kubernetes / kubeadm

Aggregator for issues filed against kubeadm
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kubedns container cannot connect to apiserver #193

Closed phagunbaya closed 7 years ago

phagunbaya commented 7 years ago

kubedns logs:

I0303 20:17:56.595813       1 dns.go:42] version: v1.6.0-alpha.0.680+3872cb93abf948-dirty
I0303 20:17:56.596373       1 server.go:107] Using for kubernetes master, kubernetes API: <nil>
I0303 20:17:56.596882       1 server.go:68] Using configuration read from ConfigMap: kube-system:kube-dns
I0303 20:17:56.596925       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --alsologtostderr="false"
I0303 20:17:56.596943       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --config-map="kube-dns"
I0303 20:17:56.596949       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --config-map-namespace="kube-system"
I0303 20:17:56.596952       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --dns-bind-address=""
I0303 20:17:56.596956       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --dns-port="10053"
I0303 20:17:56.596961       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --domain="cluster.local."
I0303 20:17:56.596967       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --federations=""
I0303 20:17:56.596971       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --healthz-port="8081"
I0303 20:17:56.596976       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --kube-master-url=""
I0303 20:17:56.596981       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --kubecfg-file=""
I0303 20:17:56.596985       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --log-backtrace-at=":0"
I0303 20:17:56.596992       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --log-dir=""
I0303 20:17:56.596996       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --log-flush-frequency="5s"
I0303 20:17:56.597001       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --logtostderr="true"
I0303 20:17:56.597005       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --stderrthreshold="2"
I0303 20:17:56.597009       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --v="2"
I0303 20:17:56.597014       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --version="false"
I0303 20:17:56.597019       1 server.go:113] FLAG: --vmodule=""
I0303 20:17:56.597113       1 server.go:155] Starting SkyDNS server (
I0303 20:17:56.597414       1 server.go:165] Skydns metrics enabled (/metrics:10055)
I0303 20:17:56.597437       1 dns.go:144] Starting endpointsController
I0303 20:17:56.597443       1 dns.go:147] Starting serviceController
I0303 20:17:56.597531       1 logs.go:41] skydns: ready for queries on cluster.local. for tcp:// [rcache 0]
I0303 20:17:56.597554       1 logs.go:41] skydns: ready for queries on cluster.local. for udp:// [rcache 0]
E0303 20:17:57.601223       1 sync.go:105] Error getting ConfigMap kube-system:kube-dns err: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host
E0303 20:17:57.601271       1 dns.go:190] Error getting initial ConfigMap: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host, starting with default values
I0303 20:17:57.601317       1 dns.go:163] Waiting for Kubernetes service
I0303 20:17:57.601331       1 dns.go:169] Waiting for service: default/kubernetes
E0303 20:17:59.605100       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:148: Failed to list *api.Service: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host
E0303 20:18:01.607159       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:148: Failed to list *api.Service: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host
E0303 20:18:04.617151       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/config/sync.go:114: Failed to list *api.ConfigMap: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host
E0303 20:18:05.613089       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:148: Failed to list *api.Service: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host
E0303 20:18:07.617099       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:148: Failed to list *api.Service: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host
E0303 20:18:09.619173       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:148: Failed to list *api.Service: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host
E0303 20:18:11.621183       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:148: Failed to list *api.Service: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host
E0303 20:18:15.629124       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:148: Failed to list *api.Service: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host
E0303 20:18:17.633140       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:148: Failed to list *api.Service: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host
E0303 20:18:19.635211       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:148: Failed to list *api.Service: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host
E0303 20:18:21.637134       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:148: Failed to list *api.Service: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host
E0303 20:18:25.645156       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:148: Failed to list *api.Service: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host
E0303 20:18:26.598781       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:145: Failed to list *api.Endpoints: Get dial tcp i/o timeout

kube-apiserver logs

I0303 20:02:55.656265       1 config.go:527] Will report as public IP address.
E0303 20:02:55.658840       1 reflector.go:199] k8s.io/kubernetes/plugin/pkg/admission/serviceaccount/admission.go:103: Failed to list *api.ServiceAccount: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
E0303 20:02:55.661056       1 reflector.go:199] k8s.io/kubernetes/plugin/pkg/admission/serviceaccount/admission.go:119: Failed to list *api.Secret: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
E0303 20:02:55.661974       1 reflector.go:199] k8s.io/kubernetes/plugin/pkg/admission/storageclass/default/admission.go:75: Failed to list *storage.StorageClass: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
E0303 20:02:55.662031       1 reflector.go:199] k8s.io/kubernetes/plugin/pkg/admission/resourcequota/resource_access.go:83: Failed to list *api.ResourceQuota: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
E0303 20:02:55.709032       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/controller/informers/factory.go:89: Failed to list *api.LimitRange: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
E0303 20:02:55.709152       1 reflector.go:199] pkg/controller/informers/factory.go:89: Failed to list *api.Namespace: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
[restful] 2017/03/03 20:02:55 log.go:30: [restful/swagger] listing is available at
[restful] 2017/03/03 20:02:55 log.go:30: [restful/swagger] is mapped to folder /swagger-ui/
I0303 20:02:55.771165       1 serve.go:88] Serving securely on
I0303 20:02:55.771302       1 serve.go:102] Serving insecurely on
I0303 20:02:56.730792       1 trace.go:61] Trace "Update /api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/pods/kube-apiserver-wyml01/status" (started 2017-03-03 20:02:55.825739356 +0000 UTC):
[63.968µs] [63.968µs] About to convert to expected version
[275.186µs] [211.218µs] Conversion done
[283.347µs] [8.161µs] About to store object in database
[904.938318ms] [904.654971ms] Object stored in database
[904.9425ms] [4.182µs] Self-link added
[905.006032ms] [63.532µs] END
phagunbaya commented 7 years ago


