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Fix kubectl-container Makefile to work on other supported host platforms #24349

Closed trinitronx closed 6 years ago

trinitronx commented 8 years ago

The current Makefile for kubectl-container fails when built on any platform other than linux/amd64 due to hardcoded path.

Proposed Change

Fix container & kubectl build on other platforms (such as OSX "`darwin") by:

I've coded this change in my fork here: trinitronx/kubernetes@fix-kubectl-container-build-on-other-platforms. I have also signed the Individual CLA.

mikedanese commented 8 years ago


luxas commented 8 years ago

@trinitronx Why do you need this container? I'm asking because you may easily do docker run -it gcr.io/google_containers/hyperkube-${ARCH}:${VERSION} /hyperkube kubectl

where ${ARCH} is some of amd64|arm|arm64|ppc64le and where ${VERSION} is a released version of Kubernetes. (arm requires v1.3.0-alpha.2 and higher and arm64|ppc64le v1.3.0-alpha.3 and higher)

trinitronx commented 8 years ago

@luxas : I didn't realize there was already support for alternate architectures in hyperkube. Good to know!

luxas commented 8 years ago

Can we close this then? kubectl is built for all arches on every make release, and hyperkube supports everything the kubectl container can do.

Also, I think the kubectl image is made for testing/examples instead of something that have to be embedded in every release.

trinitronx commented 8 years ago

@luxas : So I had some time to try out the hyperkube container, and as it turns out... it apparently does not understand the -s or --server flags like the bare kubectl container does.

The use case I'm trying to solve which yielded the need for a kubectl container is:

However, when I tried this I always got the errors: unknown flag: --server or unknown shorthand flag: 's' in -s

Full output was:

root@040ebc991254:/# /hyperkube kubelet --server=http://kubernetes:8080 proxy
Error: unknown flag: --server

The kubelet binary is responsible for maintaining a set of containers on a

  particular node. It syncs data from a variety of sources including a
  Kubernetes API server, an etcd cluster, HTTP endpoint or local file. It then
  queries Docker to see what is currently running.  It synchronizes the
  configuration data, with the running set of containers by starting or stopping
  Docker containers.
  kubelet [flags]

