kubero-dev / kubero

A free and self-hosted PaaS alternative to Coolify / Vercel / Dokku / Portainer running on Kubernetes
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Waiting for Kubero UI is freeze forever #280

Closed guzmanf closed 9 months ago

guzmanf commented 9 months ago

hello community

when install Kubero UI, message Waiting for Kubero UI is freeze forever, force reboot and connect webUI but refuse connection what is the problem ??

best regards

mms-gianni commented 9 months ago

The CLI is waiting for resources to become ready. The cause can vary. Maybe not enough resources on the worker nodes. Or permissions issues.

Here are some troubleshooting commands you could try to find out what went wrong: https://docs.kubero.dev/Installation/troubleshooting#1-kubero-ui-is-not-accessible

guzmanf commented 9 months ago

thank @mms-gianni ...

Ii try with reinstall all from begining,

fresh install vps ubuntu 22.04 with apt & update

all command as execute like root

1) install docker --> from https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/ 2) install kind --> [ $(uname -m) = x86_64 ] && curl -Lo ./kind https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/dl/v0.22.0/kind-linux-amd64 3) install kubero CLI --> curl -L https://get.kubero.dev | bash 4) install kubectl --> options Install using native package management -> Debian-based distributions 5) run kubero install with default options

and last line "Waiting for Kubero UI to be created" is freeze and not finish

in other terminal --> Troubleshooting Kubero installation

  1. Kubero UI is not accessible

Check the Kubero UI CRD kubectl get kuberoes.application.kubero.dev kubero -n kubero result

NAME AGE kubero 18m

Check if the Kubero UI is running kubectl get pods -n kubero result

No resources found in kubero namespace.

Check the Kubero ingress kubectl get ingress -n kubero result

No resources found in kubero namespace.

Check if the DNS entry is correct dig kubero.idscloud.online +noall +question +answer result

;kubero.idscloud.online. IN A kubero.idscloud.online. 1800 IN A

kubectl get pods -n kubero-operator-system result

NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-55gw2 0/2 Pending 0 104m

but problem persist,


best regard

mms-gianni commented 9 months ago

Interesting. I hope we can work that out. Never saw that.

Do you see errors in the operator logs?

kubectl logs -n kubero-operator-system kubero-operator-controller-manager-XXXXX
guzmanf commented 9 months ago


kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep kubero-operator-controller-manager result

kubero-operator-system kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-55gw2 0/2 Pending 0 112m

kubectl logs -n kubero-operator-system kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-55gw2 no result, command return nothing

the Pending has me intrigued.....

mms-gianni commented 9 months ago

So the Operator is not running. That's what causes the problems.

This should look something like this:

NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
kubero-operator-controller-manager-64b47f59d8-9wddk   2/2     Running   1  (3d3h ago)   17d 

You might find the reason in the events. But they are kept by back by kubernetes only for 1 hour. So they might be gone already in your case.

Just delete the operator-controller-manager pod. It should come up within some seconds. You should then see fresh events.

kubectl get events -n kubero-operator-system
LAST SEEN   TYPE     REASON             OBJECT                                                    MESSAGE
43s         Normal   Killing            pod/kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-bqchb    Stopping container manager
43s         Normal   Killing            pod/kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-bqchb    Stopping container kube-rbac-proxy
43s         Normal   Scheduled          pod/kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-shj7h    Successfully assigned kubero-operator-system/kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-shj7h to kubero-v2-1-control-plane
42s         Normal   Pulled             pod/kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-shj7h    Container image "gcr.io/kubebuilder/kube-rbac-proxy:v0.11.0" already present on machine
42s         Normal   Created            pod/kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-shj7h    Created container kube-rbac-proxy
42s         Normal   Started            pod/kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-shj7h    Started container kube-rbac-proxy
42s         Normal   Pulled             pod/kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-shj7h    Container image "ghcr.io/kubero-dev/kubero-operator/kuberoapp:v0.0.155" already present on machine
42s         Normal   Created            pod/kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-shj7h    Created container manager
42s         Normal   Started            pod/kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-shj7h    Started container manager
43s         Normal   SuccessfulCreate   replicaset/kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd   Created pod: kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-shj7h
24s         Normal   LeaderElection     configmap/kubero-operator                                 kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-shj7h_d877f3ad-24bb-4f8e-824e-501ab2933ca4 became leader
24s         Normal   LeaderElection     lease/kubero-operator                                     kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-shj7h_d877f3ad-24bb-4f8e-824e-501ab2933ca4 became leader
guzmanf commented 9 months ago

Dear @mms-gianni , the problem is with the VPS, it is very basic


look at this log --> kubectl get events -n kubero-operator-system LAST SEEN TYPE REASON OBJECT MESSAGE 2m1s Warning FailedScheduling pod/kubero-operator-controller-manager-d5cbcc6dd-55gw2 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient cpu. preemption: 0/1 nodes are available: 1 No preemption victims found for incoming pod.

..and my contabo vps image

run excelente!!!

thanks for the support, please close issue

best regard

mms-gianni commented 9 months ago

Happy I was able to help.

BTW: I got a small dev Kubernetes running on a single RaspberryPi with 4GB RAM. I used k3s to install it.