[root@wyml01 Falkonry-k8-installer]# iptables-save 
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.21 on Fri Mar  3 13:23:40 2017
-A PREROUTING -m comment --comment "kubernetes service portals" -j KUBE-SERVICES
-A OUTPUT -m comment --comment "kubernetes service portals" -j KUBE-SERVICES
-A POSTROUTING -m comment --comment "kubernetes postrouting rules" -j KUBE-POSTROUTING
-A KUBE-MARK-DROP -j MARK --set-xmark 0x8000/0x8000
-A KUBE-MARK-MASQ -j MARK --set-xmark 0x4000/0x4000
-A KUBE-POSTROUTING -m comment --comment "kubernetes service traffic requiring SNAT" -m mark --mark 0x4000/0x4000 -j MASQUERADE
-A KUBE-SEP-SAGRE6MUSU7ISKH2 -s -m comment --comment "default/kubernetes:https" -j KUBE-MARK-MASQ
-A KUBE-SEP-SAGRE6MUSU7ISKH2 -p tcp -m comment --comment "default/kubernetes:https" -m recent --set --name KUBE-SEP-SAGRE6MUSU7ISKH2 --mask --rsource -m tcp -j DNAT --to-destination
-A KUBE-SERVICES -d -p udp -m comment --comment "kube-system/kube-dns:dns cluster IP" -m udp --dport 53 -j KUBE-SVC-TCOU7JCQXEZGVUNU
-A KUBE-SERVICES -d -p tcp -m comment --comment "kube-system/kube-dns:dns-tcp cluster IP" -m tcp --dport 53 -j KUBE-SVC-ERIFXISQEP7F7OF4
-A KUBE-SERVICES -d -p tcp -m comment --comment "default/kubernetes:https cluster IP" -m tcp --dport 443 -j KUBE-SVC-NPX46M4PTMTKRN6Y
-A KUBE-SERVICES -m comment --comment "kubernetes service nodeports; NOTE: this must be the last rule in this chain" -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j KUBE-NODEPORTS
-A KUBE-SVC-NPX46M4PTMTKRN6Y -m comment --comment "default/kubernetes:https" -m recent --rcheck --seconds 10800 --reap --name KUBE-SEP-SAGRE6MUSU7ISKH2 --mask --rsource -j KUBE-SEP-SAGRE6MUSU7ISKH2
-A KUBE-SVC-NPX46M4PTMTKRN6Y -m comment --comment "default/kubernetes:https" -j KUBE-SEP-SAGRE6MUSU7ISKH2
# Completed on Fri Mar  3 13:23:40 2017
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.21 on Fri Mar  3 13:23:40 2017
:WEAVE-NPC - [0:0]
-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
-A FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
-A OUTPUT -m comment --comment "kubernetes service portals" -j KUBE-SERVICES
-A KUBE-FIREWALL -m comment --comment "kubernetes firewall for dropping marked packets" -m mark --mark 0x8000/0x8000 -j DROP
-A KUBE-SERVICES -d -p udp -m comment --comment "kube-system/kube-dns:dns has no endpoints" -m udp --dport 53 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
-A KUBE-SERVICES -d -p tcp -m comment --comment "kube-system/kube-dns:dns-tcp has no endpoints" -m tcp --dport 53 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
-A WEAVE-NPC -m state --state NEW -j WEAVE-NPC-DEFAULT
-A WEAVE-NPC -m state --state NEW -j WEAVE-NPC-INGRESS
-A WEAVE-NPC-DEFAULT -m set --match-set weave-k?Z;25^M}|1s7P3|H9i;*;MhG dst -j ACCEPT
-A WEAVE-NPC-DEFAULT -m set --match-set weave-iuZcey(5DeXbzgRFs8Szo]<@p dst -j ACCEPT
# Completed on Fri Mar  3 13:23:40 2017
pipejakob commented 7 years ago

I suspect you're hitting issue https://github.com/kubernetes/kubeadm/issues/196. You can verify that this is the root cause by manually editing /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml on the master and changing the liveness probe:

  failureThreshold: 8
    path: /healthz
    port: 443           # was 6443
    scheme: HTTPS
pipejakob commented 7 years ago

