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[zh] Back up zh text for feature-gates.md #44411

Closed windsonsea closed 9 months ago

windsonsea commented 9 months ago

This is related to #44410, to back up those zh-cn text in 2 sections for later a-z localization.

You can find the proper zh text by searching like AdmissionWebhookMatchConditions, which is a title of /feature-gates/a...z.md

## List of feature gates {#feature-gates}

Each feature gate is designed for enabling/disabling a specific feature:
### 特性门控列表 {#feature-gates}


- `AdmissionWebhookMatchConditions`: Enable [match conditions](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/extensible-admission-controllers/#matching-requests-matchconditions)
  on mutating & validating admission webhooks.
- `AdmissionWebhookMatchConditions`:在转换和验证准入 Webhook
- `APIListChunking`: Enable the API clients to retrieve (`LIST` or `GET`)
  resources from API server in chunks.
- `APIPriorityAndFairness`: Enable managing request concurrency with
  prioritization and fairness at each server. (Renamed from `RequestManagement`)
- `APIResponseCompression`: Compress the API responses for `LIST` or `GET` requests.
- `APISelfSubjectReview`: Activate the `SelfSubjectReview` API which allows users
  to see the requesting subject's authentication information.
  See [API access to authentication information for a client](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#self-subject-review)
  for more details.
- `APIServerIdentity`: Assign each API server an ID in a cluster, using a [Lease](/docs/concepts/architecture/leases).
- `APIServerTracing`: Add support for distributed tracing in the API server.
  See [Traces for Kubernetes System Components](/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/system-traces) for more details.
- `APIListChunking`:启用 API 客户端以块的形式从 API 服务器检索(`LIST` 或 `GET`)资源。
- `APIPriorityAndFairness`:在每个服务器上启用优先级和公平性来管理请求并发(由 `RequestManagement` 重命名而来)。
- `APIResponseCompression`:压缩 `LIST` 或 `GET` 请求的 API 响应。
- `APISelfSubjectReview`:激活 `SelfSubjectReview` API,允许用户查看请求主体的身份验证信息。
  更多细节请参阅 [API 访问客户端的身份验证信息](/zh-cn/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#self-subject-review)。
- `APIServerIdentity`:使用[租约](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/architecture/leases)为集群中的每个
  API 服务器赋予一个 ID。
- `APIServerTracing`:为集群中的每个 API 服务器添加对分布式跟踪的支持。
  参阅[针对 Kubernetes 系统组件的追踪](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/system-traces/)
- `AggregatedDiscoveryEndpoint`: Enable a single HTTP endpoint `/discovery/<version>` which
  supports native HTTP caching with ETags containing all APIResources known to the API server.
- `AnyVolumeDataSource`: Enable use of any custom resource as the `DataSource` of a
  {{< glossary_tooltip text="PVC" term_id="persistent-volume-claim" >}}.
- `AppArmor`: Enable use of AppArmor mandatory access control for Pods running on Linux nodes.
  See [AppArmor Tutorial](/docs/tutorials/security/apparmor/) for more details.
- `AggregatedDiscoveryEndpoint`:启用单个 HTTP 端点 `/discovery/<version>`,
  支持用 ETag 进行原生 HTTP 缓存,包含 API 服务器已知的所有 APIResource。
- `AnyVolumeDataSource`:允许使用任何自定义的资源来做作为
  {{< glossary_tooltip text="PVC" term_id="persistent-volume-claim" >}} 中的 `DataSource`。
- `AppArmor`:在 Linux 节点上为 Pod 启用 AppArmor 机制的强制访问控制。
  请参见 [AppArmor 教程](/zh-cn/docs/tutorials/security/apparmor/)获取详细信息。
- `CPUManager`: Enable container level CPU affinity support, see
  [CPU Management Policies](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/cpu-management-policies/).
- `CPUManagerPolicyAlphaOptions`: This allows fine-tuning of CPUManager policies,
  experimental, Alpha-quality options.
  This feature gate guards *a group* of CPUManager options whose quality level is alpha.
  This feature gate will never graduate to beta or stable.
- `CPUManagerPolicyBetaOptions`: This allows fine-tuning of CPUManager policies,
  experimental, Beta-quality options.
  This feature gate guards *a group* of CPUManager options whose quality level is beta.
  This feature gate will never graduate to stable.
- `CPUManagerPolicyOptions`: Allow fine-tuning of CPUManager policies.
- `CPUManager`:启用容器级别的 CPU 亲和性支持,有关更多详细信息,请参见
  [CPU 管理策略](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/cpu-management-policies/)。
- `CPUManagerPolicyAlphaOptions`:允许对 CPUManager 策略进行微调,针对试验性的、Alpha 质量级别的选项。
  此特性门控用来保护一组质量级别为 Alpha 的 CPUManager 选项。
  此特性门控永远不会被升级为 Beta 或者稳定版本。
- `CPUManagerPolicyBetaOptions`:允许对 CPUManager 策略进行微调,针对试验性的、Beta 质量级别的选项。
  此特性门控用来保护一组质量级别为 Beta 的 CPUManager 选项。
- `CPUManagerPolicyOptions`:允许微调 CPU 管理策略。
- `CSIMigrationAzureFile`: Enables shims and translation logic to route volume
  operations from the Azure-File in-tree plugin to AzureFile CSI plugin.
  Supports falling back to in-tree AzureFile plugin for mount operations to
  nodes that have the feature disabled or that do not have AzureFile CSI plugin
  installed and configured. Does not support falling back for provision
  operations, for those the CSI plugin must be installed and configured.
  Requires CSIMigration feature flag enabled.
- `CSIMigrationAzureFile`:确保封装和转换逻辑能够将卷操作从 AzureFile 内嵌插件路由到
  AzureFile CSI 插件。对于禁用了此特性的节点或者没有安装并配置 AzureFile CSI
  插件的节点,支持回退到内嵌(in-tree)AzureFile 插件来执行卷挂载操作。
  不支持回退到内嵌插件来执行卷制备操作,因为对应的 CSI 插件必须已安装且正确配置。
  此特性需要启用 CSIMigration 特性标志。
- `CSIMigrationRBD`: Enables shims and translation logic to route volume
  operations from the RBD in-tree plugin to Ceph RBD CSI plugin. Requires
  CSIMigration and csiMigrationRBD feature flags enabled and Ceph CSI plugin
  installed and configured in the cluster. This flag has been deprecated in
  favor of the `InTreePluginRBDUnregister` feature flag which prevents the registration of
  in-tree RBD plugin.
- `CSIMigrationRBD`:启用填充和转换逻辑,将卷操作从 RBD 的内嵌插件路由到 Ceph RBD
  CSI 插件。此特性要求 CSIMigration 和 csiMigrationRBD 特性标志均被启用,
  且集群中安装并配置了 Ceph CSI 插件。此标志已被弃用,以鼓励使用
  `InTreePluginRBDUnregister` 特性标志。后者会禁止注册内嵌的 RBD 插件。
- `CSIMigrationvSphere`: Enables shims and translation logic to route volume operations
  from the vSphere in-tree plugin to vSphere CSI plugin. Supports falling back
  to in-tree vSphere plugin for mount operations to nodes that have the feature
  disabled or that do not have vSphere CSI plugin installed and configured.
  Does not support falling back for provision operations, for those the CSI
  plugin must be installed and configured. Requires CSIMigration feature flag
- `CSIMigrationvSphere`:允许封装和转换逻辑将卷操作从 vSphere 内嵌插件路由到
  vSphere CSI 插件。如果节点禁用了此特性门控或者未安装和配置 vSphere CSI 插件,