Available Flags:
      --address= The IP address for the Kubelet to serve on (set to for all interfaces)
      --allow-privileged[=false]: If true, allow containers to request privileged mode. [default=false]
      --alsologtostderr[=false]: log to standard error as well as files
      --api-servers=[]: List of Kubernetes API servers for publishing events, and reading pods and services. (ip:port), comma separated.
      --application-metrics-count-limit=100: Max number of application metrics to store (per container)
      --boot-id-file="/proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id": Comma-separated list of files to check for boot-id. Use the first one that exists.
      --cadvisor-port=4194: The port of the localhost cAdvisor endpoint
      --cert-dir="/var/run/kubernetes": The directory where the TLS certs are located (by default /var/run/kubernetes). If --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file are provided, this flag will be ignored.
      --cgroup-root="": Optional root cgroup to use for pods. This is handled by the container runtime on a best effort basis. Default: '', which means use the container runtime default.
      --chaos-chance=0: If > 0.0, introduce random client errors and latency. Intended for testing. [default=0.0]
      --cloud-config="": The path to the cloud provider configuration file.  Empty string for no configuration file.
      --cloud-provider="": The provider for cloud services.  Empty string for no provider.
      --cluster-dns="": IP address for a cluster DNS server.  If set, kubelet will configure all containers to use this for DNS resolution in addition to the host's DNS servers
      --cluster-domain="": Domain for this cluster.  If set, kubelet will configure all containers to search this domain in addition to the host's search domains
      --config="": Path to the config file or directory of files
      --configure-cbr0[=false]: If true, kubelet will configure cbr0 based on Node.Spec.PodCIDR.
      --container-hints="/etc/cadvisor/container_hints.json": location of the container hints file
      --container-runtime="docker": The container runtime to use. Possible values: 'docker', 'rkt'. Default: 'docker'.
      --containerized[=false]: Experimental support for running kubelet in a container.  Intended for testing. [default=false]
      --cpu-cfs-quota[=true]: Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits
      --disable-metrics={map[tcp:{}]}: comma-separated list of metrics to be disabled. Options are `disk`, `network`, `tcp`. Note: tcp is disabled by default due to high CPU usage.
      --docker="unix:///var/run/docker.sock": docker endpoint
      --docker-endpoint="": If non-empty, use this for the docker endpoint to communicate with
      --docker-env-metadata-whitelist="": a comma-separated list of environment variable keys that needs to be collected for docker containers
      --docker-exec-handler="native": Handler to use when executing a command in a container. Valid values are 'native' and 'nsenter'. Defaults to 'native'.
      --docker-only[=false]: Only report docker containers in addition to root stats
      --docker-root="/var/lib/docker": Absolute path to the Docker state root directory (default: /var/lib/docker)
      --docker-run="/var/run/docker": Absolute path to the Docker run directory (default: /var/run/docker)
      --enable-custom-metrics[=false]: Support for gathering custom metrics.
      --enable-debugging-handlers[=true]: Enables server endpoints for log collection and local running of containers and commands
      --enable-load-reader[=false]: Whether to enable cpu load reader
      --enable-server[=true]: Enable the Kubelet's server
      --event-burst=10: Maximum size of a bursty event records, temporarily allows event records to burst to this number, while still not exceeding event-qps. Only used if --event-qps > 0
      --event-qps=5: If > 0, limit event creations per second to this value. If 0, unlimited.
      --event-storage-age-limit="default=24h": Max length of time for which to store events (per type). Value is a comma separated list of key values, where the keys are event types (e.g.: creation, oom) or "default" and the value is a duration. Default is applied to all non-specified event types
      --event-storage-event-limit="default=100000": Max number of events to store (per type). Value is a comma separated list of key values, where the keys are event types (e.g.: creation, oom) or "default" and the value is an integer. Default is applied to all non-specified event types
      --experimental-flannel-overlay[=false]: Experimental support for starting the kubelet with the default overlay network (flannel). Assumes flanneld is already running in client mode. [default=false]
      --file-check-frequency=20s: Duration between checking config files for new data
      --global-housekeeping-interval=1m0s: Interval between global housekeepings
      --google-json-key="": The Google Cloud Platform Service Account JSON Key to use for authentication.
      --hairpin-mode="promiscuous-bridge": How should the kubelet setup hairpin NAT. This allows endpoints of a Service to loadbalance back to themselves if they should try to access their own Service. Valid values are "promiscuous-bridge", "hairpin-veth" and "none".
      --healthz-bind-address= The IP address for the healthz server to serve on, defaulting to (set to for all interfaces)
      --healthz-port=10248: The port of the localhost healthz endpoint
  -h, --help[=false]: help for hyperkube
      --host-ipc-sources="*": Comma-separated list of sources from which the Kubelet allows pods to use the host ipc namespace. [default="*"]
      --host-network-sources="*": Comma-separated list of sources from which the Kubelet allows pods to use of host network. [default="*"]
      --host-pid-sources="*": Comma-separated list of sources from which the Kubelet allows pods to use the host pid namespace. [default="*"]
      --hostname-override="": If non-empty, will use this string as identification instead of the actual hostname.
      --housekeeping-interval=10s: Interval between container housekeepings
      --http-check-frequency=20s: Duration between checking http for new data
      --httptest.serve="": if non-empty, httptest.NewServer serves on this address and blocks
      --image-gc-high-threshold=90: The percent of disk usage after which image garbage collection is always run. Default: 90%
      --image-gc-low-threshold=80: The percent of disk usage before which image garbage collection is never run. Lowest disk usage to garbage collect to. Default: 80%
      --ir-data-source="influxdb": Data source used by InitialResources. Supported options: influxdb, gcm.
      --ir-dbname="k8s": InfluxDB database name which contains metrics requred by InitialResources
      --ir-hawkular="": Hawkular configuration URL
      --ir-influxdb-host="localhost:8080/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/monitoring-influxdb:api": Address of InfluxDB which contains metrics requred by InitialResources
      --ir-namespace-only[=false]: Whether the estimation should be made only based on data from the same namespace.
      --ir-password="root": Password used for connecting to InfluxDB
      --ir-percentile=90: Which percentile of samples should InitialResources use when estimating resources. For experiment purposes.
      --ir-user="root": User used for connecting to InfluxDB
      --kube-api-burst=10: Burst to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver
      --kube-api-qps=5: QPS to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver
      --kube-reserved=: A set of ResourceName=ResourceQuantity (e.g. cpu=200m,memory=150G) pairs that describe resources reserved for kubernetes system components. Currently only cpu and memory are supported. See http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/user-guide/compute-resources.md for more detail. [default=none]
      --kubeconfig="/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig": Path to a kubeconfig file, specifying how to authenticate to API server (the master location is set by the api-servers flag).
