Open mfahlandt opened 2 months ago
There are no sig labels on this issue. Please add an appropriate label by using one of the following commands:
/sig <group-name>
/wg <group-name>
/committee <group-name>
Please see the group list for a listing of the SIGs, working groups, and committees available.
Added Auto Tagging for Issues in PR #7900
Things we have already done: update the k/community issues template to alert the team when a new marketing issue is created. Template:
To tag our team, defined here:
Some other notes: Looks possible to notify us on Slack via a “mention” in SIGS.yaml. Sounds like CNCF does something similar with notifications about github activities, might be a good reference.
Prioritizing this as it should cover gap for PRs.
Contributor-comms team meeting:
How do other groups make sure they’re notified of PRs and issues?
Previous relevant PR: PR:
Yash is interested in this Chris actually knows things about how our Zapier is set up
How does sig-contribex-comms label work? Can we use it to notify us?
Have we done a blog on how to work with contributor comms? We should do this and decide how we want this to work.
A conversation in Slack indicates that we should maybe abandon this for now.
Sujay is going to continue to look into this from a Zapier perspective.
Oct 13 - Might not required anymore
August 2 - Mario is implementing a new issue template.