  则支持回退到 vSphere 内嵌插件来执行挂载操作。
  不支持回退到内嵌插件来执行制备操作,因为对应的 CSI 插件必须已安装且正确配置。
  这需要启用 CSIMigration 特性标志。
- `CSIMigrationPortworx`: Enables shims and translation logic to route volume operations
  from the Portworx in-tree plugin to Portworx CSI plugin.
  Requires Portworx CSI driver to be installed and configured in the cluster.
- `CSIMigrationPortworx`:启用填充和转换逻辑,将卷操作从 Portworx 内嵌插件路由到
  Portworx CSI 插件。需要在集群中安装并配置 Portworx CSI 插件.
- `CSINodeExpandSecret`: Enable passing secret authentication data to a CSI driver for use
   during a `NodeExpandVolume` CSI operation.
- `CSIVolumeHealth`: Enable support for CSI volume health monitoring on node.
- `CSINodeExpandSecret`:允许在 `NodeExpandVolume` CSI 操作期间将 Secret
  身份验证数据传递到 CSI 驱动以供后者使用。
- `CSIVolumeHealth`:启用对节点上的 CSI 卷运行状况监控的支持。
- `CloudControllerManagerWebhook`: Enable webhooks in cloud controller manager.
- `CloudDualStackNodeIPs`: Enables dual-stack `kubelet --node-ip` with external cloud providers.
  See [Configure IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack](/docs/concepts/services-networking/dual-stack/#configure-ipv4-ipv6-dual-stack)
  for more details.
- `ClusterTrustBundle`: Enable ClusterTrustBundle objects and kubelet integration.
- `CloudControllerManagerWebhook`:启用在云控制器管理器中的 Webhook。
- `CloudDualStackNodeIPs`:允许在外部云驱动中通过 `kubelet --node-ip` 设置双协议栈。
  有关详细信息,请参阅[配置 IPv4/IPv6 双协议栈](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/services-networking/dual-stack/#configure-ipv4-ipv6-dual-stack)。
- `ClusterTrustBundle`:启用 ClusterTrustBundle 对象和 kubelet 集成。
- `ComponentSLIs`: Enable the `/metrics/slis` endpoint on Kubernetes components like
  kubelet, kube-scheduler, kube-proxy, kube-controller-manager, cloud-controller-manager
  allowing you to scrape health check metrics.
- `ConsistentHTTPGetHandlers`: Normalize HTTP get URL and Header passing for lifecycle
  handlers with probers.
- `ConsistentListFromCache`: Allow the API server to serve consistent lists from cache.
- `ContainerCheckpoint`: Enables the kubelet `checkpoint` API.
  See [Kubelet Checkpoint API](/docs/reference/node/kubelet-checkpoint-api/) for more details.
- `ContextualLogging`: When you enable this feature gate, Kubernetes components that support
  contextual logging add extra detail to log output.
- `CronJobsScheduledAnnotation`: Set the scheduled job time as an
  {{< glossary_tooltip text="annotation" term_id="annotation" >}} on Jobs that were created
  on behalf of a CronJob.
- `CronJobTimeZone`: Allow the use of the `timeZone` optional field in [CronJobs](/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/cron-jobs/).
- `ComponentSLIs`:在 kubelet、kube-scheduler、kube-proxy、kube-controller-manager、cloud-controller-manager
  等 Kubernetes 组件上启用 `/metrics/slis` 端点,从而允许你抓取健康检查指标。
- `ConsistentHTTPGetHandlers`:使用探测器为生命周期处理程序规范化 HTTP get URL 和标头传递。
- `ConsistentListFromCache`:允许 API 服务器从缓存中提供一致的列表。
- `ContainerCheckpoint`: 启用 kubelet `checkpoint` API。
  详情见 [Kubelet Checkpoint API](/zh-cn/docs/reference/node/kubelet-checkpoint-api/)。
- `ContextualLogging`:当你启用这个特性门控,支持日志上下文记录的 Kubernetes
- `CronJobsScheduledAnnotation`:将调度作业的时间设置为代表 CronJob 创建的作业上的一个
  {{< glossary_tooltip text="注解" term_id="annotation" >}}。
- `CronJobTimeZone`:允许在 [CronJobs](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/cron-jobs/)
  中使用 `timeZone` 可选字段。
- `CRDValidationRatcheting`: Enable updates to custom resources to contain
  violations of their OpenAPI schema if the offending portions of the resource
  update did not change. See [Validation Ratcheting](/docs/tasks/extend-kubernetes/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions/#validation-ratcheting)
  for more details.
- `CrossNamespaceVolumeDataSource`: Enable the usage of cross namespace volume data source
  to allow you to specify a source namespace in the `dataSourceRef` field of a
- `CustomCPUCFSQuotaPeriod`: Enable nodes to change `cpuCFSQuotaPeriod` in
  [kubelet config](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubelet-config-file/).
- `CustomResourceValidationExpressions`: Enable expression language validation in CRD
  which will validate customer resource based on validation rules written in
  the `x-kubernetes-validations` extension.
- `CRDValidationRatcheting`:如果资源更新的冲突部分未发生变化,则启用对自定义资源的更新以包含对 OpenAPI 模式的违规条目。
- `CrossNamespaceVolumeDataSource`:启用跨名字空间卷数据源,以允许你在 PersistentVolumeClaim
  的 `dataSourceRef` 字段中指定一个源名字空间。
- `CustomCPUCFSQuotaPeriod`:使节点能够更改
  [kubelet 配置](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubelet-config-file/)中的 `cpuCFSQuotaPeriod`。
- `CustomResourceValidationExpressions`:启用 CRD 中的表达式语言合法性检查,
  基于 `x-kubernetes-validations` 扩展中所书写的合法性检查规则来验证定制资源。
- `DaemonSetUpdateSurge`: Enables the DaemonSet workloads to maintain
  availability during update per node.
  See [Perform a Rolling Update on a DaemonSet](/docs/tasks/manage-daemon/update-daemon-set/).
- `DaemonSetUpdateSurge`:使 DaemonSet 工作负载在每个节点的更新期间保持可用性。
  参阅[对 DaemonSet 执行滚动更新](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/manage-daemon/update-daemon-set/)。
- `DefaultHostNetworkHostPortsInPodTemplates`: Changes when the default value of
  is assigned. The default is to only set a default value in Pods.
  Enabling this means a default will be assigned even to embedded
  PodSpecs (e.g. in a Deployment), which is the historical default.
- `DevicePluginCDIDevices`: Enable support to CDI device IDs in the
  [Device Plugin](/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/compute-storage-net/device-plugins/) API.
- `DefaultHostNetworkHostPortsInPodTemplates`:更改何时分配 `PodSpec.containers[*].ports[*].hostPort` 的默认值。
  默认仅在 Pod 中设置默认值。启用此特性意味着即使在嵌套的 PodSpec(例如 Deployment 中)中也会分配默认值,
- `DevicePluginCDIDevices`:启用[设备插件](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/compute-storage-net/device-plugins/)
  API 对 CDI 设备 ID 的支持。
- `DisableCloudProviders`: Disables any functionality in `kube-apiserver`,
  `kube-controller-manager` and `kubelet` related to the `--cloud-provider`
  component flag.
- `DisableKubeletCloudCredentialProviders`: Disable the in-tree functionality in kubelet
  to authenticate to a cloud provider container registry for image pull credentials.
- `DownwardAPIHugePages`: Enables usage of hugepages in
  [downward API](/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information).
- `DisableCloudProviders`:禁用 `kube-apiserver`,`kube-controller-manager` 和
  `kubelet` 组件的 `--cloud-provider` 标志相关的所有功能。
- `DisableKubeletCloudCredentialProviders`:禁用 kubelet 中为拉取镜像内置的凭据机制,
