Open liuqi-sun opened 1 month ago
I have found that the backend code of the master branch also has this problem, but I have not tested the latest version for this problem. I saw that there was no corresponding release branch for the historical version, so I modified the pr based on v2.6.1 on a new branch, and the new branch name was v2.6.1-patch
I tested this issue with postman in release-7.10.0 and the problem persisted.
The test API body is as follows:
{"name":"","namespace":"_all","content":"apiVersion:\nkind: VirtualServer\nmetadata:\n name: test-vs-http\nspec:\n resourceClassName: dev1\n partitionName: k8s-adc\n name: httpvs\n ipType: ipv4\n vip:\n httpProfileName: test-hp\n aclProfileName: test-ap\n enable: \"on\"\n protocol: smart-http\n natName: [\"default\", \"n1\"]\n natRules:\n - name: n1\n desc: \"n1 desc\"\n - name: n2\n desc: \"n2 desc\"\n toSrcType: ip_pool\n ipPool:\n method: conn_rr\n bindingVlanName: vlan_ha\n snatIp:\n -\n -\n snatIpv6:\n - fe80::2291:1dcc:1ccb:f5ea-fe80::2291:1dcc:1ccb:ffff\n srcVlan:\n - vlanName: vlan_ha\n - vlanName: vlan_192\n - vlanName: vlan_172\n pool:\n name: tcppool\n service: productpage\n portNumber: 9080\n lb: rr\n\n","validate":true}
Set namespace to "_all", and do not set the namespace field for content.metadata
so I modified the pr based on 7.10.0 on a new branch, and the new branch name was 7.10.0-patch.
What happened?
I saw a "the server could not find the requested resource " error when I created resource. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.I found inconsistencies in the body namespce field of the /api/v1/appdeploymentfromfile API.Sometimes it's "default", sometimes it's "_all". If the value is "default", the resource is successfully created. I think this is a bug in the front-end, the back-end logic is not more scientific .
Modify the scheme as follows: 1.The namespace field is added when the resource is created 2.Modified front end 3.Modified back end,I will submit a PR
What did you expect to happen?
How can we reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?
apiVersion: kind: AclProfile metadata: name: test-ap spec: partitionName: k8s-adc name: lj-test aclList:
There is no resource namespace field
Anything else we need to know?
No response
What browsers are you seeing the problem on?
No response
Kubernetes Dashboard version
2.5.1 and 2.6.1
Kubernetes version
1.23 and 1.22
Dev environment
No response