@phagunbaya If you do try the above, I would also kill/restart kubelet for it to take effect faster. When I hit this problem myself, kubelet's exponential backoff was making it take forever to try to restart the kube-apiserver pod.

msavlani commented 7 years ago

Did you try flushing your iptable rules and restart kubelet service ?

phagunbaya commented 7 years ago

@msavlani Flushing iptable rules did not help. @pipejakob Thanks ! that resolved.

errordeveloper commented 7 years ago

Also killing DNS pod seems to resolve this for me...

errordeveloper commented 7 years ago

I am not entierly sure this has to do with #196, I think there is a race condition elsewhere. I've just hit this in something I'm working on at the moment, I will update if I figure out what causes it, as seem to have a way of reproducing is reliably.

TracyBin commented 7 years ago

I setup a single-machine Kubernetes cluster for development and faced the same problem.But modifying the port does not solve the problem

jeffchanjunwei commented 7 years ago

Hi @TracyBin, how do you solve this problem at last?

TracyBin commented 7 years ago

@jeffchanjunwei It is the problem of iptables.Please try the follow command


If the command solve your problem,please tell me.

jeffchanjunwei commented 7 years ago

@TracyBin It doesn't work. kubedns-amd64:1.9 images still can not start. Errors as follows:

kubectl describe pod kubedns <invalid> <invalid> 1 {kubelet k8sminion1} spec.containers{kubedns} Warning Unhealthy Readiness probe failed: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

docker logs kubedns-amd E0425 02:28:03.129272 1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:148: Failed to list api.Service: Get dial tcp i/o timeout E0425 02:28:03.234570 1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:145: Failed to list api.Endpoints: Get dial tcp i/o timeout

pineking commented 7 years ago

@jeffchanjunwei do you solve this problem?

jeffchanjunwei commented 7 years ago

@pineking yes. It is the cause of network that results into the problem.

frankruizhi commented 7 years ago

I got the same issue,my kubedns log :

[root@k8s ~]# kubectl logs --namespace=kube-system $(kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-dns -o name) -c kubedns I0516 07:38:31.041503 1 dns.go:42] version: v1.6.0-alpha.0.680+3872cb93abf948-dirty I0516 07:38:31.042564 1 server.go:107] Using for kubernetes master, kubernetes API: I0516 07:38:31.043625 1 server.go:68] Using configuration read from ConfigMap: kube-system:kube-dns I0516 07:38:31.043729 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --alsologtostderr="false" I0516 07:38:31.043762 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --config-map="kube-dns" I0516 07:38:31.043773 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --config-map-namespace="kube-system" I0516 07:38:31.043780 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --dns-bind-address="" I0516 07:38:31.043786 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --dns-port="10053" I0516 07:38:31.043810 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --domain="cluster.local." I0516 07:38:31.043821 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --federations="" I0516 07:38:31.043829 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --healthz-port="8081" I0516 07:38:31.043837 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --kube-master-url="" I0516 07:38:31.043847 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --kubecfg-file="" I0516 07:38:31.043853 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --log-backtrace-at=":0" I0516 07:38:31.043863 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --log-dir="" I0516 07:38:31.043870 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --log-flush-frequency="5s" I0516 07:38:31.043880 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --logtostderr="true" I0516 07:38:31.043887 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --stderrthreshold="2" I0516 07:38:31.043901 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --v="2" I0516 07:38:31.043908 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --version="false" I0516 07:38:31.043918 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --vmodule="" I0516 07:38:31.044094 1 server.go:155] Starting SkyDNS server ( I0516 07:38:31.048954 1 server.go:165] Skydns metrics enabled (/metrics:10055) I0516 07:38:31.048987 1 dns.go:144] Starting endpointsController I0516 07:38:31.048997 1 dns.go:147] Starting serviceController I0516 07:38:31.049354 1 logs.go:41] skydns: ready for queries on cluster.local. for tcp:// [rcache 0] I0516 07:38:31.049383 1 logs.go:41] skydns: ready for queries on cluster.local. for udp:// [rcache 0] E0516 07:39:01.051248 1 sync.go:105] Error getting ConfigMap kube-system:kube-dns err: Get dial tcp i/o timeout E0516 07:39:01.051307 1 dns.go:190] Error getting initial ConfigMap: Get dial tcp i/o timeout, starting with default values I0516 07:39:01.051338 1 dns.go:163] Waiting for Kubernetes service I0516 07:39:01.051347 1 dns.go:169] Waiting for service: default/kubernetes E0516 07:39:02.228560 1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:145: Failed to list api.Endpoints: Get dial tcp i/o timeout E0516 07:39:02.228646 1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/dns.go:148: Failed to list api.Service: Get dial tcp i/o timeout E0516 07:39:32.229250 1 reflector.go:199] pkg/dns/config/sync.go:114: Failed to list *api.ConfigMap: Get dial tcp i/o timeout

I've tied a lot ,but none of them worked.

frankruizhi commented 7 years ago

I have found the solution to my problem:

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.2", GitCommit:"a55267932d501b9fbd6d73e5ded47d79b5763ce5", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2017-04-14T13:36:25Z", GoVersion:"go1.7.4", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"} Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.2", GitCommit:"a55267932d501b9fbd6d73e5ded47d79b5763ce5", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2017-04-14T13:36:25Z", GoVersion:"go1.7.4", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

1.First,we should make sure the ip-forward enabled on the linux kernel of every node.Just execute command: sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding = 1

2.Secondly,if your docker's version >=1.13,the default FORWARD chain policy was DROP,you should set default policy of the FORWARD chain to ACCEPT:$ sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT.