- `DownwardAPIHugePages`:
- `DynamicResourceAllocation`: Enables support for resources with custom parameters and a lifecycle
  that is independent of a Pod.
- `ElasticIndexedJob`: Enables Indexed Jobs to be scaled up or down by mutating both
  `spec.completions` and `spec.parallelism` together such that `spec.completions == spec.parallelism`.
  See docs on [elastic Indexed Jobs](/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job#elastic-indexed-jobs)
  for more details.
- `EfficientWatchResumption`: Allows for storage-originated bookmark (progress
  notify) events to be delivered to the users. This is only applied to watch operations.
- `DynamicResourceAllocation`:启用对具有自定义参数和独立于 Pod 生命周期的资源的支持。
- `ElasticIndexedJob`:通过同时改变 `spec.completions` 和 `spec.parallelism`
  使得 `spec.completions == spec.parallelism` 来对带索引的 Job 执行扩容或缩容。
  有关详细信息,请参阅有关[弹性的带索引的 Job](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job#elastic-indexed-jobs) 的文档。
- `EfficientWatchResumption`:允许将存储发起的书签(进度通知)事件传递给用户。
- `EventedPLEG`: Enable support for the kubelet to receive container life cycle events from the
  {{< glossary_tooltip text="container runtime" term_id="container-runtime" >}} via
  an extension to {{<glossary_tooltip term_id="cri" text="CRI">}}.
  (PLEG is an abbreviation for “Pod lifecycle event generator”).
  For this feature to be useful, you also need to enable support for container lifecycle events
  in each container runtime running in your cluster. If the container runtime does not announce
  support for container lifecycle events then the kubelet automatically switches to the legacy
  generic PLEG mechanism, even if you have this feature gate enabled.
- `ExecProbeTimeout`: Ensure kubelet respects exec probe timeouts.
  This feature gate exists in case any of your existing workloads depend on a
  now-corrected fault where Kubernetes ignored exec probe timeouts. See
  [readiness probes](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes/#configure-probes).
- `EventedPLEG`:启用此特性后,kubelet 能够通过 {{<glossary_tooltip term_id="cri" text="CRI">}}
  扩展从{{< glossary_tooltip text="容器运行时" term_id="container-runtime" >}}接收容器生命周期事件。
  (PLEG 是 `Pod lifecycle event generator` 的缩写,即 Pod 生命周期事件生成器)。
  如果容器运行时未宣布支持容器生命周期事件,即使你已启用了此特性门控,kubelet 也会自动切换到原有的通用 PLEG 机制。
- `ExecProbeTimeout`:确保 kubelet 会遵从 exec 探针的超时值设置。
  该缺陷导致 Kubernetes 会忽略 exec 探针的超时值设置。
- `ExpandedDNSConfig`: Enable kubelet and kube-apiserver to allow more DNS
  search paths and longer list of DNS search paths. This feature requires container
  runtime support (containerd: v1.5.6 or higher, CRI-O: v1.22 or higher). See
  [Expanded DNS Configuration](/docs/concepts/services-networking/dns-pod-service/#expanded-dns-configuration).
- `ExpandedDNSConfig`:在 kubelet 和 kube-apiserver 上启用后,
  允许使用更多的 DNS 搜索域和搜索域列表。此功能特性需要容器运行时
  (containerd v1.5.6 或更高,CRI-O v1.22 或更高)的支持。
  参阅[扩展 DNS 配置](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/services-networking/dns-pod-service/#expanded-dns-configuration).
- `ExperimentalHostUserNamespaceDefaulting`: Enabling the defaulting user
  namespace to host. This is for containers that are using other host namespaces,
  host mounts, or containers that are privileged or using specific non-namespaced
  capabilities (e.g. `MKNODE`, `SYS_MODULE` etc.). This should only be enabled
  if user namespace remapping is enabled in the Docker daemon.
- `GracefulNodeShutdown`: Enables support for graceful shutdown in kubelet.
  During a system shutdown, kubelet will attempt to detect the shutdown event
  and gracefully terminate pods running on the node. See
  [Graceful Node Shutdown](/docs/concepts/architecture/nodes/#graceful-node-shutdown)
  for more details.
- `ExperimentalHostUserNamespaceDefaulting`:启用主机默认的用户名字空间。
  (例如 MKNODE、SYS_MODULE 等)的容器。
  如果在 Docker 守护程序中启用了用户名字空间重新映射,则启用此选项。
- `GracefulNodeShutdown`:在 kubelet 中启用体面地关闭节点的支持。
  在系统关闭时,kubelet 会尝试监测该事件并体面地终止节点上运行的 Pod。
- `GracefulNodeShutdownBasedOnPodPriority`: Enables the kubelet to check Pod priorities
  when shutting down a node gracefully.
- `GRPCContainerProbe`: Enables the gRPC probe method for liveness, readiness and startup probes.
  See [Configure Liveness, Readiness and Startup Probes](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes/#define-a-grpc-liveness-probe).
- `HonorPVReclaimPolicy`: Honor persistent volume reclaim policy when it is `Delete` irrespective of PV-PVC deletion ordering.
  For more details, check the
  [PersistentVolume deletion protection finalizer](/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolume-deletion-protection-finalizer)
- `GracefulNodeShutdownBasedOnPodPriority`:允许 kubelet 在体面终止节点时检查
  Pod 的优先级。
- `GRPCContainerProbe`:为活跃态、就绪态和启动探针启用 gRPC 探针。
- `HonorPVReclaimPolicy`:无论 PV 和 PVC 的删除顺序如何,当持久卷申领的策略为 `Delete`
  更多详细信息,请参阅 [PersistentVolume 删除保护 finalizer](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolume-deletion-protection-finalizer) 文档。
- `HPAContainerMetrics`: Enable the `HorizontalPodAutoscaler` to scale based on
  metrics from individual containers in target pods.
- `HPAScaleToZero`: Enables setting `minReplicas` to 0 for `HorizontalPodAutoscaler`
  resources when using custom or external metrics.
- `HPAContainerMetrics`:允许 `HorizontalPodAutoscaler` 基于目标 Pods 中各容器的度量值来执行扩缩操作。
- `HPAScaleToZero`:使用自定义指标或外部指标时,可将 `HorizontalPodAutoscaler`
  资源的 `minReplicas` 设置为 0。
- `IPTablesOwnershipCleanup`: This causes kubelet to no longer create legacy iptables rules.
- `InPlacePodVerticalScaling`: Enables in-place Pod vertical scaling.
- `IPTablesOwnershipCleanup`:这使得 kubelet 不再创建传统的 iptables 规则。
- `InPlacePodVerticalScaling`:启用就地 Pod 垂直扩缩。
- `InTreePluginAWSUnregister`: Stops registering the aws-ebs in-tree plugin in kubelet
  and volume controllers.
- `InTreePluginAzureDiskUnregister`: Stops registering the azuredisk in-tree plugin in kubelet
  and volume controllers.
- `InTreePluginAzureFileUnregister`: Stops registering the azurefile in-tree plugin in kubelet
  and volume controllers.
- `InTreePluginAWSUnregister`:在 kubelet 和卷控制器上关闭注册 aws-ebs 内嵌插件。
- `InTreePluginAzureDiskUnregister`:在 kubelet 和卷控制器上关闭注册 azuredisk 内嵌插件。
- `InTreePluginAzureFileUnregister`:在 kubelet 和卷控制器上关闭注册 azurefile 内嵌插件。
- `InTreePluginGCEUnregister`: Stops registering the gce-pd in-tree plugin in kubelet
  and volume controllers.
- `InTreePluginOpenStackUnregister`: Stops registering the OpenStack cinder in-tree plugin in kubelet
  and volume controllers.
- `InTreePluginPortworxUnregister`: Stops registering the Portworx in-tree plugin in kubelet
