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[bn] List of Glossary files for localize #45729

Open asem-hamid opened 3 months ago

asem-hamid commented 3 months ago

What is this issue for?

Hello Bengali localizers, we have a total of 146 glossary terms to localize into Bangla. I will separate some files for you, which are prioritized. Please make sure to localize them first.

How can I contribute?

All the information you need is covered in this video. For more information join us on slack

Checklist to translate a term

  1. Check that no one else has claimed the page in the comments below.
  2. Comment below the page that you would like to localize, focus on one page per PR, at a time. Example: I am working on content/bn/<xyz.md>
  3. Maintainers will add your username next to your selected page in the below checklist.
  4. Fork this repo, make your localizations, and submit a pull request following the name convention [bn] Localization of . Example: [bn] Localization of cloud_native_apps.md
  5. Target branch dev-1.24-bn.1 when creating the PR
  6. tag/ping a maintainer to make it easier to track progress
  7. Also, when you create a PR, please make sure to add these line in the description.

    Resolves : #45729

### First priority
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/controller.md` @aytullahdev
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/kube-scheduler.md` @aytullahdev
### Glossary file list
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/addons.md` @sajjadrahman56
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/admission-controller.md` @sajjadrahman56
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/affinity.md` @sajjadrahman56
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/aggregation-layer.md` @Ashfinn
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/annotation.md` @Ashfinn
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/api-eviction.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/api-group.md` @MRH-Romit
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/app-container.md` @MRH-Romit
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/application-architect.md` @MRH-Romit
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/application-developer.md` @SAShameem
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/applications.md` @Ashfinn
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/approver.md` @Ashfinn
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cadvisor.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/certificate.md` @SAShameem
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cgroup.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cidr.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cla.md` @Ashfinn
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cloud-controller-manager.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cloud-provider.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cluster-architect.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cluster-infrastructure.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cluster-operations.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cluster-operator.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cluster.md` @radiumSodium
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cncf.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cni.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/code-contributor.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/configmap.md` @SAShameem
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/container-env-variables.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/container-lifecycle-hooks.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/container-runtime-interface.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/container-runtime.md` @sajibAdhi
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/container.md` @radiumSodium
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/containerd.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/contributor.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/control-plane.md` @SAShameem
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/controller.md` @aytullahdev
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cri-o.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cri.md` @sadique21hs
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cronjob.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/csi.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/customresourcedefinition.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/daemonset.md` @SAShameem
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/data-plane.md` @SAShameem
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/deployment.md` @radiumSodium
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/developer.md` @SAShameem
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/device-plugin.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/disruption.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/docker.md` @SAShameem
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/dockershim.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/downstream.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/downward-api.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/dynamic-volume-provisioning.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/endpoint-slice.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/endpoint.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/ephemeral-container.md` @radiumSodium
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/etcd.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/event.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/eviction.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/extensions.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/feature-gates.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/finalizer.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/flexvolume.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/garbage-collection.md` @sadique21hs
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/gateway.md` @sadique21hs
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/group-version-resource.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/helm-chart.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/horizontal-pod-autoscaler.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/host-aliases.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/image.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/immutable-infrastructure.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/index.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/ingress.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/init-container.md` @radiumSodium
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/istio.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/job.md` @AdiyanAbdurRahman
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/jwt.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/kops.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/kube-apiserver.md` @MRH-Romit
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/kube-controller-manager.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/kube-proxy.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/kube-scheduler.md` @aytullahdev
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/kubeadm.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/kubectl.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/kubelet.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/kubernetes-api.md` @sadique21hs
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/label.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/limitrange.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/logging.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/managed-service.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/manifest.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/master.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/member.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/minikube.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/mirror-pod.md` @MRH-Romit
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/mixed-version-proxy.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/name.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/namespace.md` @radiumSodium
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/network-policy.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/node-pressure-eviction.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/node.md` @Ashfinn
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/object.md` @asem-hamid
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/operator-pattern.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/persistent-volume-claim.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/persistent-volume.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/platform-developer.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/pod-disruption-budget.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/pod-disruption.md` @asem-hamid
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/pod-lifecycle.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/pod-priority.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/pod-security-policy.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/pod.md` @asem-hamid
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/preemption.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/probe.md` @sadique21hs
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/proxy.md` @awwroni
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/qos-class.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/quantity.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/rbac.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/replica-set.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/replica.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/replication-controller.md` @asem-hamid
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/resource-quota.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/reviewer.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/secret.md` @SAShameem
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/security-context.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/selector.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/service-account.md` @Ashfinn
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/service-catalog.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/service.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/shuffle-sharding.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/sidecar-container.md` @sajibAdhi
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/sig.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/spec.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/statefulset.md` @sajjadrahman56
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/static-pod.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/storage-class.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/sysctl.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/taint.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/toleration.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/uid.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/upstream.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/userns.md`
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/volume-plugin.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/volume.md` @asem-hamid
- [ ] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/wg.md`
- [x] `content/en/docs/reference/glossary/workload.md` @Ashfinn
k8s-ci-robot commented 3 months ago

This issue is currently awaiting triage.