3.Then the configuration of the kube-proxy must be pass in : --cluster-cidr=.

ps: --cluster-cidr string The CIDR range of pods in the cluster. It is used to bridge traffic coming from outside of the cluster. If not provided, no off-cluster bridging will be performed. Refer to this:https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/36835

luxas commented 7 years ago

Closing this as fixed with v1.6

mhsabbagh commented 7 years ago

This is still here on 1.7.3 with Ubuntu 16.04. Same exact problem. Have been trying all the possible solutions from disabling apparmor, changing the ports, making sure nothing blocks it.. It still doesn't work.

I tried it on a completely fresh droplet from DigitalOcean and it's still the same. Doesn't look like a configuration problem from my side. I just ran the commands as they are in https://medium.com/@SystemMining/setup-kubenetes-cluster-on-ubuntu-16-04-with-kubeadm-336f4061d929

pengyue commented 7 years ago

@mhsabbagh, I have the exact version as yours, 1 master, 3 nodes, the dashboard was setup on node 2 automatically when apply dashboard.yaml. and dashboard error looks like the same as others.

Using HTTP port: 8443 Using in-cluster config to connect to apiserver Using service account token for csrf signing No request provided. Skipping authorization header Error while initializing connection to Kubernetes apiserver. This most likely means that the cluster is misconfigured (e.g., it has invalid apiserver certificates or service accounts configuration) or the --apiserver-host param points to a server that does not exist. Reason: Get dial tcp i/o timeout Refer to the troubleshooting guide for more information: https://github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/blob/master/docs/user-guide/troubleshooting.md

I have been searching for an solution, but still cannot find a solution. I could telnet to on port 443 from any of the master and nodes

Are we sure it has been fixed in v1.6?

gogeof commented 7 years ago

I also have this problem in kubernetes v1.7.4, and after I restart docker, it fix.

BenHall commented 7 years ago

Also hitting this on a fair frequent basis with Kubernetes 1.7 on top of Docker 1.12.6

Running iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT didn't resolve the issue.

luxas commented 7 years ago

@BenHall please open a new issue with relevant details.

lastboy1228 commented 7 years ago

systemctl stop kubelet systemctl stop docker iptables --flush iptables -tnat --flush systemctl start kubelet systemctl start docker

The route problem can be solved by flush iptables.

P4otocol commented 7 years ago

Thanks @frankruizhi for the info. Worked for me!! (Used docker version >1.13)

WanChengHu commented 7 years ago

I got the same problem when I use kubeadm to init a k8s v1.8 cluster with one master and one node.

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"8", GitVersion:"v1.8.0", GitCommit:"6e937839ac04a38cac63e6a7a306c5d035fe7b0a", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2017-09-28T22:57:57Z", GoVersion:"go1.8.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"} Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"8", GitVersion:"v1.8.0", GitCommit:"6e937839ac04a38cac63e6a7a306c5d035fe7b0a", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2017-09-28T22:46:41Z", GoVersion:"go1.8.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

WanChengHu commented 7 years ago

kubectl get pod -n kube-system

NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE etcd-redis 1/1 Running 0 6h kube-apiserver-redis 1/1 Running 0 6h kube-controller-manager-redis 1/1 Running 0 6h kube-dns-545bc4bfd4-zqv6j 2/3 CrashLoopBackOff 146 6h kube-flannel-ds-8cphc 1/1 Running 0 6h kube-flannel-ds-dqsbr 1/1 Running 7 6h kube-proxy-fjhlf 1/1 Running 0 6h kube-proxy-j5pwk 1/1 Running 0 6h kube-scheduler-redis 1/1 Running 0 6h