  and volume controllers.
- `InTreePluginRBDUnregister`: Stops registering the RBD in-tree plugin in kubelet
  and volume controllers.
- `InTreePluginGCEUnregister`:在 kubelet 和卷控制器上关闭注册 gce-pd 内嵌插件。
- `InTreePluginOpenStackUnregister`:在 kubelet 和卷控制器上关闭注册 OpenStack cinder 内嵌插件。
- `InTreePluginPortworxUnregister`:在 kubelet 和卷控制器上关闭注册 Portworx 内嵌插件。
- `InTreePluginRBDUnregister`:在 kubelet 和卷控制器上关闭注册 RBD 内嵌插件。
- `InTreePluginvSphereUnregister`: Stops registering the vSphere in-tree plugin in kubelet
  and volume controllers.
- `InTreePluginvSphereUnregister`:在 kubelet 和卷控制器上关闭注册 vSphere 内嵌插件。
- `JobMutableNodeSchedulingDirectives`: Allows updating node scheduling directives in
  the pod template of [Job](/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/).
- `JobBackoffLimitPerIndex`: Allows specifying the maximal number of pod
  retries per index in Indexed jobs.
- `JobPodFailurePolicy`: Allow users to specify handling of pod failures based on container
  exit codes and pod conditions.
- `JobPodReplacementPolicy`: Allows you to specify pod replacement for terminating pods in a
- `JobReadyPods`: Enables tracking the number of Pods that have a `Ready`
  The count of `Ready` pods is recorded in the
  of a [Job](/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/) status.
- `JobMutableNodeSchedulingDirectives`:允许在 [Job](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/)
  的 Pod 模板中更新节点调度指令。
- `JobBackoffLimitPerIndex`:允许在索引作业中指定每个索引的最大 Pod 重试次数。
- `JobPodFailurePolicy`:允许用户根据容器退出码和 Pod 状况来指定 Pod 失效的处理方法。
- `JobPodReplacementPolicy`:允许你在 [Job](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/)
  中为终止的 Pod 指定替代 Pod。
- `JobReadyPods`:允许跟踪[状况](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#pod-conditions)为
  `Ready` 的 Pod 的个数。`Ready` 的 Pod 记录在
  [Job](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/) 对象的
  [status](/zh-cn/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/job-v1/#JobStatus) 字段中。
- `JobTrackingWithFinalizers`: Enables tracking [Job](/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/)
  completions without relying on Pods remaining in the cluster indefinitely.
  The Job controller uses Pod finalizers and a field in the Job status to keep
  track of the finished Pods to count towards completion.
- `JobTrackingWithFinalizers`:启用跟踪 [Job](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/)
  完成情况,而不是永远从集群剩余 Pod 来获取信息判断完成情况。Job 控制器使用
  Pod finalizers 和 Job 状态中的一个字段来跟踪已完成的 Pod 以计算完成。
- `KMSv1`: Enables KMS v1 API for encryption at rest. See
  [Using a KMS Provider for data encryption](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kms-provider/)
  for more details.
- `KMSv2`: Enables KMS v2 API for encryption at rest. See
  [Using a KMS Provider for data encryption](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kms-provider/)
  for more details.
- `KMSv2KDF`: Enables KMS v2 to generate single use data encryption keys.
  See [Using a KMS Provider for data encryption](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kms-provider/)
  for more details. If the `KMSv2` feature gate is not enabled in your cluster, the value of
  the `KMSv2KDF` feature gate has no effect.
- `KubeProxyDrainingTerminatingNodes`: Implement connection draining for
  terminating nodes for `externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster` services.
- `KMSv1`:启用 KMS v1 API 以进行数据静态加密。
  详情参见[使用 KMS 提供程序进行数据加密](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kms-provider/)。
- `KMSv2`:启用 KMS v2 API 以实现静态加密。
  详情参见[使用 KMS 驱动进行数据加密](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kms-provider/)。
- `KMSv2KDF`:启用 KMS v2 以生成一次性数据加密密钥。
  详情参见[使用 KMS 提供程序进行数据加密](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kms-provider/)。
  如果 `KMSv2` 特性门控在你的集群未被启用 ,则 `KMSv2KDF` 特性门控的值不会产生任何影响。
- `KubeProxyDrainingTerminatingNodes`:为 `externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster` 服务实现正终止节点的连接排空。
- `KubeletCgroupDriverFromCRI`: Enable detection of the kubelet cgroup driver
  configuration option from the {{<glossary_tooltip term_id="cri" text="CRI">}}.
  You can use this feature gate on nodes with a kubelet that supports the feature gate
  and where there is a CRI container runtime that supports the `RuntimeConfig`
  CRI call. If both CRI and kubelet support this feature, the kubelet ignores the
  `cgroupDriver` configuration setting (or deprecated `--cgroup-driver` command
  line argument). If you enable this feature gate and the container runtime
  doesn't support it, the kubelet falls back to using the driver configured using
  the `cgroupDriver` configuration setting.
  See [Configuring a cgroup driver](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubeadm/configure-cgroup-driver/)
  for more details.
- `KubeletCgroupDriverFromCRI`:启用检测来自 {{<glossary_tooltip term_id="cri" text="CRI">}}
  的 kubelet cgroup 驱动配置选项。你可以在支持该特性门控的 kubelet 节点上使用此特性门控,
  也可以在支持 `RuntimeConfig` CRI 调用的 CRI 容器运行时所在节点上使用此特性门控。
  如果 CRI 和 kubelet 都支持此特性,kubelet 将忽略 `cgroupDriver` 配置设置(或已弃用的 `--cgroup-driver` 命令行参数)。
  如果你启用此特性门控但容器运行时不支持它,则 kubelet 将回退到使用通过 `cgroupDriver` 配置设置进行配置的驱动。
  详情参见[配置 cgroup 驱动](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubeadm/configure-cgroup-driver/)。
- `KubeletInUserNamespace`: Enables support for running kubelet in a
  {{<glossary_tooltip text="user namespace" term_id="userns">}}.
  See [Running Kubernetes Node Components as a Non-root User](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubelet-in-userns/).
- `KubeletInUserNamespace`:支持在{{<glossary_tooltip text="用户名字空间" term_id="userns">}}里运行 kubelet。
  请参见[使用非 Root 用户来运行 Kubernetes 节点组件](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubelet-in-userns/)。
- `KubeletPodResources`: Enable the kubelet's pod resources gRPC endpoint. See
  [Support Device Monitoring](https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/master/keps/sig-node/606-compute-device-assignment/README.md)
  for more details.
- `KubeletPodResourcesGet`: Enable the `Get` gRPC endpoint on kubelet's for Pod resources.
  This API augments the [resource allocation reporting](/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/compute-storage-net/device-plugins/#monitoring-device-plugin-resources).
- `KubeletPodResourcesGetAllocatable`: Enable the kubelet's pod resources
  `GetAllocatableResources` functionality. This API augments the
  [resource allocation reporting](/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/compute-storage-net/device-plugins/#monitoring-device-plugin-resources).
