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REQUEST: Migrate aws/cluster-api-provider-cloudstack #3279

Closed pmotyka closed 2 years ago

pmotyka commented 2 years ago

New repo, staging repo, or migrate existing

Migrate existing - https://github.com/aws/cluster-api-provider-cloudstack

Is it a staging repo?


Requested name for new repository


Which Organization should it reside


Who should have admin access?

pmotyka rohityadavcloud

Who should have write access?

We will set this up once the repo is migrated in.

Who should be listed as approvers in OWNERS?

rohityadavcloud davidjumani

Who should be listed in SECURITY_CONTACTS?

rohityadavcloud davidjumani

What should the repo description be?

Kubernetes Cluster API Provider implementation for Apache CloudStack.

What SIG and subproject does this fall under?

This is a new cluster-api provider project for sig-cluster-lifecycle called cluster-api-provider-cloudstack (https://github.com/kubernetes/org/blob/main/config/kubernetes-sigs/sig-cluster-lifecycle/teams.yaml)

Please provide references to appropriate approval for this new repo

Mailing list discussion: https://groups.google.com/g/kubernetes-sig-cluster-lifecycle/c/sg46hgaIzJs/m/qj0LvP6KAQAJ

Additional context for request

Slack channel: A request for #cluster-api-cloudstack Slack channel to be created in the Kubernetes Slack workspace for use of community building, participation and discussion around CAPI provider for Apache CloudStack. https://github.com/kubernetes/community/pull/6427

pmotyka commented 2 years ago


Per - https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/github-management/kubernetes-repositories.md#rules-for-donated-repositories

Could you please perform a review of third party dependencies?

mrbobbytables commented 2 years ago

@pmotyka There doesn't appear to be approval from the SCL leads in the thread you linked, we need that first before anything can proceed.

That is also ALOT of people to put in an owners file, and none are currently org members. + more than the total # of contributors to the project already. That list will need to be cut down and they will need to go through the usual process for org membership which means contributing to something in the project beforehand.

pmotyka commented 2 years ago

@mrbobbytables thanks for the feedback.

Re: SCL leads - we'll be attending the SIG-cluster-lifecycle bi-weekly meeting on 2/22/2222 to seek the approval - you can see us on the agenda @ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gmc7LyCIL_148a9Tft7pdhdee0NBHdOfHS1SAF0duI4/edit#heading=h.w1075p5ltx3g.

Re: owners file I'll work with the team to prune the list accordingly.

caniszczyk commented 2 years ago

+1 from a CNCF POV no major issues that would cause a roadblock here

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the review @caniszczyk.

@mrbobbytables as Peter advised we have an agenda to discuss, build support, and get approval in the sig-cluster-lifecycle Tuesday meeting. We had discussed this starting with the SIG mailing list and discussed this in the Cluster API project meeting (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ushaVqAKYnZ2VN_aa3GyKlS4kEd6bSug13xaXOakAQI/edit) on 9th Feb 2022 where we were advised by @fabriziopandini Yassine and Mike. We're happy to trim the owners list down and follow any other guidance.

@pmotyka I suggest we start both the incubator owners and security list to:

<add any more from aws?>
neolit123 commented 2 years ago

+1 on the repo creation

vincepri commented 2 years ago

+1 on the repository

To recap the discussion in today's SIG meeting, we'd like to ask folks here to trim the approvers list to 2-3 members at most to start with and then promote folks over time.

fabriziopandini commented 2 years ago

+1 on the repository

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Thanks @neolit123 @vincepri @fabriziopandini for your support, guidance and vote.

@pmotyka can you update/trim the list to just:


We'll get more folks in the future when and as they make contributions as per SIG guidance.

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

@neolit123 @vincepri @fabriziopandini as asked during the SIG call, our @davidjumani has put together a short 10-min demo video of CAPC here: https://shapeblue-engineering-videos.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/capc/capc-demo-acs416.mp4 post-migration of the repo we're aiming to put together proper docs/website, and work on more detailed training/marketing videos and materials.

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Hi @mrbobbytables can you advise us on the logistics of migrating the repository?

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

It appears @mrbobbytables is on OOO. Pinging other members to seek further guidance on how to proceed - @nikhita @palnabarun @cblecker @dims @justaugustus

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Ping2 @nikhita @palnabarun @cblecker @dims @justaugustus - appreciate you're all busy any guidance for us? Alternatively, please advise how to proceed @neolit123 @vincepri @fabriziopandini ?

Thanks all.

nikhita commented 2 years ago

@rohityadavcloud like @mrbobbytables's mentioned before, you will need to have all approvers go through the usual membership process to become members of the Kubernetes SIGs github org first. Only then the approvers will be able to approve PRs.

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Thank you @nikhita for replying.

We only want to be part of the Kubernetes Cluster Lifecycle SIG (https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs) to be able to continue our work on cluster-api-provider-cloudstack in it. The Kubernetes Cluster Lifecycle SIG chair/leads (@vincepri @neolit123 @fabriziopandini) have already +1'd on the issue, we thought that was enough to get moving. My question was more about how to migrate the repository under https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs (for example, do we use Github repo ownership transfer or the k8s/sig admins will create a repo and clone the original repo?).