WanChengHu commented 7 years ago

kubectl logs kube-dns-545bc4bfd4-zqv6j -n kube-system -c kubedns --previous=true I1015 13:25:06.436183 1 dns.go:48] version: 1.14.4-2-g5584e04 I1015 13:25:06.436763 1 server.go:70] Using configuration read from directory: /kube-dns-config with period 10s I1015 13:25:06.436807 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --alsologtostderr="false" I1015 13:25:06.436818 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --config-dir="/kube-dns-config" I1015 13:25:06.436824 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --config-map="" I1015 13:25:06.436826 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --config-map-namespace="kube-system" I1015 13:25:06.436829 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --config-period="10s" I1015 13:25:06.436833 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --dns-bind-address="" I1015 13:25:06.436835 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --dns-port="10053" I1015 13:25:06.436843 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --domain="cluster.local." I1015 13:25:06.436848 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --federations="" I1015 13:25:06.436851 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --healthz-port="8081" I1015 13:25:06.436854 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --initial-sync-timeout="1m0s" I1015 13:25:06.436856 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --kube-master-url="" I1015 13:25:06.436861 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --kubecfg-file="" I1015 13:25:06.436864 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --log-backtrace-at=":0" I1015 13:25:06.436868 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --log-dir="" I1015 13:25:06.436874 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --log-flush-frequency="5s" I1015 13:25:06.436876 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --logtostderr="true" I1015 13:25:06.436886 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --nameservers="" I1015 13:25:06.436888 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --stderrthreshold="2" I1015 13:25:06.436891 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --v="2" I1015 13:25:06.436893 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --version="false" I1015 13:25:06.436898 1 server.go:113] FLAG: --vmodule="" I1015 13:25:06.436994 1 server.go:176] Starting SkyDNS server ( I1015 13:25:06.437258 1 server.go:198] Skydns metrics enabled (/metrics:10055) I1015 13:25:06.437275 1 dns.go:147] Starting endpointsController I1015 13:25:06.437284 1 dns.go:150] Starting serviceController I1015 13:25:06.437361 1 logs.go:41] skydns: ready for queries on cluster.local. for tcp:// [rcache 0] I1015 13:25:06.437368 1 logs.go:41] skydns: ready for queries on cluster.local. for udp:// [rcache 0] I1015 13:25:06.937453 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:07.437470 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:07.937473 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:08.437480 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:08.937473 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:09.437483 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:09.937481 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:10.437460 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:10.937489 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:11.437451 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:11.937473 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:12.437473 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:12.937484 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:13.437496 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:13.937474 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:14.437485 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:14.937470 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:15.437470 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:15.937467 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:16.437474 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:16.937469 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:17.437484 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:17.937492 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:18.437474 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:18.937499 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:19.437459 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:19.937495 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:20.437475 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:20.937483 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:21.437476 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:21.937459 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:22.437477 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:22.937462 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:23.437508 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:23.937452 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:24.437490 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:24.937443 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:25.437472 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:25.937494 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:26.437496 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:26.937482 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:27.437452 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:27.937494 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:28.437492 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:28.937486 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:29.437470 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:29.937467 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:30.437456 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:30.937489 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:31.437469 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:31.937458 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:32.437459 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:32.937459 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:33.437468 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:33.937467 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:34.437467 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:34.937496 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:35.437477 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:35.937481 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:36.437505 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... E1015 13:25:36.437852 1 reflector.go:199] k8s.io/dns/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache/reflector.go:94: Failed to list v1.Service: Get dial tcp i/o timeout E1015 13:25:36.437865 1 reflector.go:199] k8s.io/dns/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache/reflector.go:94: Failed to list v1.Endpoints: Get dial tcp i/o timeout I1015 13:25:36.937466 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:37.437493 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:37.937476 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:38.437478 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:38.937487 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:39.437473 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:39.937470 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:40.437487 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:40.937459 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:41.437504 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:41.937481 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:42.437470 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:42.937469 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:43.437474 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:43.937452 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:44.437449 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:44.937487 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:45.437460 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:45.937484 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:46.437500 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:46.937444 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:47.437488 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:47.937478 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:48.437479 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:48.937471 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:49.437485 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:49.937470 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:50.437476 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:50.937475 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:51.437490 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:51.937446 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:52.437486 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:52.937470 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:53.437465 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:53.937482 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:54.437456 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:54.937469 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:55.437467 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:55.937489 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:56.437471 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:56.937464 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:57.437451 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:57.937504 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:58.437482 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:58.937474 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:59.437479 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:59.937460 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:26:00.437505 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:26:00.937463 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:26:01.437480 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:26:01.937465 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:26:02.437468 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:26:02.937452 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:26:03.437474 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:26:03.937474 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:26:04.437474 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:26:04.937467 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:26:05.437473 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:26:05.937472 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver...