- `KubeletPodResources`:启用 kubelet 上 Pod 资源 GRPC 端点。更多详细信息,
- `KubeletPodResourcesGet`:在 kubelet 上为 Pod 资源启用 `Get` gRPC 端点。
  此 API 增强了[资源分配报告](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/compute-storage-net/device-plugins/#monitoring-device-plugin-resources)。
- `KubeletPodResourcesGetAllocatable`:启用 kubelet 的 Pod 资源的 `GetAllocatableResources` 功能。
  该 API 增强了[资源分配报告](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/compute-storage-net/device-plugins/#monitoring-device-plugin-resources)
- `KubeletPodResourcesDynamicResources`: Extend the kubelet's pod resources gRPC endpoint
  to include resources allocated in `ResourceClaims` via `DynamicResourceAllocation` API.
  See [resource allocation reporting](/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/compute-storage-net/device-plugins/#monitoring-device-plugin-resources)
  for more details. with informations about the allocatable resources, enabling clients to properly
  track the free compute resources on a node.
- `KubeletTracing`: Add support for distributed tracing in the kubelet.
  When enabled, kubelet CRI interface and authenticated http servers are instrumented to generate
  OpenTelemetry trace spans.
  See [Traces for Kubernetes System Components](/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/system-traces/)
  for more details.
- `LegacyServiceAccountTokenNoAutoGeneration`: Stop auto-generation of Secret-based
  [service account tokens](/docs/concepts/security/service-accounts/#get-a-token).
- `LegacyServiceAccountTokenCleanUp`: Enable cleaning up Secret-based
  [service account tokens](/docs/concepts/security/service-accounts/#get-a-token)
  when they are not used in a specified time (default to be one year).
- `LegacyServiceAccountTokenTracking`: Track usage of Secret-based
  [service account tokens](/docs/concepts/security/service-accounts/#get-a-token).
- `KubeletPodResourcesDynamicResources`:扩展 kubelet 的 pod 资源 gRPC 端点以包括通过
  `DynamicResourceAllocation` API 在 `ResourceClaims` 中分配的资源。
- `KubeletTracing`:新增在 Kubelet 中对分布式追踪的支持。
  启用时,kubelet CRI 接口和经身份验证的 http 服务器被插桩以生成 OpenTelemetry 追踪 span。
  参阅[针对 Kubernetes 系统组件的追踪](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/system-traces/)
- `LegacyServiceAccountTokenNoAutoGeneration`:停止基于 Secret
- `LegacyServiceAccountTokenCleanUp`:当服务账号令牌在指定时间内(默认为一年)未被使用时,
  启用基于 Secret 清理[服务账号令牌](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/security/service-accounts/#get-a-token)。
- `LegacyServiceAccountTokenTracking`:跟踪使用基于 Secret
- `LocalStorageCapacityIsolationFSQuotaMonitoring`: When `LocalStorageCapacityIsolation`
  is enabled for
  [local ephemeral storage](/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/)
  and the backing filesystem for [emptyDir volumes](/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#emptydir)
  supports project quotas and they are enabled, use project quotas to monitor
  [emptyDir volume](/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#emptydir) storage consumption rather than
  filesystem walk for better performance and accuracy.
- `LocalStorageCapacityIsolationFSQuotaMonitoring`:如果
  [emptyDir 卷](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#emptydir)的后备文件系统支持项目配额,
  [emptyDir 卷](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#emptydir)的存储消耗而不是遍历文件系统,
- `LogarithmicScaleDown`: Enable semi-random selection of pods to evict on controller scaledown
  based on logarithmic bucketing of pod timestamps.
- `LoggingAlphaOptions`: Allow fine-tuing of experimental, alpha-quality logging options.
- `LoggingBetaOptions`: Allow fine-tuing of experimental, beta-quality logging options.
- `MatchLabelKeysInPodTopologySpread`: Enable the `matchLabelKeys` field for
  [Pod topology spread constraints](/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/).
- `MaxUnavailableStatefulSet`: Enables setting the `maxUnavailable` field for the
  [rolling update strategy](/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#rolling-updates)
  of a StatefulSet. The field specifies the maximum number of Pods
  that can be unavailable during the update.
- `MemoryManager`: Allows setting memory affinity for a container based on
  NUMA topology.
- `MemoryQoS`: Enable memory protection and usage throttle on pod / container using
  cgroup v2 memory controller.
- `MinDomainsInPodTopologySpread`: Enable `minDomains` in
  [Pod topology spread constraints](/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/).
- `MinimizeIPTablesRestore`: Enables new performance improvement logics
  in the kube-proxy iptables mode.
- `LogarithmicScaleDown`:启用 Pod 的半随机(semi-random)选择,控制器将根据 Pod
  时间戳的对数桶按比例缩小去驱逐 Pod。
- `LoggingAlphaOptions`:允许微调实验性的、Alpha 质量的日志选项。
- `LoggingBetaOptions`:允许微调实验性的、Beta 质量的日志选项。
- `MatchLabelKeysInPodTopologySpread`:为
  [Pod 拓扑分布约束](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/)
  启用 `matchLabelKeys` 字段。
- `MaxUnavailableStatefulSet`:启用为 StatefulSet
  `maxUnavailable` 字段。该字段指定更新过程中不可用 Pod 个数的上限。
- `MemoryManager`:允许基于 NUMA 拓扑为容器设置内存亲和性。
- `MemoryQoS`:使用 cgroup v2 内存控制器在 Pod / 容器上启用内存保护和使用限制。
- `MinDomainsInPodTopologySpread`:在
  [Pod 拓扑分布约束](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/)中启用 `minDomains`。
- `MinimizeIPTablesRestore`:在 kube-proxy iptables 模式中启用新的性能改进逻辑。
- `MultiCIDRRangeAllocator`: Enables the MultiCIDR range allocator.
- `MultiCIDRServiceAllocator`: Track IP address allocations for Service cluster IPs using IPAddress objects.
- `NewVolumeManagerReconstruction`: Enables improved discovery of mounted volumes during kubelet
  startup. Since this code has been significantly refactored, we allow to opt-out in case kubelet
  gets stuck at the startup or is not unmounting volumes from terminated Pods. Note that this
  refactoring was behind `SELinuxMountReadWriteOncePod` alpha feature gate in Kubernetes 1.25.
- `MultiCIDRRangeAllocator`:启用 MultiCIDR 网段分配机制。
- `MultiCIDRServiceAllocator`: 使用 IPAddress 对象跟踪 Service 的集群 IP 的 IP 地址分配。
- `NewVolumeManagerReconstruction`: 在 kubelet 启动期间启用改进的挂载卷的发现。
  由于这段代码已经进行了重大重构,我们允许在 kubelet 在启动时被卡住或没有从终止的 Pod 上卸载卷的情况下选择退出。
  请注意,此重构是在 Kubernetes 1.25 中的 `SELinuxMountReadWriteOncePod` alpha 特性门控背后进行的。
  <!-- remove next 2 paragraphs when feature graduates to GA -->
  Before Kubernetes v1.25, the kubelet used different default behavior for discovering mounted
  volumes during the kubelet startup. If you disable this feature gate (it's enabled by default), you select
  the legacy discovery behavior.

