1. Describe IN DETAIL the feature/behavior/change you would like to see.
This was initially going to be submitted as a bug report, but since we were able to trace the underlying cause a Feature Request seemed more appropriate.
We've been using kops for a few years, and prior to the introduction of etcd-manager we relied on our own EBS backup strategy. This led to a number of etcd volumes being present in our AWS account that matched the tags used by etcd-manager to select and mount storage.
The first host that came up after the rolling-update that installed etcd-manager had the following in its logs:
etcd-manager logs
I1209 16:26:18.958984 18726 volumes.go:85] AWS API Request: ec2metadata/GetMetadata
I1209 16:26:18.959912 18726 volumes.go:85] AWS API Request: ec2metadata/GetMetadata
I1209 16:26:18.960468 18726 volumes.go:85] AWS API Request: ec2metadata/GetMetadata
I1209 16:26:18.961016 18726 volumes.go:85] AWS API Request: ec2metadata/GetMetadata
I1209 16:26:18.961520 18726 main.go:254] Mounting available etcd volumes matching tags [k8s.io/etcd/main k8s.io/role/master=1 kubernetes.io/cluster/kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com=owned]; nameTag=k8s.io/etcd/main
I1209 16:26:18.962655 18726 volumes.go:85] AWS API Request: ec2/DescribeVolumes
I1209 16:26:19.152540 18726 mounter.go:302] Currently attached volumes: [0xc00025af00]
I1209 16:26:19.152574 18726 mounter.go:64] Master volume "vol-0a5a75bec90179bd8" is attached at "/dev/xvdu"
I1209 16:26:19.152590 18726 mounter.go:78] Doing safe-format-and-mount of /dev/xvdu to /mnt/master-vol-0a5a75bec90179bd8
I1209 16:26:19.152604 18726 volumes.go:233] volume vol-0a5a75bec90179bd8 not mounted at /rootfs/dev/xvdu
I1209 16:26:19.152639 18726 volumes.go:247] found nvme volume "nvme-Amazon_Elastic_Block_Store_vol0a5a75bec90179bd8" at "/dev/nvme1n1"
I1209 16:26:19.152652 18726 mounter.go:116] Found volume "vol-0a5a75bec90179bd8" mounted at device "/dev/nvme1n1"
I1209 16:26:19.153151 18726 mounter.go:173] Device already mounted on "/mnt/master-vol-0a5a75bec90179bd8", verifying it is our device
I1209 16:26:19.153167 18726 mounter.go:185] Found existing mount of "/dev/nvme1n1" at "/mnt/master-vol-0a5a75bec90179bd8"
I1209 16:26:19.153241 18726 mount_linux.go:164] Detected OS without systemd
I1209 16:26:19.153789 18726 mounter.go:226] matched device "/dev/nvme1n1" and "/dev/nvme1n1" via '\x00'
I1209 16:26:19.153803 18726 mounter.go:86] mounted master volume "vol-0a5a75bec90179bd8" on /mnt/master-vol-0a5a75bec90179bd8
I1209 16:26:19.153816 18726 main.go:269] discovered IP address:
I1209 16:26:19.153823 18726 main.go:274] Setting data dir to /rootfs/mnt/master-vol-0a5a75bec90179bd8
I1209 16:26:19.154260 18726 server.go:71] starting GRPC server using TLS, ServerName="etcd-manager-server-etcd-b"
I1209 16:26:19.154403 18726 s3context.go:331] product_uuid is "ec2004e4-d619-9524-bf5b-e56ce28c2bd6", assuming running on EC2
I1209 16:26:19.155152 18726 s3context.go:164] got region from metadata: "us-east-1"
I1209 16:26:19.212772 18726 s3context.go:210] found bucket in region "us-east-1"
I1209 16:26:19.212798 18726 s3fs.go:128] Writing file "s3://com.brightcove.deploys.dev.kube.dev-us-east-1/kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com/backups/etcd/main/control/etcd-cluster-created"
I1209 16:26:19.212816 18726 s3context.go:238] Checking default bucket encryption for "com.brightcove.deploys.dev.kube.dev-us-east-1"
W1209 16:26:19.272282 18726 controller.go:135] not enabling TLS for etcd, this is insecure
I1209 16:26:19.272306 18726 server.go:89] GRPC server listening on ""
I1209 16:26:19.272403 18726 etcdserver.go:534] starting etcd with state cluster:<cluster_token:"ckDjqRPhIBJGj0dtx6qVlw" nodes:<name:"etcd-a" peer_urls:"http://etcd-a.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:2380" client_urls:"http://etcd-a.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:4001" quarantined_client_urls:"http://etcd-a.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:3994" > nodes:<name:"etcd-b" peer_urls:"http://etcd-b.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:2380" client_urls:"http://etcd-b.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:4001" quarantined_client_urls:"http://etcd-b.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:3994" > nodes:<name:"etcd-c" peer_urls:"http://etcd-c.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:2380" client_urls:"http://etcd-c.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:4001" quarantined_client_urls:"http://etcd-c.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:3994" > > etcd_version:"2.2.1"
I1209 16:26:19.272549 18726 etcdserver.go:543] starting etcd with datadir /rootfs/mnt/master-vol-0a5a75bec90179bd8/data/ckDjqRPhIBJGj0dtx6qVlw
I1209 16:26:19.272548 18726 volumes.go:85] AWS API Request: ec2/DescribeVolumes
W1209 16:26:19.272599 18726 pki.go:46] not generating peer keypair as peers-ca not set