We (Peter @pmotyka and Rohit @rohityadavcloud) weren't aware or missed that we were required to become members of the org first. If this is still not the case, then pl do advise. Meanwhile, @pmotyka and I will go through the advised document and see if we qualify. Thanks again for the guidance.

mrbobbytables commented 2 years ago

@rohityadavcloud anyone that is an owner MUST be an org member (You can reference this issue in the org member request form and say its part of establishing owners for this repo). We do not allow org/repo level outside collaborators. People are still free to contribute, but the owners will be required to review and approve PRs.

Generally because there is so much back and forth, and being a part of the org is not a blocker to contributing, we do not have any SLO on repo migration - its best effort by the 1 or 2 active GitHub admins (we're working on staffing it back up)

For a little more info - It'll require moving the repo to a temporary org and then move to k-sigs (this is to work around some wonky github issues)

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Fantastic thanks @mrbobbytables for answering in detail and advising on this. Between @pmotyka and I, we'll discuss and see if we can qualify to become a member of the org.

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

@mrbobbytables @nikhita thanks for your guidance.

Given the requirement of owners of this new repo to be migrated to be org members, could the initial repo migration happen with just a single owner (the idea that we can add more owners over time)? I'm asking as Peter wasn't sure if he currently meets the membership criteria.

I've raised https://github.com/kubernetes/org/issues/3312 after getting two sponsors and going through the membership criterias.

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

@pmotyka can you update the list of approves for the owners and security sections in this issue to:


I think both @davidjumani and I have raised org-membership requests towards meeting the requirement for migration of the repo.

davidjumani commented 2 years ago

I've raised https://github.com/kubernetes/org/issues/3319 as well

pmotyka commented 2 years ago

Owners and Security sections have been updated to reflect the narrowed list of members pursuing org-membership.

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Thanks @mrbobbytables for helping with #3338. We've received the org invites now and I've accepted it and I believe @davidjumani should be able to do it by tomorrow.

Can you advise next steps for us and if there are any other requirements to work on? Many thanks 🙏

(I had opened this https://github.com/kubernetes/org/issues/3318 and as part of this we have a work-in-progress docs website here https://cluster-api-provider-cloudstack.netlify.app/ )

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Ping Hi @mrbobbytables @nikhita and others - any further advisc for us, how do we proceed with the repo donation. Both @davidjumani and @rohityadavcloud (owners of repo being migrated) are now members of the kubernetes-sigs org.

mrbobbytables commented 2 years ago

@rohityadavcloud we can kick this off now, is there anyone that on the aws side that has rights to migrate the repo to our temporary org - https://github.com/kubernetes-purgatory We have to migrate to that temp org before we migrate it

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Thanks for advising the next steps @mrbobbytables. I'll discuss with @pmotyka and team on aws side and keep you posted once we're able to migrate the repository to the temporary org. (I'm assuming we simply get the repo migrated via the original Github repo's settings to the temp org https://github.com/kubernetes-purgatory and ping you)

mrbobbytables commented 2 years ago

@rohityadavcloud we'll need to add whoever has admin rights to the temp org for them to migrate it to it. Migrations require making someone temporarily admin of the org which is why we have to do this shuffle =/

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Makes sense @mrbobbytables, @pmotyka can you review, and advise an admin on AWS side who can assist?

pmotyka commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the guidance, excited to have reached this step! @hyandell will be assisting with the migration activities.

mrbobbytables commented 2 years ago

invite has been sent 👍

hyandell commented 2 years ago

Thanks - invite accepted. Nice setup - better than the usual "transfer the repo to myself personally and wait for the next party to accept my transfer to their personal account" :)

I'll be waiting on pmotyka to give me a go request internally; for when folk are prepared for permissions to be in flux.

dims commented 2 years ago

/me waves to @hyandell !

hyandell commented 2 years ago

@mrbobbytables @nikhita @pmotyka Repository now transferred to kubernetes-purgatory. Ready to be moved on from there to its next home. Let me know if I can help further :)

pmotyka commented 2 years ago

Thank you, @hyandell! @mrbobbytables @nikhita - could you let us know what next steps are needed to migrate the repository to kubernetes-sigs?

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Thanks @mrbobbytables I see the repo here https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-cloudstack - looking forward to next steps!

pmotyka commented 2 years ago

Thank you @mrbobbytables, a remaining step we could use assistance with is the processing of the PR that aligns the OWNERS file with the intent of this migration issue - https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-cloudstack/pull/44. Could you assist with this as our approvals don't appear to be satisfying k8s-ci-robot.

mrbobbytables commented 2 years ago

Yeah, sorry^^;;; I forgot to update this issue after moving things over. I'll manually merge that PR and get the teams sorted out this morning.

mrbobbytables commented 2 years ago

Teams are added to the repo, I merged the OWNERS update. The only remaining item is the k/community issue and once thats merged everything should be good!

mrbobbytables commented 2 years ago

The k/community PR has merged, going to go ahead and close this out 👍


k8s-ci-robot commented 2 years ago

@mrbobbytables: Closing this issue.

In response to [this](https://github.com/kubernetes/org/issues/3279#issuecomment-1151218059): >The k/community PR has merged, going to go ahead and close this out 👍 > >/close Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available [here](https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/guide/pull-requests.md). If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the [kubernetes/test-infra](https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra/issues/new?title=Prow%20issue:) repository.