kubeshop / testkube

☸️ Kubernetes-native testing framework for test execution and orchestration
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Implement test detection for ginkgo tests #4927

Open lsoica opened 10 months ago

lsoica commented 10 months ago

Currently, executing testkube generate tests-crds . returns

# getting test options for file user_authentication_test.go can't detect executor type by passed file content (), please pass valid --type flag

As the IsWithPath function for the ginkgo detector is not implemented: https://github.com/kubeshop/testkube/blob/main/contrib/executor/ginkgo/pkg/ginkgo/ginkgo.go#L31

// IsWithPath detects based on upsert test options what kind of test it is
func (d Detector) IsWithPath(path string, options apiClient.UpsertTestOptions) (name string, ok bool) {
    // TODO: implement for multiple files test
    return "", false
vsukhin commented 10 months ago

hey @lsoica Thank you for a good question. At the moment we don't support crd generation for a folder based tests like Ginkgo, it only works for a single file based tests. But we are going to improve it in Pro edition, ping @TheBrunoLopes