      --kubelet-cgroups="": Optional absolute name of cgroups to create and run the Kubelet in.
      --lock-file="": <Warning: Alpha feature> The path to file for kubelet to use as a lock file.
      --log-backtrace-at=:0: when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
      --log-cadvisor-usage[=false]: Whether to log the usage of the cAdvisor container
      --log-dir="": If non-empty, write log files in this directory
      --log-flush-frequency=5s: Maximum number of seconds between log flushes
      --logtostderr[=true]: log to standard error instead of files
      --low-diskspace-threshold-mb=256: The absolute free disk space, in MB, to maintain. When disk space falls below this threshold, new pods would be rejected. Default: 256
      --machine-id-file="/etc/machine-id,/var/lib/dbus/machine-id": Comma-separated list of files to check for machine-id. Use the first one that exists.
      --manifest-url="": URL for accessing the container manifest
      --manifest-url-header="": HTTP header to use when accessing the manifest URL, with the key separated from the value with a ':', as in 'key:value'
      --master-service-namespace="default": The namespace from which the kubernetes master services should be injected into pods
      --max-open-files=1000000: Number of files that can be opened by Kubelet process. [default=1000000]
      --max-pods=110: Number of Pods that can run on this Kubelet.
      --maximum-dead-containers=240: Maximum number of old instances of containers to retain globally.  Each container takes up some disk space.  Default: 100.
      --maximum-dead-containers-per-container=2: Maximum number of old instances to retain per container.  Each container takes up some disk space.  Default: 2.
      --minimum-container-ttl-duration=1m0s: Minimum age for a finished container before it is garbage collected.  Examples: '300ms', '10s' or '2h45m'
      --minimum-image-ttl-duration=2m0s: Minimum age for a unused image before it is garbage collected.  Examples: '300ms', '10s' or '2h45m'. Default: '2m'
      --network-plugin="": <Warning: Alpha feature> The name of the network plugin to be invoked for various events in kubelet/pod lifecycle
      --network-plugin-dir="/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/net/exec/": <Warning: Alpha feature> The full path of the directory in which to search for network plugins
      --node-ip="": IP address of the node. If set, kubelet will use this IP address for the node
      --node-labels=: <Warning: Alpha feature> Labels to add when registering the node in the cluster.  Labels must be key=value pairs separated by ','.
      --node-status-update-frequency=10s: Specifies how often kubelet posts node status to master. Note: be cautious when changing the constant, it must work with nodeMonitorGracePeriod in nodecontroller. Default: 10s
      --non-masquerade-cidr="": Traffic to IPs outside this range will use IP masquerade.
      --oom-score-adj=-999: The oom-score-adj value for kubelet process. Values must be within the range [-1000, 1000]
      --outofdisk-transition-frequency=5m0s: Duration for which the kubelet has to wait before transitioning out of out-of-disk node condition status. Default: 5m0s
      --pod-cidr="": The CIDR to use for pod IP addresses, only used in standalone mode.  In cluster mode, this is obtained from the master.
      --pod-infra-container-image="gcr.io/google_containers/pause:2.0": The image whose network/ipc namespaces containers in each pod will use.
      --port=10250: The port for the Kubelet to serve on.
      --read-only-port=10255: The read-only port for the Kubelet to serve on with no authentication/authorization (set to 0 to disable)
      --really-crash-for-testing[=false]: If true, when panics occur crash. Intended for testing.
      --reconcile-cidr[=true]: Reconcile node CIDR with the CIDR specified by the API server. No-op if register-node or configure-cbr0 is false. [default=true]
      --register-node[=true]: Register the node with the apiserver (defaults to true if --api-servers is set)
      --register-schedulable[=true]: Register the node as schedulable. No-op if register-node is false. [default=true]
      --registry-burst=10: Maximum size of a bursty pulls, temporarily allows pulls to burst to this number, while still not exceeding registry-qps.  Only used if --registry-qps > 0
      --registry-qps=5: If > 0, limit registry pull QPS to this value.  If 0, unlimited. [default=5.0]
      --resolv-conf="/etc/resolv.conf": Resolver configuration file used as the basis for the container DNS resolution configuration.
      --rkt-path="": Path of rkt binary. Leave empty to use the first rkt in $PATH.  Only used if --container-runtime='rkt'
      --rkt-stage1-image="": image to use as stage1. Local paths and http/https URLs are supported. If empty, the 'stage1.aci' in the same directory as '--rkt-path' will be used
      --root-dir="/var/lib/kubelet": Directory path for managing kubelet files (volume mounts,etc).
      --runonce[=false]: If true, exit after spawning pods from local manifests or remote urls. Exclusive with --api-servers, and --enable-server
      --runtime-cgroups="": Optional absolute name of cgroups to create and run the runtime in.
      --serialize-image-pulls[=true]: Pull images one at a time. We recommend *not* changing the default value on nodes that run docker daemon with version < 1.9 or an Aufs storage backend. Issue #10959 has more details. [default=true]
      --stderrthreshold=2: logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
      --storage-driver-buffer-duration=1m0s: Writes in the storage driver will be buffered for this duration, and committed to the non memory backends as a single transaction
      --storage-driver-db="cadvisor": database name
      --storage-driver-host="localhost:8086": database host:port
      --storage-driver-password="root": database password
      --storage-driver-secure[=false]: use secure connection with database
      --storage-driver-table="stats": table name
      --storage-driver-user="root": database username
      --streaming-connection-idle-timeout=4h0m0s: Maximum time a streaming connection can be idle before the connection is automatically closed. 0 indicates no timeout. Example: '5m'
      --sync-frequency=1m0s: Max period between synchronizing running containers and config
      --system-cgroups="": Optional absolute name of cgroups in which to place all non-kernel processes that are not already inside a cgroup under `/`. Empty for no container. Rolling back the flag requires a reboot. (Default: "").
      --system-reserved=: A set of ResourceName=ResourceQuantity (e.g. cpu=200m,memory=150G) pairs that describe resources reserved for non-kubernetes components. Currently only cpu and memory are supported. See http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/user-guide/compute-resources.md for more detail. [default=none]
      --tls-cert-file="": File containing x509 Certificate for HTTPS.  (CA cert, if any, concatenated after server cert). If --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file are not provided, a self-signed certificate and key are generated for the public address and saved to the directory passed to --cert-dir.
      --tls-private-key-file="": File containing x509 private key matching --tls-cert-file.
      --v=0: log level for V logs
      --version[=false]: Print version information and quit
      --vmodule=: comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
      --volume-plugin-dir="/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/": <Warning: Alpha feature> The full path of the directory in which to search for additional third party volume plugins
      --volume-stats-agg-period=1m0s: Specifies interval for kubelet to calculate and cache the volume disk usage for all pods and volumes.  To disable volume calculations, set to 0.  Default: '1m'
unknown flag: --server
trinitronx commented 8 years ago

