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KubeCon Contributor Summit NA 2024 - Team Staffing #7854

Open mfahlandt opened 2 months ago

mfahlandt commented 2 months ago

The 2024 NA Contributor Summit in Salt Lake City will need staffing for its roles and shadows. The Contributor Summit date and location is to be determined. Planning meetings occur on Mondays at 9 AM Pacific/11 AM Central. (Sorry about this again, but other times are hardly working, we maybe can move it to 10 AM Pacific/12 AM Central.

Event Leads will be @mfahlandt and @stmcginnis as shadow. The emeritus advisor is @salaxander

We will also need shadows that could potentially take on leading those roles in the future. Roles and shadows will be listed below when they are filled out. With limited exception, shadows must have Kubernetes org membership. Shadows will be accepted at the discretion of the lead.

To clarify roles and responsibilities, we are adding a role of "Volunteer" under each area. The Shadow bears expectations to lead one of the events-team roles in an upcoming summit and to handle all lead related activities in the absence of the Lead. It may be helpful to think of the Shadow role as an understudy position. Volunteers are helpers that may be assigned tasks from the Lead. Shadows and Volunteers, with limited exception, must be members of the Kubernetes GitHub organization. Leads are still responsible for accepting shadows and volunteers for their area. Volunteers, please communicate your desire to be a Shadow to the Lead of your area. Leads will inform me of their Shadows and I will update the issue.

We have a strong preference that participants as Leads, Shadows, and Volunteers be present at the Contributor Summit to help on site. This does not mean you cannot help virtually. There will be opportunities and we encourage you to come to the planning meetings in order to find virtual opportunities. Thank you for your willingness to help out. We could not hold these events without you.

Registration Lead: @savitharaghunathan Shadow: @salaxander @sreeram-venkitesh @JamesLaverack Volunteers: Emeritus Lead: @reylejano

Content Lead: @nitishfy Shadow: @krol3 @hakman @jeremyrickard Volunteers: Emeritus Advisor: @fykaa

Comms Lead: @kaslin Shadow: @sandipanpanda, @ArvindParekh, @fykaa, @rayandas, and @sandeepkanabar Volunteers: Website: @mfahlandt

Awards Lead: @tokt Shadow: @lauralorenz

Social Event (Required onsite in Salt Lake City) Lead: Shadow: Volunteers:

Day-of Operations (Required onsite in Salt Lake City) Lead: @jberkus Shadow: @reylejano, @cpanato Volunteers: Emeritus Advisor:

SIG Meet & Greet (Preferred onsite in Salt Lake City) Lead: @kaslin Shadow: @reylejano Volunteers: Emeritus Advisor:

Floating Volunteers (Preferred onsite in Salt Lake City)

/assign @mfahlandt @stmcginnis /sig contributor-experience /area contributor-summit /area na-summit

salaxander commented 2 months ago

I would love to shadow registration :)

JamesLaverack commented 2 months ago

πŸ‘‹ I'd love to shadow, either registration or comms ideally. I won't be on-site at SLC.

jberkus commented 2 months ago

I'm available to Lead either Awards or Operations. I can also take a specific task from Operations.

I'd prefer not to do Social again, since I've done that twice. However, I can connect the Social lead with some local folks.

rayandas commented 2 months ago

Hey everyone πŸ‘‹ I’d love to shadow/volunteer for comms.

krol3 commented 2 months ago

Hey everyone πŸ‘‹ , I would love to do a shadow registration (SIG Meet or Content, if you have slots) :), I could help on site in the days of NA Contributor Summit in Salt Lake City

nitishfy commented 2 months ago

I previously shadowed for the Content Team and would be happy to lead Content this team. In case, the position gets occupied, I'd like to shadow for comms/registration :)

reylejano commented 2 months ago

I would love to shadow the Meet and Greet or Content

sreeram-venkitesh commented 2 months ago

I would love to shadow the registrations team this time :)

jeremyrickard commented 2 months ago

Hello! Long time attendee, would love to volunteer and support this.

Would love to shadow awards, content, or social event, but would be happy to help out anywhere where I could be useful and help make the event successful!

I plan to be onsite.

fykaa commented 2 months ago

I would love to be the Emeritus Advisor for content and can lead it too if none of the prev shadows want to.