  In Kubernetes v1.25 and v1.26, this behavior toggle was part of the `SELinuxMountReadWriteOncePod`
  feature gate.
  在 Kubernetes v1.25 之前,kubelet 在启动期间使用不同的默认行为来发现挂载的卷。

  在Kubernetes v1.25 和 v1.26 中,此行为切换是 `SELinuxMountReadWriteOncePod` 特性门控的一部分。
- `NodeInclusionPolicyInPodTopologySpread`: Enable using `nodeAffinityPolicy` and `nodeTaintsPolicy` in
  [Pod topology spread constraints](/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/)
  when calculating pod topology spread skew.
- `NodeLogQuery`: Enables querying logs of node services using the `/logs` endpoint.
- `NodeInclusionPolicyInPodTopologySpread`:在计算 Pod 拓扑分布偏差时启用在
  [Pod 拓扑分布约束](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/)中使用
  `nodeAffinityPolicy` and `nodeTaintsPolicy`。
- `NodeOutOfServiceVolumeDetach`: When a Node is marked out-of-service using the
  `node.kubernetes.io/out-of-service` taint, Pods on the node will be forcefully deleted
  if they can not tolerate this taint, and the volume detach operations for Pods terminating
  on the node will happen immediately. The deleted Pods can recover quickly on different nodes.
- `NodeSwap`: Enable the kubelet to allocate swap memory for Kubernetes workloads on a node.
  Must be used with `KubeletConfiguration.failSwapOn` set to false.
  For more details, please see [swap memory](/docs/concepts/architecture/nodes/#swap-memory).
- `OpenAPIEnums`: Enables populating "enum" fields of OpenAPI schemas in the
  spec returned from the API server.
- `OpenAPIV3`: Enables the API server to publish OpenAPI v3.
- `PDBUnhealthyPodEvictionPolicy`: Enables the `unhealthyPodEvictionPolicy` field of a `PodDisruptionBudget`.
  This specifies when unhealthy pods should be considered for eviction. Please see
  [Unhealthy Pod Eviction Policy](/docs/tasks/run-application/configure-pdb/#unhealthy-pod-eviction-policy)
  for more details.
- `NodeOutOfServiceVolumeDetach`:当使用 `node.kubernetes.io/out-of-service`
  污点将节点标记为停止服务时,节点上不能容忍这个污点的 Pod 将被强制删除,
  并且该在节点上被终止的 Pod 将立即进行卷分离操作。
- `NodeSwap`:启用 kubelet 为节点上的 Kubernetes 工作负载分配交换内存的能力。
  必须将 `KubeletConfiguration.failSwapOn` 设置为 false 的情况下才能使用。
- `OpenAPIEnums`:允许在从 API 服务器返回的 spec 中填充 OpenAPI 模式的 "enum" 字段。
- `OpenAPIV3`:允许 API 服务器发布 OpenAPI V3。
- `PDBUnhealthyPodEvictionPolicy`:启用 `PodDisruptionBudget` 的 `unhealthyPodEvictionPolicy` 字段。
  此字段指定何时应考虑驱逐不健康的 Pod。
  更多细节请参阅[不健康 Pod 驱逐策略](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/run-application/configure-pdb/#unhealthy-pod-eviction-policy)。
- `PersistentVolumeLastPhaseTransitionTime`: Adds a new field to PersistentVolume
  which holds a timestamp of when the volume last transitioned its phase.
- `PodAndContainerStatsFromCRI`: Configure the kubelet to gather container and pod stats from the
  CRI container runtime rather than gathering them from cAdvisor. As of 1.26, this also includes
  gathering metrics from CRI and emitting them over `/metrics/cadvisor` (rather than having cAdvisor emit them directly).
- `PodDeletionCost`: Enable the [Pod Deletion Cost](/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicaset/#pod-deletion-cost)
  feature which allows users to influence ReplicaSet downscaling order.
- `PodDisruptionConditions`: Enables support for appending a dedicated pod condition indicating that
  the pod is being deleted due to a disruption.
- `PersistentVolumeLastPhaseTransitionTime`:为 PersistentVolume 添加一个新字段,用于保存卷上一次转换阶段的时间戳。
- `PodAndContainerStatsFromCRI`:配置 kubelet 从 CRI 容器运行时中而不是从 cAdvisor 中采集容器和 Pod 统计信息。
  从 1.26 开始,这还包括从 CRI 收集指标并通过 `/metrics/cadvisor` 输出这些指标(而不是让 cAdvisor 直接输出)。
- `PodDeletionCost`:启用 [Pod 删除开销](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicaset/#pod-deletion-cost)特性,
  允许用户影响 ReplicaSet 的缩容顺序。
- `PodDisruptionConditions`:启用支持追加一个专用的 Pod 状况,以表示 Pod 由于某个干扰正在被删除。
- `PodHostIPs`: Enable the `status.hostIPs` field for pods and the {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="downward-api" text="downward API" >}}.
  The field lets you expose host IP addresses to workloads.
- `PodIndexLabel`: Enables the Job controller and StatefulSet controller to add the pod index as a label
  when creating new pods. See [Job completion mode docs](/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/#completion-mode)
  and [StatefulSet pod index label docs](/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#pod-index-label)
  for more details.
- `PodReadyToStartContainersCondition`: Enable the kubelet to mark the [PodReadyToStartContainers](/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#pod-has-network)
  condition on pods. This was previously (1.25-1.27) known as `PodHasNetworkCondition`.
- `PodHostIPs`:为 Pod 和 {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="downward-api" text="downward API" >}}
  启用 `status.hostIPs` 字段。该字段允许你将主机 IP 地址暴露给工作负载。
- `PodIndexLabel`:在创建新的 Pod 时,使得 Job 控制器和 StatefulSet 控制器能将 Pod 索引添加为标签。
  详情参见 [Job 完成模式文档](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job#completion-mode)和
  [StatefulSet Pod 索引标签文档](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#pod-index-label)。
- `PodReadyToStartContainersCondition`:使得 kubelet 能在 Pod 上标记
  [PodReadyToStartContainers](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#pod-has-network) 状况。
  此前(1.25-1.27 版本)称为 `PodHasNetworkCondition`。
- `PodSchedulingReadiness`: Enable setting `schedulingGates` field to control a Pod's
  [scheduling readiness](/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/pod-scheduling-readiness/).
- `PodSchedulingReadiness`:启用设置 `schedulingGates` 字段以控制 Pod 的[调度就绪](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/pod-scheduling-readiness/)。
- `ProbeTerminationGracePeriod`: Enable [setting probe-level
  on pods. See the [enhancement proposal](https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/tree/master/keps/sig-node/2238-liveness-probe-grace-period)
  for more details.
- `ProcMountType`: Enables control over the type proc mounts for containers
  by setting the `procMount` field of a SecurityContext.
- `ProxyTerminatingEndpoints`: Enable the kube-proxy to handle terminating
  endpoints when `ExternalTrafficPolicy=Local`.