WanChengHu commented 7 years ago

kubectl logs kube-dns-545bc4bfd4-zqv6j -n kube-system -c dnsmasq --previous=true I1015 13:25:06.494999 1 main.go:76] opts: {{/usr/sbin/dnsmasq [-k --cache-size=1000 --log-facility=- --server=/cluster.local/ --server=/in-addr.arpa/ --server=/ip6.arpa/] true} /etc/k8s/dns/dnsmasq-nanny 10000000000} I1015 13:25:06.495117 1 nanny.go:86] Starting dnsmasq [-k --cache-size=1000 --log-facility=- --server=/cluster.local/ --server=/in-addr.arpa/ --server=/ip6.arpa/] I1015 13:25:06.503314 1 nanny.go:111] I1015 13:25:06.503330 1 nanny.go:108] dnsmasq[14]: started, version 2.78-security-prerelease cachesize 1000 W1015 13:25:06.503339 1 nanny.go:112] Got EOF from stdout I1015 13:25:06.503343 1 nanny.go:108] dnsmasq[14]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset auth no-DNSSEC loop-detect inotify I1015 13:25:06.503348 1 nanny.go:108] dnsmasq[14]: using nameserver for domain ip6.arpa I1015 13:25:06.503352 1 nanny.go:108] dnsmasq[14]: using nameserver for domain in-addr.arpa I1015 13:25:06.503355 1 nanny.go:108] dnsmasq[14]: using nameserver for domain cluster.local I1015 13:25:06.503358 1 nanny.go:108] dnsmasq[14]: reading /etc/resolv.conf I1015 13:25:06.503361 1 nanny.go:108] dnsmasq[14]: using nameserver for domain ip6.arpa I1015 13:25:06.503364 1 nanny.go:108] dnsmasq[14]: using nameserver for domain in-addr.arpa I1015 13:25:06.503402 1 nanny.go:108] dnsmasq[14]: using nameserver for domain cluster.local I1015 13:25:06.503405 1 nanny.go:108] dnsmasq[14]: using nameserver I1015 13:25:06.503409 1 nanny.go:108] dnsmasq[14]: using nameserver I1015 13:25:06.503412 1 nanny.go:108] dnsmasq[14]: read /etc/hosts - 7 addresses

WanChengHu commented 7 years ago

kubectl describe pod kube-dns-545bc4bfd4-zqv6j -n kube-system Name: kube-dns-545bc4bfd4-zqv6j Namespace: kube-system Node: docker1/ Start Time: Sun, 15 Oct 2017 15:34:59 +0800 Labels: k8s-app=kube-dns pod-template-hash=1016706980 Annotations: kubernetes.io/created-by={"kind":"SerializedReference","apiVersion":"v1","reference":{"kind":"ReplicaSet","namespace":"kube-system","name":"kube-dns-545bc4bfd4","uid":"0e3cedc6-b17b-11e7-a632-00163e0a... Status: Running IP: Created By: ReplicaSet/kube-dns-545bc4bfd4 Controlled By: ReplicaSet/kube-dns-545bc4bfd4 Containers: kubedns: Container ID: docker://701fec7dea2ee53e8cb068ece1dcb826c6420a9047d79f79c560d4a31928e716 Image: gcr.io/google_containers/k8s-dns-kube-dns-amd64:1.14.5 Image ID: docker://sha256:512cd7425a731bee1f2a3e4c825fc1cfe516c8b7905874f24bee6da12801d663 Ports: 10053/UDP, 10053/TCP, 10055/TCP Args: --domain=cluster.local. --dns-port=10053 --config-dir=/kube-dns-config --v=2 State: Waiting Reason: CrashLoopBackOff Last State: Terminated Reason: Error Exit Code: 255 Started: Sun, 15 Oct 2017 22:58:03 +0800 Finished: Sun, 15 Oct 2017 22:59:03 +0800 Ready: False Restart Count: 72 Limits: memory: 170Mi Requests: cpu: 100m memory: 70Mi Liveness: http-get http://:10054/healthcheck/kubedns delay=60s timeout=5s period=10s #success=1 #failure=5 Readiness: http-get http://:8081/readiness delay=3s timeout=5s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3 Environment: PROMETHEUS_PORT: 10055 Mounts: /kube-dns-config from kube-dns-config (rw) /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-dns-token-4vgnh (ro) dnsmasq: Container ID: docker://1f469eb9fe9fc270c7e0b7e12823ae1f0b0e93fd907d9e4c332e86c1cec07637 Image: gcr.io/google_containers/k8s-dns-dnsmasq-nanny-amd64:1.14.5 Image ID: docker://sha256:459944ce8cc4f08ebade5c05bb884e4da053d73e61ec6afe82a0b1687317254c Ports: 53/UDP, 53/TCP Args: -v=2 -logtostderr -configDir=/etc/k8s/dns/dnsmasq-nanny -restartDnsmasq=true

State:          Waiting
  Reason:       CrashLoopBackOff
Last State:     Terminated
  Reason:       Error
  Exit Code:    137
  Started:      Sun, 15 Oct 2017 22:59:16 +0800
  Finished:     Sun, 15 Oct 2017 23:01:26 +0800
Ready:          False
Restart Count:  93
  cpu:        150m
  memory:     20Mi
Liveness:     http-get http://:10054/healthcheck/dnsmasq delay=60s timeout=5s period=10s #success=1 #failure=5
Environment:  <none>
  /etc/k8s/dns/dnsmasq-nanny from kube-dns-config (rw)
  /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-dns-token-4vgnh (ro)

