kubeshop / monokle

Monokle is a set of OSS tools designed to help create and maintain high-quality Kubernetes configurations throughout the application lifecycle
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Add configuration policy to new project flows #4091

Open olensmar opened 1 year ago

olensmar commented 1 year ago

When creating a new project I want to specify which validation plugins that should be enabled - instead of having to do that later. Suggest we add a checklist to the corresponding forms/panels - one item for each validation plugin (individual rules can be configured later) - default to enable:

julioramosest commented 1 year ago

@olensmar agree with adding a multiselect list to corresponding forms for each one of the starting options. Together with some easy info/trust text label or similar, so beginner users don't get lost/frustrated. I'll work on something

julioramosest commented 11 months ago

Find ux proposal here: https://www.figma.com/file/V9FLU3sgj5oIwDhAIRNyIb/Policy?type=design&node-id=840%3A5115&mode=design&t=U7DNymsDYCIFwelL-1

olensmar commented 11 months ago

@julioramosest this was actually intended for Desktop - but the designs seem to for Cloud?

julioramosest commented 11 months ago

@olensmar yes I noticed that the other day, my bad. Let me rework it for Desktop

julioramosest commented 11 months ago

@olensmar @devcatalin find design and UX notes here: https://www.figma.com/file/V9FLU3sgj5oIwDhAIRNyIb/Policy?type=design&node-id=840%3A5115&mode=design&t=S7eKTkRRnRgiy28n-1 I believe this works for most new project cases, let's review individually if needed.

adding a policy setup to project creation 1 adding a policy setup to project creation 2 adding a policy setup to project creation 3
julioramosest commented 11 months ago

To Catalin request, see UI and UX notes for Cloud version of this feature (adding policy set up to project creation): https://www.figma.com/file/V9FLU3sgj5oIwDhAIRNyIb/Policy?type=design&node-id=934%3A3603&mode=design&t=p4yTV0dQU5m29tsO-1