoscaling components for Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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pprof for vpa-admission-controller #6946

Open huizhifan opened 1 week ago

huizhifan commented 1 week ago

Which component are you using?: vertical-pod-autoscaler

vpa-admission-controller Is your feature request designed to solve a problem? If so describe the problem this feature should solve.:

In our cluster, there are 3k pods and 100-200 vpa objects with Off updateMode. Theoretically, the vpa-admission-controller is supposed to have little work load. But the memory usage goes up to 1000Mi. We want to learn why this amount of memory is consue Describe the solution you'd like.:

Enable pprof in vpa-admission-controller Describe any alternative solutions you've considered.:

Additional context.:

adrianmoisey commented 1 week ago

/area vertical-pod-autoscaler