W1209 16:26:19.272626 18726 pki.go:84] not generating client keypair as clients-ca not set
I1209 16:26:19.272703 18726 etcdprocess.go:180] executing command /opt/etcd-v2.2.1-linux-amd64/etcd [/opt/etcd-v2.2.1-linux-amd64/etcd]
W1209 16:26:19.272749 18726 etcdprocess.go:234] using insecure configuration for etcd peers
W1209 16:26:19.272774 18726 etcdprocess.go:243] using insecure configuration for etcd clients
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277754 I | flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_ADVERTISE_CLIENT_URLS=http://etcd-b.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:4001
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277784 I | flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_DATA_DIR=/rootfs/mnt/master-vol-0a5a75bec90179bd8/data/ckDjqRPhIBJGj0dtx6qVlw
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277799 I | flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_INITIAL_ADVERTISE_PEER_URLS=http://etcd-b.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:2380
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277814 I | flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER=etcd-a=http://etcd-a.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:2380,etcd-b=http://etcd-b.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:2380,etcd-c=http://etcd-c.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:2380
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277820 I | flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_STATE=existing
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277830 I | flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_TOKEN=ckDjqRPhIBJGj0dtx6qVlw
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277838 I | flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_LISTEN_CLIENT_URLS=
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277848 I | flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_LISTEN_PEER_URLS=
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277859 I | flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_NAME=etcd-b
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277889 W | flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_LISTEN_METRICS_URLS=
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277934 I | etcdmain: etcd Version: 2.2.1
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277938 I | etcdmain: Git SHA: Not provided (use ./build instead of go build)
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277941 I | etcdmain: Go Version: go1.12.5
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277945 I | etcdmain: Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277949 I | etcdmain: setting maximum number of CPUs to 4, total number of available CPUs is 4
2019-12-09 16:26:19.277992 N | etcdmain: the server is already initialized as member before, starting as etcd member...
2019-12-09 16:26:19.278095 I | etcdmain: listening for peers on
2019-12-09 16:26:19.278118 I | etcdmain: listening for client requests on
2019-12-09 16:26:19.371091 I | etcdserver: recovered store from snapshot at index 380038
2019-12-09 16:26:19.371126 I | etcdserver: name = etcd-b
2019-12-09 16:26:19.371130 I | etcdserver: data dir = /rootfs/mnt/master-vol-0a5a75bec90179bd8/data/ckDjqRPhIBJGj0dtx6qVlw
2019-12-09 16:26:19.371134 I | etcdserver: member dir = /rootfs/mnt/master-vol-0a5a75bec90179bd8/data/ckDjqRPhIBJGj0dtx6qVlw/member
2019-12-09 16:26:19.371138 I | etcdserver: heartbeat = 100ms
2019-12-09 16:26:19.371140 I | etcdserver: election = 1000ms
2019-12-09 16:26:19.371144 I | etcdserver: snapshot count = 10000
2019-12-09 16:26:19.371155 I | etcdserver: advertise client URLs = http://etcd-b.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:4001
2019-12-09 16:26:19.371185 I | etcdserver: loaded cluster information from store: <nil>
I1209 16:26:19.373963 18726 volumes.go:85] AWS API Request: ec2/DescribeInstances
2019-12-09 16:26:19.412180 I | etcdserver: restarting member a8bc606d954cb360 in cluster 362b3eb57d5b3247 at commit index 386849
2019-12-09 16:26:19.412557 I | raft: a8bc606d954cb360 became follower at term 826
2019-12-09 16:26:19.412578 I | raft: newRaft a8bc606d954cb360 [peers: [21c1cba54be22c9a,85558b08fd6377a2,a8bc606d954cb360], term: 826, commit: 386849, applied: 380038, lastindex: 386849, lastterm: 20]
2019-12-09 16:26:19.419037 E | rafthttp: request sent was ignored (cluster ID mismatch: remote[21c1cba54be22c9a]=138e61746ab70219, local=362b3eb57d5b3247)
2019-12-09 16:26:19.419054 E | rafthttp: request sent was ignored (cluster ID mismatch: remote[21c1cba54be22c9a]=138e61746ab70219, local=362b3eb57d5b3247)
2019-12-09 16:26:19.419064 E | rafthttp: failed to dial 21c1cba54be22c9a on stream Message (cluster ID mismatch)
2019-12-09 16:26:19.419073 E | rafthttp: failed to dial 21c1cba54be22c9a on stream MsgApp v2 (cluster ID mismatch)