@luxas: Also, after thinking about this a bit more... with the advent of Raspberry Pi & other popular ARM or embedded architectures, I can also envision that others may desire to build their own kubelet container for those platform architectures for interfacing with, or running a Kubernetes cluster on this cost-effective hardware.

The Makefile changes are pretty simple and leverage the pre-existing bash function kube::util::host_platform for platform detection in hack/lib/util.sh:121

luxas commented 8 years ago

I know, I'm the author of Kubernetes on ARM, ARM64 and PowerPC64le, and have lots of Pi's at home for learning.

/hyperkube kubelet

It should be /hyperkube kubectl. ´kubelet` is the Kubernetes server

The point is, if you want a kubectl container, propose it and we may look into that, but there's a much better way of doing it (docker wrapped binaries) than updating this example image.

bgrant0607 commented 8 years ago

hyperkube kubectl flags parsing is being fixed in #25512

0xmichalis commented 7 years ago

/sig cli

luxas commented 7 years ago

I think we just should add kubectl to a list similar to this one, and a kubectl image can be created automatically on releases for all supported platforms etc.

luxas commented 7 years ago

/sig release

fejta-bot commented 6 years ago

Issues go stale after 90d of inactivity. Mark the issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle stale. Stale issues rot after an additional 30d of inactivity and eventually close.

Prevent issues from auto-closing with an /lifecycle frozen comment.

If this issue is safe to close now please do so with /close.

Send feedback to sig-testing, kubernetes/test-infra and/or @fejta. /lifecycle stale

trinitronx commented 6 years ago

Looks like kubectl binary is now copied from correct location in Makefile, now using GOARCH, and GOOS variables detected from go env tool.

This is safe to /close