SIG Docs takes a lead on issue triage for this website, but any Kubernetes member can accept issues by applying the triage/accepted label.

The triage/accepted label can be added by org members by writing /triage accepted in a comment.

Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available [here](https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/guide/pull-requests.md). If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the [kubernetes/test-infra](https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra/issues/new?title=Prow%20issue:) repository.
dipesh-rawat commented 3 months ago

/language bn

dipesh-rawat commented 3 months ago

/sig docs /area localization

sajjadrahman56 commented 3 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/addons.md

radiumSodium commented 3 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/namespace.md

AdiyanAbdurRahman commented 3 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/job.md

sajjadrahman56 commented 3 months ago

i am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/admission-controller.md

radiumSodium commented 3 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cluster.md

radiumSodium commented 3 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/deployment.md

radiumSodium commented 3 months ago

I am working on : content/en/docs/reference/glossary/container.md

radiumSodium commented 3 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/init-container.md

sajjadrahman56 commented 3 months ago

i am working on en/docs/reference/glossary/affinity.md

radiumSodium commented 3 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/ephemeral-container.md

sajjadrahman56 commented 3 months ago

i am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/statefulset.md

aytullahdev commented 2 months ago

working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/controller.md

asem-hamid commented 2 months ago

@aytullahdev Join our Slack channel to connect with us .

Ashfinn commented 2 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/workload.md

aytullahdev commented 2 months ago

@aytullahdev Join our Slack channel to connect with us . @asem-hamid I am getting this message: doesn’t have an account on this workspace. while trying to join your slack channel

aytullahdev commented 2 months ago

working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/kube-scheduler.md

asem-hamid commented 2 months ago


try this link

Ashfinn commented 2 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/node.md

SAShameem commented 2 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/secret.md

Ashfinn commented 2 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/annotation.md

asem-hamid commented 2 months ago

@SAShameem Join our Slack channel to connect with us .

MRH-Romit commented 2 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/kube-apiserver.md

SAShameem commented 2 months ago

I'm working on, content/en/docs/reference/glossary/configmap.md

sadique21hs commented 2 months ago

I am working on, content/en/docs/reference/glossary/gateway.md

asem-hamid commented 2 months ago

@sadique21hs check out this comment .

also Join our Slack channel to connect with us .

sadique21hs commented 2 months ago

I'm working on, content/en/docs/reference/glossary/garbage-collection.md

MRH-Romit commented 2 months ago

i am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/mirror-pod.md

asem-hamid commented 2 months ago

@sadique21hs did you submit PR for content/en/docs/reference/glossary/gateway.md ?? You need to submit the pull request that you declared first. after that's you can take another.

SAShameem commented 2 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/control-plane.md

SAShameem commented 2 months ago

I'm working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/daemonset.md

asem-hamid commented 2 months ago

@SAShameem Please fix your old PRs first

MRH-Romit commented 2 months ago

i'm working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/app-container.md

Ashfinn commented 2 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/service-account.md

SAShameem commented 2 months ago

@SAShameem Please fix your old PRs first

@asem-hamid ok vaiya. I am fixing these. Thanks

Ashfinn commented 2 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/aggregation-layer.md

Ashfinn commented 2 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/cla.md

MRH-Romit commented 2 months ago

I'm Working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/api-group.md

MRH-Romit commented 2 months ago

I'm Working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/application-architect.md

Ashfinn commented 2 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/applications.md

SAShameem commented 2 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/application-developer.md

sadique21hs commented 2 months ago

I am working on, content/en/docs/reference/glossary/kubernetes-api.md

Ashfinn commented 2 months ago

I am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/approver.md

sadique21hs commented 2 months ago

i am working on content/en/docs/reference/glossary/probe.md

asem-hamid commented 2 months ago

@sadique21hs did you submit PR for glossary/garbage-collection.md ?


sadique21hs commented 2 months ago

@sadique21hs did you submit PR for glossary/garbage-collection.md ?



asem-hamid commented 2 months ago

@sadique21hs please share the PR link .

sadique21hs commented 2 months ago

@sadique21hs please share the PR link .