2019-12-09 16:26:19.419903 I | etcdserver: starting server... [version: 2.2.1, cluster version: 2.2]
2019-12-09 16:26:19.422255 E | rafthttp: request sent was ignored (cluster ID mismatch: remote[85558b08fd6377a2]=138e61746ab70219, local=362b3eb57d5b3247)
2019-12-09 16:26:19.422279 E | rafthttp: failed to dial 85558b08fd6377a2 on stream Message (cluster ID mismatch)
2019-12-09 16:26:19.422552 E | rafthttp: request sent was ignored (cluster ID mismatch: remote[85558b08fd6377a2]=138e61746ab70219, local=362b3eb57d5b3247)
2019-12-09 16:26:19.422565 E | rafthttp: failed to dial 85558b08fd6377a2 on stream MsgApp v2 (cluster ID mismatch)
I1209 16:26:19.439578 18726 peers.go:101] found new candidate peer from discovery: etcd-a [{ 0} { 0}]
I1209 16:26:19.439616 18726 peers.go:101] found new candidate peer from discovery: etcd-b [{ 0} { 0}]
I1209 16:26:19.439629 18726 peers.go:101] found new candidate peer from discovery: etcd-c [{ 0} { 0}]
I1209 16:26:19.439703 18726 peers.go:281] connecting to peer "etcd-a" with TLS policy, servername="etcd-manager-server-etcd-a"
I1209 16:26:19.439733 18726 hosts.go:84] hosts update: primary=map[], fallbacks=map[etcd-a.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:[] etcd-b.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:[] etcd-c.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com:[]], final=map[[etcd-b.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com etcd-b.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com][etcd-a.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com etcd-a.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com][etcd-c.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com etcd-c.internal.kube.us-east-1.dev.deploys.brightcove.com]]
I1209 16:26:19.439903 18726 peers.go:281] connecting to peer "etcd-c" with TLS policy, servername="etcd-manager-server-etcd-c"
I1209 16:26:19.439982 18726 peers.go:281] connecting to peer "etcd-b" with TLS policy, servername="etcd-manager-server-etcd-b"
W1209 16:26:19.440686 18726 peers.go:325] unable to grpc-ping discovered peer rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused"
I1209 16:26:19.440719 18726 peers.go:347] was not able to connect to peer etcd-c: map[]
W1209 16:26:19.440745 18726 peers.go:215] unexpected error from peer intercommunications: unable to connect to peer etcd-c
W1209 16:26:19.441043 18726 peers.go:325] unable to grpc-ping discovered peer rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused"
I1209 16:26:19.441077 18726 peers.go:347] was not able to connect to peer etcd-a: map[]
W1209 16:26:19.441096 18726 peers.go:215] unexpected error from peer intercommunications: unable to connect to peer etcd-a
2019-12-09 16:26:19.520566 E | rafthttp: request sent was ignored (cluster ID mismatch: remote[21c1cba54be22c9a]=138e61746ab70219, local=362b3eb57d5b3247)
As the first of 3 hosts that would eventually have etcd-manager installed, the gossip-specific warnings are to be expected. The cluster ID mismatch errors are more significant, and are the consequence of etcd mounting a volume that was several months old.
I think the feature proposals that ought to be discussed in etcd-manager are:
Ordering matching etcd volumes by creation date and selecting the most recent by default
Log a warning message when multiple volumes are found matching etcd-manager's search for what to mount, but continue to start etcd as we do now
Log a warning message when multiple volumes are found matching etcd-manager's search for what to mount, prevent etcd from starting
I think #1 would suffice in most cases, but the other options result in less unexpected behavior in the future.
2. Feel free to provide a design supporting your feature request.
1. Describe IN DETAIL the feature/behavior/change you would like to see.
This was initially going to be submitted as a bug report, but since we were able to trace the underlying cause a Feature Request seemed more appropriate.
We've been using kops for a few years, and prior to the introduction of etcd-manager we relied on our own EBS backup strategy. This led to a number of etcd volumes being present in our AWS account that matched the tags used by etcd-manager to select and mount storage.
The first host that came up after the rolling-update that installed etcd-manager had the following in its logs:
As the first of 3 hosts that would eventually have etcd-manager installed, the gossip-specific warnings are to be expected. The cluster ID mismatch errors are more significant, and are the consequence of etcd mounting a volume that was several months old.
I think the feature proposals that ought to be discussed in etcd-manager are:
I think #1 would suffice in most cases, but the other options result in less unexpected behavior in the future.
2. Feel free to provide a design supporting your feature request.