- `QOSReserved`: Allows resource reservations at the QoS level preventing pods
  at lower QoS levels from bursting into resources requested at higher QoS levels
  (memory only for now).
- `ReadWriteOncePod`: Enables the usage of `ReadWriteOncePod` PersistentVolume
  access mode.
- `ProbeTerminationGracePeriod`:在 Pod 上启用 
  [设置探测器级别 `terminationGracePeriodSeconds`](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes/#probe-level-terminationgraceperiodseconds)。
- `ProcMountType`:允许容器通过设置 SecurityContext 的 `procMount` 字段来控制对
  proc 文件系统的挂载方式。
- `ProxyTerminatingEndpoints`:当 `ExternalTrafficPolicy=Local` 时,
  允许 kube-proxy 来处理终止过程中的端点。
- `QOSReserved`:允许在 QoS 级别进行资源预留,以防止处于较低 QoS 级别的 Pod
  突发进入处于较高 QoS 级别的请求资源(目前仅适用于内存)。
- `ReadWriteOncePod`:允许使用 `ReadWriteOncePod` 访问模式的 PersistentVolume。
- `RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure`: Enables users to edit their PVCs to smaller
  sizes so as they can recover from previously issued volume expansion failures.
  See [Recovering from Failure when Expanding Volumes](/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#recovering-from-failure-when-expanding-volumes)
  for more details.
- `RemainingItemCount`: Allow the API servers to show a count of remaining
  items in the response to a
  [chunking list request](/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#retrieving-large-results-sets-in-chunks).
- `RemoveSelfLink`: Sets the `.metadata.selfLink` field to blank (empty string) for all
  objects and collections. This field has been deprecated since the Kubernetes v1.16
  release. When this feature is enabled, the `.metadata.selfLink` field remains part of
  the Kubernetes API, but is always unset.
- `RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure`:允许用户编辑其 PVC 来缩小其尺寸,
- `RemainingItemCount`:允许 API 服务器在
- `RemoveSelfLink`:将所有对象和集合的 `.metadata.selfLink` 字段设置为空(空字符串)。
  该字段自 Kubernetes v1.16 版本以来已被弃用。
  启用此功能后,`.metadata.selfLink` 字段仍然是 Kubernetes API 的一部分,但始终未设置。
- `RetroactiveDefaultStorageClass`: Allow assigning StorageClass to unbound PVCs retroactively.
- `RetroactiveDefaultStorageClass`:允许以追溯方式分配 StorageClass 给未绑定的 PVC。
- `RotateKubeletServerCertificate`: Enable the rotation of the server TLS certificate on the kubelet.
  See [kubelet configuration](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/kubelet-tls-bootstrapping/#kubelet-configuration)
  for more details.
- `RotateKubeletServerCertificate`:在 kubelet 上启用服务器 TLS 证书的轮换。
  [kubelet 配置](/zh-cn/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/kubelet-tls-bootstrapping/#kubelet-configuration)。
- `SELinuxMountReadWriteOncePod`: Speeds up container startup by allowing kubelet to mount volumes
  for a Pod directly with the correct SELinux label instead of changing each file on the volumes
  recursively. The initial implementation focused on ReadWriteOncePod volumes.
- `SchedulerQueueingHints`: Enables [the scheduler's _queueing hints_ enhancement](https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/master/keps/sig-scheduling/4247-queueinghint/README.md),
  which benefits to reduce the useless requeueing.
  The scheduler retries scheduling pods if something changes in the cluster that could make the pod scheduled.
  Queueing hints are internal signals that allow the scheduler to filter the changes in the cluster
  that are relevant to the unscheduled pod, based on previous scheduling attempts.
- `SELinuxMountReadWriteOncePod`:通过允许 kubelet 直接用正确的 SELinux
  标签为 Pod 挂载卷而不是以递归方式更改这些卷上的每个文件来加速容器启动。最初的实现侧重 ReadWriteOncePod 卷。
- `SchedulerQueueingHints`:启用[调度器的**排队提示**增强功能](https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/master/keps/sig-scheduling/4247-queueinghint/README.md),
  有助于减少无效的重新排队。调度器会在集群中发生可能导致 Pod 被重新调度的变化时,
  尝试重新进行 Pod 的调度。排队提示是一些内部信号,
  用于帮助调度器基于先前的调度尝试来筛选集群中与未调度的 Pod 相关的变化。
- `SeccompDefault`: Enables the use of `RuntimeDefault` as the default seccomp profile
  for all workloads.
  The seccomp profile is specified in the `securityContext` of a Pod and/or a Container.
- `SecurityContextDeny`: This gate signals that the `SecurityContextDeny` admission controller is deprecated.
- `ServerSideApply`: Enables the [Sever Side Apply (SSA)](/docs/reference/using-api/server-side-apply/)
  feature on the API Server.
- `ServerSideFieldValidation`: Enables server-side field validation. This means the validation
  of resource schema is performed at the API server side rather than the client side
  (for example, the `kubectl create` or `kubectl apply` command line).
- `SeccompDefault`:启用 `RuntimeDefault` 作为所有工作负载的默认 seccomp 配置文件。
  此 seccomp 配置文件在 Pod 和/或 Container 的 `securityContext` 中被指定。
- `SecurityContextDeny`:此门控表示 `SecurityContextDeny` 准入控制器已弃用。
- `ServerSideApply`:在 API 服务器上启用[服务器端应用(SSA)](/zh-cn/docs/reference/using-api/server-side-apply/)。
- `ServerSideFieldValidation`:启用服务器端字段验证。
  这意味着验证资源模式在 API 服务器端而不是客户端执行
  (例如,`kubectl create` 或 `kubectl apply` 命令行)。
- `ServiceNodePortStaticSubrange`: Enables the use of different port allocation
  strategies for NodePort Services. For more details, see
  [reserve NodePort ranges to avoid collisions](/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#avoid-nodeport-collisions).
- `ServiceNodePortStaticSubrange`:允许对 NodePort Service
  请参阅[保留 NodePort 范围以避免冲突](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#avoid-nodeport-collisions)。
- `SidecarContainers`: Allow setting the `restartPolicy` of an init container to
  `Always` so that the container becomes a sidecar container (restartable init containers).
  See [Sidecar containers and restartPolicy](/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/init-containers/#sidecar-containers-and-restartpolicy)
  for more details.
- `SidecarContainers`:允许将 Init 容器的 `restartPolicy` 设置为 `Always`,
  以便该容器成为一个边车容器(可重启的 Init 容器)。
  详情参见[边车容器和 restartPolicy](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/init-containers/#sidecar-containers-and-restartpolicy)。
- `SizeMemoryBackedVolumes`: Enable kubelets to determine the size limit for
  memory-backed volumes (mainly `emptyDir` volumes).
- `SkipReadOnlyValidationGCE`: Skip validation for GCE, will enable in the
