kubernetes / release

Release infrastructure for Kubernetes and related components
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Generate provenance attestations outside of builder #2611

Open puerco opened 2 years ago

puerco commented 2 years ago

What would you like to be added:

As we move towards signing files, we need to move the generation of provenance attestations to happen outside of our builder (krel).

Why is this needed:

We are currently generating the SLSA provenance attestations inside of krel. This is not a secure practice as a compromised krel build could falsify the provenance data. It is also a blocker for SLSA3.

/cc @kubernetes/release-engineering

saschagrunert commented 2 years ago

@puerco what means outside of krel? I could assume that we add a third intermediate cloudbuild step to the existing krel stage and release. Is this the intention?

puerco commented 2 years ago

I missed your comment @saschagrunert but yes, this is what I was considering too :D:D

My current thinking is that we should add a step before and after each stage and release. This way we can catch the parameters and commit sha from k/release (where our build as code config lies) in a partial attestation. The, after the build is done, we complete the attestation by reading the produced artifacts from the SBOM and sign it outside of the build process.

puerco commented 2 years ago

To make it more clear to the rest of @kubernetes/release-engineering this is what we do today to create the attestations:

flowchart TB
  subgraph krel["<h2>krel</h2>"]
direction TB
    style krel fill:#eee,stroke:#ccc,stroke-width:2px,font-weight:bold,font-size:120%

    subgraph staging["<h3>staging</h3>"]
    s1[build]-->s2["generate+publish staging attestation"]
    subgraph release["<h3>release</h3>"]
    r1["check staging attestations"]-->r2["release"]
r2-->r3["generate+publish release attestations"]

There are several problems with untrusted data flowing into the attestations using this approach. By splitting the generation and signing outside of the stage and release steps, we block access to signing credentials to any process running while building and we have true visibility into the parameters, source repo and evironment we are using to run krel. The process would look like this:

flowchart TB
  subgraph builder["<h2>Provenance Builder</h2>"]
  style builder fill:#eee,stroke:#ccc,stroke-width:2px,font-weight:bold,font-size:120%
    subgraph PreS["<h3>Pre-Staging Step</h3>"]
        b1["generate attestation with staging invocation"]-->b2["persist to disk"]
        b2-->b3["exit to wait for staging run"]
    subgraph PostS["<h3>Post-Staging Step</h3>"]
        b3-. sleep .-b4["read+verify subjects<br>from staging SBOM"]
        b4-->b5["read stored attestation from volume"]
        b5-->b6["complete stored attestation<br>from stored predicate + subjects<br>read from SBOM"]
        b6-->b7["sign attestation"]
        b7-->b8["push to staging bucket"]
    subgraph PreR["<h3>Pre-Release Step</h3>"]
        bb1["generate attestation<br>with release invocation"]-->bb2["persist to disk"]
        bb2-->bb3["exit to wait for release run"]
    subgraph PostR["<h3>Post-Release Step</h3>"]
        bb3-. sleep .-bb4["read+verify subjects<br>from release SBOM"]
        bb4-->bb5["read stored attestation from volume"]
        bb5-->bb6["complete stored attestation<br>from stored predicate + subjects<br>read from SBOM"]
        bb6-->bb7["sign attestation"]
        bb7-->bb8["push to release bucket"]
  subgraph krel["<h2>krel</h2>"]
    style krel fill:#eee,stroke:#ccc,stroke-width:2px,font-weight:bold,font-size:120%
    subgraph S["<h3>staging<h3>"]
      s1["build release"]-->s2["generate staging SBOM"]
    subgraph R["<h4>release</h4>"]
      direction TB
      r1["check staging attestations"]-->r2["release artifacts"]
      r2-->r3["write release SBOMs"]



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/lifecycle stale

puerco commented 1 year ago

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/lifecycle rotten

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/lifecycle rotten

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/lifecycle stale

puerco commented 1 year ago

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/lifecycle stale

xmudrii commented 7 months ago

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/lifecycle stale

xmudrii commented 4 months ago

/lifecycle frozen