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Generate Certificates Manually task is inconsistent #42761

Open nnlkcncff opened 1 year ago

nnlkcncff commented 1 year ago


The page contains three ways to achieve the same result using three different utilities. But there are some differences in the end results that are disconcerting and make you wonder why it has to be this way? It doesn't seem to make sense. There are two areas of concern — subject names and key usages.

1) All CA certificates have different subject Common Name:

According to PKI certificates and requirements page CA CN defaults to kubernetes-ca. It might be worth changing the documentation to use one common value.

2) Some CA certificates have different X509v3 Key Usage:

To fix this, one can change the command in OpenSSL step 2 to the following:

openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -subj "/CN=${MASTER_IP}" -days 10000 -out ca.crt -addext 'keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign'

3) Some kube-apiserver certificates have different X509v3 Key Usage and X509v3 Extended Key Usage:

To fix the easyrsa issue, one can change the string extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth in the file server in the "x509-types" directory to extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth,clientAuth:

sed  -e 's/\(extendedKeyUsage\).*/\1 = serverAuth,clientAuth/' $( easyrsa | grep x509-types | awk '{ print $2 }' )/server

To fix the openssl issue, one can change the string keyUsage=keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment in OpenSSL step 4 to keyUsage=digitalSignature,keyEncipherment.

4) Some kube-apiserver certificates have different subject Common Name and X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:

According to the PKI certificates and requirements CN should be kube-apiserver.

As for SAN, consider using the same set of values (with or without localhost which can be in the form of an IP or hostname) and the order (DNS, loopback address, IP) for each method, for example:

DNS:kubernetes, DNS:kubernetes.default, DNS:kubernetes.default.svc, DNS:kubernetes.default.svc.cluster, DNS:kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local, DNS:localhost, IP Address:`${MASTER_CLUSTER_IP}`, IP Address:`${MASTER_IP}`

Also there are different configuration or lack thereof for X509v3 Authority Key Identifier extension across all the certificates, but this is more of less OK.

k8s-ci-robot commented 1 year ago

This issue is currently awaiting triage.

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dipesh-rawat commented 1 year ago

Page related to issue: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/certificates/ /language en

sftim commented 1 year ago

/retitle Generate Certificates Manually task is inconsistent /kind bug

k8s-triage-robot commented 8 months ago

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/lifecycle stale

k8s-triage-robot commented 7 months ago

The Kubernetes project currently lacks enough active contributors to adequately respond to all issues.

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/lifecycle rotten

sftim commented 7 months ago

/sig security /remove-lifecycle rotten

Let's triage this

k8s-triage-robot commented 4 months ago

The Kubernetes project currently lacks enough contributors to adequately respond to all issues.

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/lifecycle stale

vaibhav2107 commented 3 months ago

/remove-lifecycle stale

k8s-triage-robot commented 3 weeks ago

The Kubernetes project currently lacks enough contributors to adequately respond to all issues.

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