kubernetes / minikube

Run Kubernetes locally
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Make minikube (and kvm2) installable with "yum" #4716

Open afbjorklund opened 5 years ago

afbjorklund commented 5 years ago

When we do the apt indexing of the .deb packages*, we might as well do the yum indexing of the .rpm.

This should include both minikube and the kvm2 driver... That is, the new docker-machine-driver-kvm2 package*.

Basically, provide something similar to what kubectl has:


This includes signing the packages with a GPG key.

Not sure if we can use the Google Cloud Packages ?

tstromberg commented 5 years ago

Upstream request: https://github.com/kubernetes/release/issues/839

afbjorklund commented 5 years ago

Current packages available at:

medyagh commented 4 years ago

still waiting on https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/4716#issuecomment-518774521

medyagh commented 4 years ago

we still like to do this, but it seems like we are blocked by some issues, if anyone can help to make this happen we need hep !

afbjorklund commented 4 years ago

We will need to do either of: 1) run rpm forever (close this ticket) 2) host yum repository ourselves (sig release won't help us)

afbjorklund commented 3 years ago

See https://github.com/kubernetes/release/issues/281 yum.kubernetes.io future