  next version.
- `StableLoadBalancerNodeSet`: Enables less load balancer re-configurations by
  the service controller (KCCM) as an effect of changing node state.
- `StatefulSetStartOrdinal`: Allow configuration of the start ordinal in a
  StatefulSet. See
  [Start ordinal](/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#start-ordinal)
  for more details.
- `SizeMemoryBackedVolumes`:允许 kubelet 检查基于内存制备的卷的尺寸约束(目前主要针对 `emptyDir` 卷)。
- `SkipReadOnlyValidationGCE`:跳过对 GCE 的验证,将在下个版本中启用。
- `StableLoadBalancerNodeSet`:允许服务控制器(KCCM)根据节点状态变化来减少负载均衡器的重新配置。
- `StatefulSetStartOrdinal`:允许在 StatefulSet 中配置起始序号。
- `StorageVersionAPI`: Enable the
  [storage version API](/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/{{< param "version" >}}/#storageversion-v1alpha1-internal-apiserver-k8s-io).
- `StorageVersionHash`: Allow API servers to expose the storage version hash in the
- `StorageVersionAPI`:
  启用[存储版本 API](/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/{{< param "version" >}}/#storageversion-v1alpha1-internal-apiserver-k8s-io)。
- `StorageVersionHash`:允许 API 服务器在版本发现中公开存储版本的哈希值。
- `TopologyAwareHints`: Enables topology aware routing based on topology hints
  in EndpointSlices. See [Topology Aware Hints](/docs/concepts/services-networking/topology-aware-hints/)
  for more details.
- `TopologyManager`: Enable a mechanism to coordinate fine-grained hardware resource
  assignments for different components in Kubernetes. See
  [Control Topology Management Policies on a node](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/topology-manager/).
- `TopologyManagerPolicyAlphaOptions`: Allow fine-tuning of topology manager policies,
  experimental, Alpha-quality options.
  This feature gate guards *a group* of topology manager options whose quality level is alpha.
  This feature gate will never graduate to beta or stable.
- `TopologyManagerPolicyBetaOptions`: Allow fine-tuning of topology manager policies,
  experimental, Beta-quality options.
  This feature gate guards *a group* of topology manager options whose quality level is beta.
  This feature gate will never graduate to stable.
- `TopologyAwareHints`: 在 EndpointSlices 中启用基于拓扑提示的拓扑感知路由。
- `TopologyManager`:启用一种机制来协调 Kubernetes 不同组件的细粒度硬件资源分配。
- `TopologyManagerPolicyAlphaOptions`:允许微调拓扑管理器策略的实验性的、Alpha 质量的选项。
  此特性门控守护**一组**质量级别为 Alpha 的拓扑管理器选项。
  此特性门控绝对不会进阶至 Beta 或稳定版。
- `TopologyManagerPolicyBetaOptions`:允许微调拓扑管理器策略的实验性的、Beta 质量的选项。
  此特性门控守护**一组**质量级别为 Beta 的拓扑管理器选项。
- `TopologyManagerPolicyOptions`: Allow fine-tuning of topology manager policies,
- `UnauthenticatedHTTP2DOSMitigation`: Enables HTTP/2 Denial of Service (DoS)
  mitigations for unauthenticated clients.
  Kubernetes v1.28.0 through v1.28.2 do not include this feature gate.
- `UnknownVersionInteroperabilityProxy`: Proxy resource requests to the correct peer kube-apiserver when
  multiple kube-apiservers exist at varied versions.
  See [Mixed version proxy](/docs/concepts/architecture/mixed-version-proxy/) for more information.
- `UserNamespacesSupport`: Enable user namespace support for Pods.
  Before Kubernetes v1.28, this feature gate was named `UserNamespacesStatelessPodsSupport`.
- `TopologyManagerPolicyOptions`:允许微调拓扑管理器策略。
- `UnauthenticatedHTTP2DOSMitigation`:此功能针对未认证客户端启用 HTTP/2 拒绝服务(DoS)防御机制。
  值得注意的是,Kubernetes v1.28.0 至 v1.28.2 版本中并未包含这一功能。
- `UnknownVersionInteroperabilityProxy`:存在多个不同版本的 kube-apiserver 时将资源请求代理到正确的对等 kube-apiserver。
- `UserNamespacesSupport`:为 Pod 启用用户名字空间支持。
  在 Kubernetes v1.28 之前,此特性门控被命名为 `UserNamespacesStatelessPodsSupport`。
- `ValidatingAdmissionPolicy`: Enable [ValidatingAdmissionPolicy](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/validating-admission-policy/)
  support for CEL validations be used in Admission Control.
- `VolumeCapacityPriority`: Enable support for prioritizing nodes in different
  topologies based on available PV capacity.
- `ValidatingAdmissionPolicy`:启用准入控制中所用的对 CEL 校验的 [ValidatingAdmissionPolicy](/zh-cn/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/validating-admission-policy/) 支持。
- `VolumeCapacityPriority`:基于可用 PV 容量的拓扑,启用对不同节点的优先级支持。
- `WatchBookmark`: Enable support for watch bookmark events.
- `WatchList` : Enable support for [streaming initial state of objects in watch requests](/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#streaming-lists).
- `WinDSR`: Allows kube-proxy to create DSR loadbalancers for Windows.
- `WinOverlay`: Allows kube-proxy to run in overlay mode for Windows.
- `WatchBookmark`:启用对 watch 操作中 bookmark 事件的支持。
- `WatchList`:启用对
  [在 watch 请求中流式传输对象的初始状态](/zh-cn/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#streaming-lists)的支持。
- `WinDSR`:允许 kube-proxy 为 Windows 创建 DSR 负载均衡。
- `WinOverlay`:允许在 Windows 的覆盖网络模式下运行 kube-proxy。
- `WindowsHostNetwork`: Enables support for joining Windows containers to a hosts' network namespace.
- `WindowsHostNetwork`:启用对 Windows 容器接入主机网络名字空间的支持。
k8s-ci-robot commented 9 months ago

This issue is currently awaiting triage.

SIG Docs takes a lead on issue triage for this website, but any Kubernetes member can accept issues by applying the triage/accepted label.

The triage/accepted label can be added by org members by writing /triage accepted in a comment.

Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available [here](https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/guide/pull-requests.md). If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the [kubernetes/test-infra](https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra/issues/new?title=Prow%20issue:) repository.
sftim commented 9 months ago

/remove-kind support /area localization

sftim commented 9 months ago

We have Git source control; why would we need to take a backup?

Maybe you mean “reinstate”?

sftim commented 9 months ago

A quick fix is to move the existing file content/zh-cn/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/feature-gates.md to content/zh-cn/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/feature-gates/index.md

windsonsea commented 9 months ago

ok, understand, this will be closed.