sidecar: Container ID: docker://ea065ef8d50b4a0e870782d2dcaa8b38ccefe395677c331944c9760d8f432663 Image: gcr.io/google_containers/k8s-dns-sidecar-amd64:1.14.5 Image ID: docker://sha256:fed89e8b4248a788655d528d96fe644aff012879c782784cd486ff6894ef89f6 Port: 10054/TCP Args: --v=2 --logtostderr --probe=kubedns,,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local,5,A --probe=dnsmasq,,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local,5,A State: Running Started: Sun, 15 Oct 2017 15:56:51 +0800 Ready: True Restart Count: 0 Requests: cpu: 10m memory: 20Mi Liveness: http-get http://:10054/metrics delay=60s timeout=5s period=10s #success=1 #failure=5 Environment: Mounts: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-dns-token-4vgnh (ro) Conditions: Type Status Initialized True Ready False PodScheduled True Volumes: kube-dns-config: Type: ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap) Name: kube-dns Optional: true kube-dns-token-4vgnh: Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret) SecretName: kube-dns-token-4vgnh Optional: false QoS Class: Burstable Node-Selectors: Tolerations: CriticalAddonsOnly node-role.kubernetes.io/master:NoSchedule node.alpha.kubernetes.io/notReady:NoExecute for 300s node.alpha.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute for 300s Events: Type Reason Age From Message

Normal Killing 57m (x82 over 7h) kubelet, docker1 Killing container with id docker://dnsmasq:Container failed liveness probe.. Container will be killed and recreated. Warning Unhealthy 22m (x418 over 7h) kubelet, docker1 Readiness probe failed: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused Warning FailedSync 12m (x2708 over 7h) kubelet, docker1 Error syncing pod Warning BackOff 2m (x1634 over 7h) kubelet, docker1 Back-off restarting failed container

TracyBin commented 7 years ago

@WanChengHu Which version and network plugin do you deploy with? Do you use kubeadm?

frankruizhi commented 7 years ago

You could try following method: Modify /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf, configure Environment="KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS=--fail-swap-on=false". Then reload the daemon,and restart docker and kubelet service.

WanChengHu commented 7 years ago

@TracyBin flannel 0.9.0, yes I use kubeadm @frankruizhi let me try

WanChengHu commented 7 years ago

@frankruizhi doesn't work

TracyBin commented 7 years ago

@WanChengHu Does pod bind with ip? Most of reason is iptables and flannel network.

systemctl disable firewalld;systemctl stop firewalld;iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
zxpower commented 7 years ago

I have exactly the same problem - had it on K8s v1.8.0 and today I upgrade to v1.8.1 - still the same.

OS: CoreOS 1465.8.0 (with included Docker 1.12.6) K8s: v1.8.1 Etcd: 3.0.17 Flannel: 0.7.1

WanChengHu commented 7 years ago

@TracyBin my k8s cluster is installed in Aliyun, and they tell me that they don't support k8s 1.8 the firewalld is disabled, iptables allow all inboud and outboud traffic

TracyBin commented 7 years ago

@WanChengHu 加我QQ看一下 641555100

dl00 commented 7 years ago

I am also having this problem. Spent over 2 hours on gitter trying to resolve it with someone. No luck.

luxas commented 7 years ago

@dl00 and others, if you do think you've found an issue, please open a new issue with actual details from your environment. Please don't comment on closed ones.

ikus060 commented 6 years ago

Running iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT on master and nodes solved the problem for me. I was running flannel.

kwaazaar commented 6 years ago

Which pod network is preferred/works out of the box? I'm running into these same issues, but I have no clue how to fix them. I picked kube-router btw, but running into these same issues.

errordeveloper commented 6 years ago

Robert, I don't know how mature kube-router is, have you tried Weave Net?

On Sun, 4 Feb 2018, 1:40 pm Robert te Kaat, notifications@github.com wrote:

Which pod network is preferred/works out of the box? I'm running into these same issues, but I have no clue how to fix them. I picked kube-router btw, but running into these same issues.

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xiaoguazh commented 6 years ago

I set k8s cluster using virtualbox, 1-kube-master, 2-kube-workers.

When google, there are lots of similar issue, although many ticket shows closed, I tried a lot, but no luck. I tried "$sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT", "$ sudo iptables --flush", this doesn't work for me.

The root cause should be in kube-dns, flannel and kube-proxy, anyone can tell exactly what is wrong in them ? :-)

kube-dns has 3 components/container: kubedns, dnsmasq,sidecar

` kube-system kube-dns-598d7bf7d4-dzbn8 2/3 CrashLoopBackOff 43 10h kube-system kube-dns-598d7bf7d4-v99tk 2/3 CrashLoopBackOff 45 10h kube-system kube-flannel-ds-mvrt5 1/1 Running 8 20h kube-system kube-flannel-ds-vt2w6 1/1 Running 5 20h kube-system kube-flannel-ds-xrsq8 1/1 Running 5 20h kube-system kube-proxy-jrw6f 1/1 Running 5 21h kube-system kube-proxy-mt6mz 1/1 Running 8 21h kube-system kube-proxy-wwd95 1/1 Running 5 21h


try use kubectl exec to check each container

(1) kubedns = always down with error in log.

` Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver...

reflector.go:201] k8s.io/dns/pkg/dns/dns.go:147: Failed to list *v1.Endpoints: Get dial tcp i/o timeout

reflector.go:201] k8s.io/dns/pkg/dns/dns.go:150: Failed to list *v1.Service: Get dial tcp i/o timeout

dns.go:173] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver...


(2) dnsmasq = ok, but it seems the default /etc/resolv.conf might have issue, why it uses my HOST machine's DNS setting? should it use "nameserver" ?

` dnsmasq[12]: using nameserver for domain ip6.arpa dnsmasq[12]: using nameserver for domain in-addr.arpa dnsmasq[12]: using nameserver for domain cluster.local dnsmasq[12]: reading /etc/resolv.conf dnsmasq[12]: using nameserver for domain ip6.arpa dnsmasq[12]: using nameserver for domain in-addr.arpa dnsmasq[12]: using nameserver for domain cluster.local dnsmasq[12]: using nameserver dnsmasq[12]: using nameserver dnsmasq[12]: using nameserver dnsmasq[12]: read /etc/hosts - 7 addresses

/ # cat /etc/resolv.conf
search nokia.com china.nsn-net.net

/ # netstat -nl
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN
tcp        0      0 :::10053                :::*                    LISTEN
tcp        0      0 :::10054                :::*                    LISTEN
tcp        0      0 :::10055                :::*                    LISTEN
tcp        0      0 :::53                   :::*                    LISTEN
udp        0      0    *
udp        0      0 *
udp        0      0 *
udp        0      0 *
udp        0      0 :::10053                :::*
udp        0      0 :::53                   :::*


(3)sidecar = ok, with failure on dnsProbe, this seems NOT a big issue.

` dnsprobe.go:75] Starting dnsProbe {Label:kubedns Server: Name:kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local. Interval:5s Type:33}

dnsprobe.go:75] Starting dnsProbe {Label:dnsmasq Server: Name:kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local. Interval:5s Type:33}

server.go:64] Error getting metrics from dnsmasq: read udp> read: connection refused
server.go:64] Error getting metrics from dnsmasq: read udp> read: connection refused

~ $ netstat -nl
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN
tcp        0      0 :::10054                :::*                    LISTEN
tcp        0      0 :::53                   :::*                    LISTEN
udp        0      0 *
udp        0      0 *
udp        0      0 *
udp        0      0 *
udp        0      0    *
udp        0      0 *
udp        0      0 :::53                   :::*
Active UNIX domain sockets (only servers)
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node Path

` is the cluster ip of kubernetes service, this service is in "default" namespace, can kube-dns from namesapce "kube-system" able to access this in namespace "default" ? I suspect here might have problem ?

` $ kubectl describe service kubernetes

Name:              kubernetes
Namespace:         default
Labels:            component=apiserver
Annotations:       <none>
Selector:          <none>
Type:              ClusterIP
IP:                                  #-service-cidr 
Port:              https  443/TCP
TargetPort:        6443/TCP
Session Affinity:  ClientIP
Events:            <none>


BenHall commented 6 years ago

@xiangpengzhao We had an issue where it was a timing related bug with IPTables. Our solution was to upgrade to the latest CNI plugin (in our case Weave).

GabMgt commented 6 years ago

Same problem here with K8S 1.10.5 and weave 2.3.0.

The problem is solved temporarily thanks to lastboy1228 (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubeadm/issues/193#issuecomment-330060848)

xingjinglu commented 5 years ago

@pineking yes. It is the cause of network that results into the problem.

Hi, How did you solve the problem? I encounter the same issue too.

charles820 commented 5 years ago

@pineking yes. It is the cause of network that results into the problem.

Hi, How did you solve the problem? I encounter the same issue too.

kubectl delete svc kubernetes

ChangjunZhao commented 5 years ago

For flannel network add-on to work correctly, you must pass --pod-network-cidr= to kubeadm init

o3o3o commented 5 years ago

systemctl stop kubelet systemctl stop docker iptables --flush iptables -tnat --flush systemctl start kubelet systemctl start docker

The route problem can be solved by flush iptables.

You may need to execute the below command to ensure that the default policy is ACCEPT, to avoiding you are kicked out of your machine when using ssh.

iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT

And then you can safely flush your rules:

iptables -F
tnimni commented 5 years ago

if you are using rancher you can go to kubernetes>infrastructre stacks search for kubernetes pod and restart it

SEC-nux commented 4 years ago

@WanChengHu 加我QQ看一下 641555100


go/tools/cache/reflector.go:94: Failed to list v1.Service: Get dial tcp i/o timeout E1015 13:25:36.437865 1 reflector.go:199] k8s.io/dns/vendor/k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache/reflector.go:94: Failed to list v1.Endpoints: Get dial tcp i/o timeout I1015 13:25:36.937466 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserver... I1015 13:25:37.437493 1 dns.go:174] Waiting for services and endpoints to be initialized from apiserv