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[Not beginner friendly] Umbrella issue for debugging issue with Netlify preview builds #43736

Open divya-mohan0209 opened 8 months ago

divya-mohan0209 commented 8 months ago

⚠️ Please note that this is not a beginner-friendly issue ⚠️

The Netlify staging build generation is failing for some pull requests due to timeouts.

12:31:26 AM: $ git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 1 && make deploy-preview 12:31:26 AM: GOMAXPROCS=1 hugo --cleanDestinationDir --enableGitInfo -buildFuture --environment preview -b https://deploy-preview-43702--kubernetes-io-main-staging.netlify.app 12:31:27 AM: Start building sites 12:31:27 AM: hugo v0.111.3-5d4eb5154e1fed125ca8e9b5a0315c4180dab192+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2023-03-12T11:40:50Z VendorInfo=gohugoio 1:03:04 AM: Failed during stage "building site": Command did not finish within the time limit 1:03:04 AM: Execution timed out after 31m40.000962935s 1:03:04 AM: Error running command: Command did not finish within the time limit 1:03:04 AM: Failing build: Failed to build site 1:03:04 AM: Finished processing build request in 32m7.209s 10:32:58 AM: [ERROR] Deploy logs are currently unavailable. We are working on resolving the issue.

This issue has been recurring since Feb 2022.

36741 and #38834 were PRs raised by @tengqm for debugging the issue previously.

Root cause analysis of the issue followed by application of the fix.

  1. Knowledge of Hugo (particularly the docsy theme)
  2. Knowledge of Netlify
  3. Ability to work collaboratively
  4. Should be a Kubernetes GitHub org member

No. This requires familiarity with the Kubernetes project and demonstration of consistent contribution.

cc: @natalisucks @reylejano @sftim @tengqm @onlydole @kbhawkey @seokho-son @a-mccarthy

sftim commented 8 months ago

/triage accepted /priority important-longterm

sftim commented 8 months ago

/sig docs

jasonbraganza commented 7 months ago

I’d love to help, if someone can get me up to speed / show me the ropes

i’m not familiar with Netlify, but I can go figure it out I do however have an org membership and a hugo blog. (not familiar with docsy)

sftim commented 7 months ago

This issue is not beginner friendly, and for that reason a contributor working on it needs to be mostly a self-starter.

jasonbraganza commented 7 months ago

I didn’t mean it in terms of skilling up @sftim . I just meant it in terms of having a running conversation with folk to get my arms around it.

divya-mohan0209 commented 7 months ago

Thank you @jasonbraganza for volunteering!

So, here's what I'd recommend:

@reylejano @tengqm @sftim @natalisucks : Please consider reviewing and adding on, if I have missed anything.

jasonbraganza commented 7 months ago

Ack. will follow these steps. thank you.

jasonbraganza commented 5 months ago

Update as of 2024-01-15: Have gotten the site to work locally. and am getting an idea of how api-generation fits in. Am currently getting my arms around the Docsy theme, and will ask for help in a day or two. (cc: @tengqm, @divya-mohan0209 )

jasonbraganza commented 5 months ago

Got the hang of Docsy basics. Ready now to learn and understand how k/website is staged. (with temp access if needed.)

@divya-mohan0209, @tengqm would appreciate further help and guidance.

divya-mohan0209 commented 5 months ago

@jasonbraganza : Thank you so much for reaching out! Since you've gotten the hang of the docsy theme & are a GitHub org member, I think I am comfortable giving you temp privileged access after you've read Netlify documentation regarding staging & rendering of content.

@kubernetes/sig-docs-leads: Please could you advise if you're okay with @jasonbraganza having temp privileged access (i.e. collaborator) after reading through the docs suggested above?

jasonbraganza commented 5 months ago

if it helps any with trust, i am also the current New Membership Coordinator, helping new folks become org memebers

and wrt Netlify docs, I’ll give it a run through asap and update here once done.

Thank you, @divya-mohan0209 for patiently guiding (herding? 😂) me.

natalisucks commented 5 months ago

@divya-mohan0209 I'm fine with temporary collaborator access, thanks for flagging