Can also shadow registrations or comms.

hakman commented 2 months ago

Hey πŸ‘‹ , I would love to shadow contend or awards. I am not 100% sure that I will be onsite this time.

drmorr0 commented 2 months ago

I'm happy to volunteer, but probably not shadow or lead (this time!)

reylejano commented 2 months ago

I can also be the Emeritus Advisor for Registration

ArvindParekh commented 2 months ago

Hi everyone! I've been a regular attendee of the SIG-ContribEx meetings. I'm eager to take on more responsibility and I would love to shadow Comms and help out. I'd also be interested in shadowing Content.

savitharaghunathan commented 2 months ago

I volunteer to lead Registration team :)

kaslin commented 2 months ago

I volunteer as lead for Meet & Greet and Comms

tokt commented 2 months ago

Will be happy to lead Awards and/or help in any other area.

mfahlandt commented 1 month ago

Most of the Lead roles have been staffed, please consider the volunteered shadows and confirm them.

We are still open for additional Shadows & Volunteers and are looking for a Social Event Lead

savitharaghunathan commented 1 month ago

@JamesLaverack @nitishfy - I see you have expressed interest in multiple shadow roles. Do you have a preference?

nitishfy commented 1 month ago

@JamesLaverack @nitishfy - I see you have expressed interest in multiple shadow roles. Do you have a preference?

Hey Savitha, I'm already volunteering as a Content lead this time, That being said, I might not have enough bandwidth to shadow registration this time :)

savitharaghunathan commented 1 month ago

Hey Savitha, I'm already volunteering as a Content lead this time, That being said, I might not have enough bandwidth to shadow registration this time :)

Cool. I see that now. Thanks for confirming, @nitishfy :)

nimbinatus commented 1 month ago

I can't confirm that I will be in person yet, but once I can confirm later this year, I will do what I can to help.

JamesLaverack commented 1 month ago

I see you have expressed interest in multiple shadow roles. Do you have a preference?

@savitharaghunathan Minor preference for Registration, but I'm fine with either if that's better for the team distribution. :)

sandipanpanda commented 1 month ago

I would like to shadow Comms this time.

savitharaghunathan commented 1 month ago

I would like to confirm @salaxander @sreeram-venkitesh @JamesLaverack as shadows for Registration πŸŽ‰

nitishfy commented 1 month ago

Confirming @krol3, @hakman and @jeremyrickard as the Content ShadowsπŸŽ‰

reylejano commented 1 month ago

I would like to shadow Day of Ops and SIG Meet & Greet

jberkus commented 1 month ago

Rey: would be happy to have you as shadow/staff.

kaslin commented 1 month ago

Confirming @reylejano as Meet & Greet shadow.

lauralorenz commented 1 month ago

I can't guarantee I will be in person yet but I'd like to help. I've previously shadowed Content and happy to shadow or volunteer for that team again, or shadow/volunteer for Comms or Awards as they seem like a good fit for having a good amount of pre-con offsite stuff to do.

tokt commented 1 month ago

confirming @lauralorenz as a shadow for Awards (and really hope you'll make it!)

cpanato commented 1 month ago

I would like to join the day operations if have space for me :)

kaslin commented 1 month ago

Confirming @sandipanpanda, @ArvindParekh, @fykaa, @rayandas, and @sandeepkanabar as comms shadows.

jberkus commented 1 month ago

Hey, @cpanato Ops needs lots of folks, like always! Got you on the list. Unless you were asking to co-shadow?

todaywasawesome commented 1 month ago

I'm onsite in SLC and can help with the social event.

mfahlandt commented 1 month ago

I'm onsite in SLC and can help with the social event.

Hey Dan, this is really great to hear. I saw, you are not part of the @Kubernetes or Kubernetes-Sig Org. This is also a requirement for joining the summit. Are you currently working towards an Org membership? We can discuss this in the Kubernetes Slack just Ping me @mfahlandt there :)

cpanato commented 1 month ago

Hey, @cpanato Ops needs lots of folks, like always! Got you on the list. Unless you were asking to co-shadow?

just hands on help :)

schristoff commented 4 weeks ago

I'll be onsite in SLC, happy to help with Day of Operaotrs, SIG Meet & Greet, or anywhere else I can help. :)

satyampsoni commented 3 weeks ago

I am not sure if it is too late, I would like to shadow for registration or content, if there is space left.

RA489 commented 4 days ago

I was Shadow for SIG M &G for KubeCon EU 2024. Would love to shadow/volunteer this time too.