kubesphere / ks-installer

Install KubeSphere on existing Kubernetes cluster
Apache License 2.0
526 stars 743 forks source link

ks安装失败 #209

Open chinaboy007 opened 4 years ago

chinaboy007 commented 4 years ago

主机是centos 7.5最小化安装的,很干净 前面没有报错,最后报错了 。。。。。。 ok: [ks-allinone] => (item={u'name': u'helm_enabled', u'value': True}) => { "changed": false, "item": { "name": "helm_enabled", "value": true }, "msg": "All assertions passed" } ok: [ks-allinone] => (item={u'name': u'openstack_lbaas_enabled', u'value': False}) => { "changed": false, "item": { "name": "openstack_lbaas_enabled", "value": false }, "msg": "All assertions passed" }

TASK [kubernetes/preinstall : Stop if even number of etcd hosts] *** Tuesday 08 October 2019 12:16:12 -0400 (0:00:00.202) 0:01:01.967 * ok: [ks-allinone] => { "changed": false, "msg": "All assertions passed" }

TASK [kubernetes/preinstall : Stop if memory is too small for masters] ***** Tuesday 08 October 2019 12:16:12 -0400 (0:00:00.080) 0:01:02.047 * fatal: [ks-allinone]: FAILED! => { "assertion": "ansible_memtotal_mb >= 1500", "changed": false, "evaluated_to": false, "msg": "Assertion failed" }

PLAY RECAP *** ks-allinone : ok=27 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1
localhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0

Tuesday 08 October 2019 12:16:12 -0400 (0:00:00.063) 0:01:02.110 *** =============================================================================== gather facts from all instances ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 21.05s bootstrap-os : Assign inventory name to unconfigured hostnames (non-CoreOS and Tumbleweed) ----------- 20.84s bootstrap-os : Gather nodes hostnames ---------------------------------------------------------------- 10.63s download : Download items ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.83s download : Download items ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.74s bootstrap-os : Check python-pip package --------------------------------------------------------------- 0.68s bootstrap-os : Install libselinux-python and yum-utils for bootstrap ---------------------------------- 0.66s download : Sync container ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.65s download : Sync container ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.64s bootstrap-os : Install pip for bootstrap -------------------------------------------------------------- 0.54s bootstrap-os : Install epel-release for bootstrap ----------------------------------------------------- 0.44s kubernetes/preinstall : Remove swapfile from /etc/fstab ----------------------------------------------- 0.43s bootstrap-os : Disable fastestmirror plugin ----------------------------------------------------------- 0.37s adduser : User | Create User -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.36s bootstrap-os : Create remote_tmp for it is used by another module ------------------------------------- 0.34s bootstrap-os : check if atomic host ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.34s adduser : User | Create User Group -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.27s kubernetes/preinstall : Stop if known booleans are set as strings (Use JSON format on CLI: -e "{'key': true }") --- 0.20s bootstrap-os : Remove require tty --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.19s bootstrap-os : Check presence of fastestmirror.conf --------------------------------------------------- 0.18s failed!

pixiake commented 4 years ago

Stop if memory is too small for masters 机器内存不够 建议8c16g